Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 20: Lucy, Come On

Chapter 20: Lucy, Come On

As soon as Alan said that, the girl's expression became very exciting. At first, her small mouth opened into an "O" shape, her face full of surprise. Then, the corners of his eyebrows rose, and a trace of killing intent rose in his eyes. In the end, his expression returned to calm, and even a faint smile appeared on his lips.

She shrugged and said, "My mother was right. Men are proud and arrogant animals, especially when it comes to discriminating against women."

Alan spread out his hands, not intending to explain that he was not a male chauvinist, but that he could not stand the girl's arrogance and arrogance.

"Hey, don't think that just because your score is higher than mine, you're definitely better than me. Otherwise, let's fight." The young girl put her hands around her chest and raised her chin slightly. She was so proud that she looked like an open peacock.

"I refuse."

The girl's teeth itched with hatred, "It's like this again, you coward!"

"There are plenty of opportunities for duels in the death arena. As for now, no matter when or where, it's inappropriate, isn't it?" Alan admired the fact that the girl had just calmed down and was boiling with excitement. He smiled and turned around to leave.

The girl stamped her foot with hatred. A girl next to her whispered, "Sister Lucy, forget it. He's not the only one who has a choice. Look, they all want to be your subordinates."

Indeed, the youths who had previously cast hostile gazes at Alan were now trying their best to squeeze forward just for the sake of being seen by the girl. The blonde girl snorted coldly, "Emily, I don't need an incompetent subordinate. Besides, there's no such thing as'impossible 'in this miss' dictionary. I will definitely take down that kid named Alan!"

"Sister Lucy, he seems to be about your age."

"What nonsense! How could a boss be younger than his subordinates? That's why I said he's a kid. He's a kid!"

"Alright Alright."

After the small episode, Alan did not have the mood to continue to the other training areas. He directly arrived at the central venue. The central venue was very spacious, almost like a plaza. Several large metal pillars surrounded the edge of the venue, separating the central venue from the rest of the area. The metal benches were arranged in a ring shape, forming a concentric circle of five rows of benches, with an empty space in the middle.

There weren't many people in the central venue, so the teenagers chose to sit in twos and threes. When Alan walked in, all the teenagers raised their heads and looked at him. Alan glanced over and saw many things on their faces.

Two teenagers' eyes were filled with hostility. One of the girls smiled at him kindly, while the other teenagers looked at him and lowered their heads to continue the topic. Alan walked over to a youth sitting alone. From the side of his face, he looked like he was a year or two older than Alan. Her pale brown hair hung softly on the side of her face, and her somewhat pale face seemed to be malnourished.

The man was skinny and had long hands and feet. He was fiddling with the brain in his hand with ten nimble fingers when Alan moved closer. The screen seemed to be a game. The man controlled a hamster and nimbly escaped from all kinds of rolling balls, running through the passageways in all directions. However, he was accidentally knocked over by a ball at a corner, which prompted the game to end.

"Damn it," he said regretfully, "it's over here again."

It was as if he had discovered Alan long ago, so his expression when he turned his head wasn't surprised at all. He even raised his head and said, "No, it's not bad to use it to practice reflex nerves."

"No, I just played in the reaction training area. Hello, my name is Alan "

"Ans." '"So, you're here to look for allies, too?" His name was written in the Young Master's paper, and he smiled faintly.

"What about you?"

'"Same, but I'm not a very sociable person. So you see, I've been here for a few days and haven't made a single friend. Well, you're a stranger. You didn't come here today, did you?" Ans said with a shrug.

"You guys came here on the first day?" Alan was a little surprised.

Ans was even more shocked than he was, "You should know that making allies, dealing with other competitors together, and then having allies fight each other to produce winners. This set of practices has become the standard procedure for all previous sessions."

Alan said awkwardly, "Actually, my mentor only recently told me about it."

Ans laughed, "Looks like your mentor is really an unqualified fellow."

Thinking of Hughton's half-drunk and half-awake appearance, Alan nodded and said, "I guess so."

The two looked at each other and smiled. Just as Alan wanted to know more about Ans, a few teenagers walked over to them. The girl who smiled kindly at Ellen said, "You must be Ellen who just broke the scoring record in the reaction training area, right?"

Alan nodded in surprise.

A boy with a freckled face said, "Great, Alan. Let's make a friend. My name is Kurd, and I'm Wei'er. And Haskie, Nordman "

They "enthusiastically" pulled Ellen away from Ans. The boy named Kurd put his arm around Ellen's shoulder and said, "Don't hang out with Ans. He's very sinister."

Alan couldn't help but look back at Ans when the tall and thin youth had already left.

"Alan has refreshed Lucy's score and avenged us. That woman has been so arrogant these past few days "

"I'm so happy today, why don't we go to the bar for a drink?"

Alan was surprised that there was actually a bar here. At the same time, she also knew that the arrogant girl was called Lucy. The new friends seemed to be too enthusiastic. They almost carried Ellen to the bar. Alan felt that something was wrong. When he looked at Wei'er, a trace of panic flashed across her face. Then, he tried to smile, which made Alan even more suspicious.

The bar was at the west corner of the hall. When Alan stepped in, he discovered that the bar was very quiet. There was only a chubby fellow sitting at the bar counter. The chubby man was like a mountain of meat. Even his jacket was rolled up, revealing a circle of fat meat.

Kurd even locked the bar door from the inside and carefully put up a "Close" sign outside. '"It doesn't look like you're going to treat me to a drink," said Alan coolly.

The fat man jumped down from the bar, his legs propped up on the ground, causing the ground to shake gently. The fat man's body trembled, and his little eyes narrowed. "My name is Lucy Allen. I heard you just broke the record for that little bitch Lucy." He smiled.

"So what?"

"Nothing much, just a nimble fellow like Lucy is enough. I think a lot of people will have a headache if there is one more. For the sake of everyone, what do you think of the idea of letting us break your limbs?" Fatty said with a smile, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

Ellen's gaze became sharp as he swept past the faces of the teenagers and girls, "You think so too?"

The girl named Wei'er lowered her head and put her hands behind her back, twisting uneasily. The other teenagers looked at Ellen unwillingly. Kurd blushed even more and shouted, "That's right, if it wasn't for deceiving you, do you think we would be interested in being friends with this white-haired boy? Of course, if you were willing to pout your butt, I think Lucen would be interested in making friends with you."

A few teenagers burst into laughter. Fatty Luson said, "You know what? Alan, how did I get out of the training camp in District 12? It's actually very simple. I just sat all of their heads down."

Ellen smiled, "Really? Actually, I want to tell you one thing too. Not only am I flexible, but "


As soon as he finished speaking, Alan had already hit Kurd's body, and then his fist smashed into the freckled youth's nose. Kurd's nose immediately snapped. Two teenagers rushed up to hug Alan and smashed his ribs with their fists. The worst of these youths had also tempered two vortexes of Origin Energy, causing them to exert quite a bit of strength.

Alan wasn't strong enough to ignore the damage, but he had learned to endure the pain through years of wilderness life and Ron's training camp. Ellen reached out and grabbed their fists. He raised his leg and hit Normand's heel. The youth almost rolled his eyes in pain. How could he have the strength to attack Ellen? Alan let go of him and slammed his palm into Haskie's throat, causing the youth to retreat repeatedly. He reached out to cover his neck and couldn't breathe for a long time.

Lu Sen's roar came from behind him. Alan didn't have time to dodge and was knocked straight by the fat man like a mountain of meat. He flew out and knocked down several tables. While he was still on the ground, the fat man ran over like an elephant. He stretched out his thigh and kicked Alan in the chest.

Alan hurriedly rolled to the side and dodged. He extended his foot and kicked Lu Sen's heel. This kick caused the fatty to lose his balance, and Lusen screamed as he fell to the ground. Ellen pounced over and punched him in the nose as well. Lu Sen's eyes glittered with stars. At this moment, the wind behind him suddenly rose. Alan raised his hand to block, and a glass bottle smashed into his hand. The wine bottle exploded. The fragments scratched Ellen's hand and sprayed a few drops of blood.

Alan's eyes turned even redder as he looked at the blood he was dripping on the ground. The silver hair stood upright and he looked at Kurd who was still holding half of the wine bottle. Suddenly, he kicked him in the chest and Kurd flew backwards. His chest sunk unnaturally. Apparently, several of his bones had been broken.

Lu Sen, who had fallen to the ground, took the opportunity to get up and hugged Ellen tightly. He shouted at the girl who was hiding in the corner, "Wei'er, cripple him!"

Lu Sen's strength wasn't small. When he used all of his strength to bind Alan, his Origin Energy was surging. In Allen's eyes, the fatty's arm glowed faintly. He tried to break free, but Lucen's hands didn't move at all. The girl called Wei'er walked over timidly and had a short knife in her hand. The girl's expression was full of struggle. Just as she was about to risk everything to stab the knife at Allen, the window behind Lucen suddenly shattered.

A figure jumped in from the open window, rolled over the table beside the window, and bounced up. The figure flashed behind Lu Sen and a pair of fists landed on both sides of Lu Sen's temples with a headache. The fatty cried out in pain and hugged Ellen's hand tightly.

Alan took the opportunity to grab one of Lu Sen's arms, and a bright light shone in the depths of his bright red pupils. He let out a muffled snort, and the Origin Energy within his body surged, causing Lu Sen to be thrown out! Wei'er, who was standing beside him, screamed and retreated. The knife in her hand had already fallen to the ground. Seeing that Lu Sen wouldn't be able to get up for a while, Alan had the time to look back.

The golden ponytail was still swaying left and right behind his head, and there was still a wide smile on his face. Jade's eyes were like deep pools, as if they wanted to attract a person's soul.

"It's you?" Alan was surprised. It turned out that the one who had helped him at the critical moment was the blonde girl who had been clamoring to accept him as his subordinate.


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