East Meet West

Chapter 41: Hidden Letter

Chapter 41: Hidden Letter

41- Hidden Letter

The last page of the book was thick and can be compared to the thickness of 2 or 3 pages when added together.

As I was holding the page, I had no idea of what to do next. As I could not find any clue.

So, I went for the most primitive way I could think of, that is tearing the page. Well not exactly tearing, I will just make a small tear near the end of the page. And so, I gripped the end of the page with my fingers and ripped a little bit.

And with little resistance, it did tear and I felt that something was inside the page, so I ripped more and saw that there was a Paper inside the thick page.

The thick page was like an envelope hiding or covering the Paper inside it.

I took out the paper and there were two lines written on it.

Open the book and place the Scroll between the book.

One Male and One Female should drop their blood on both the Scroll and Book

When I read these two lines, my eyebrows were raised and I started frowning. The two lines sounded fishy and whats with this drop the blood of a male and a female blood on the scroll and book shitty witchcraft.

Although I had lots of doubts regarding this, I still believed a part of it. Because from the novels that I read in past life, there many fishy and weird situations like now. Plus, I did not feel that I would lose something other than a few drops of blood. And I might even get an inheritance or something.

So, I took out the Knife from the storage box. This knife was obtained by me from the Evolver guard that I killed earlier who was fighting with Armelia. I used the Observation skill on the knife, as I forgot to do it earlier when I got it. And also using Observation skill might level up the skill soon.

I dont need to know Quantum physics to know that When you use a skill for a number of times, then that skill gets levelled up. As both my Sprint and Stealth levelled up due to regular use. So, it would a common thing to do if I want to level up my skills and make them stronger.


Steel knife (Little Rusted):

Name: Unnamed

+13 Strength

+10 Agility

+2 Sense

+1 Luck


When I read the Knifes stats, subconsciously a smile appeared on my face. As I did not think an ordinary looking knife that I got from the Evolver stage Guard, had such high stats and even it has a 1 Luck stat to it. That came to me as a surprise and made me delighted.

Plus, this knife has better stats when compared to the Spear or the Practice sword that I have stored in the Storage box. So, it will be more useful in fights when compared to other weapons I have.

Although 1 luck stat might sound low, but I am happy to at least know or hope that increase in my Luck stat might result in actual increase of my luck.

And there is also a saying -

A Mosquito also has meat, no matter how little but still there is meat

With so good stats available on knife, I used Observation skill on both the scroll and the book.


Brown Book:






Golden Scroll:






(Observation) skill is at low level


Hmm?...Oh Okay

When I found all the ? marks in the description for both the book and the scroll, I was confused and thought that maybe my Observation skill was at low level which led to all the ? marks when I used the skill. And when system said the reason for ? marks, my doubt got answered.

Since, I am unable to find any details regarding the Book and the Scroll, I decided to make a small cut on my finger with the knife to drop my blood on the Book and the Scroll.

Then I remembered that the letter said

One Male and One Female should drop their blood on both the Scroll and Book

And I remembered about Armelia who was with me. So, I looked for Armelia and saw that she was standing on her toes and trying to look at the content written on the letter that I was holding.

From the looks of it, she really is following my order, earlier when I told her to maintain some distance between us. And she is at least 1 meter away from me and due to her height being short she is not able to look into book or the letter. And from her actions it can be seen that she is clearly interested and curious to know about the things that I am holding. But due to earlier mishap, she is afraid to come closer.

Thinking about that it was because of her the statue broke and I was able to find the book and scroll, which means she too has a share in this. And clearly, I need her to drop blood as she is the only female nearby. So, I called her

Hey, Armelia come closer to me, I need your help

Hearing my call, Armelia got startled and then a smile appeared in her face. And hurried towards me.

When she came closer, I passed her the Paper and told her to read it.

Armelia received the paper and read it. After reading it she had confused expression visible on her face and asked

Do you want to drop blood on the scroll and the book?

I nodded and said,

Yes, let us see what happens. Anyway, we dont have anything to lose, right?

Hearing my answer, she nodded and I continued

Let me first make a cut on my finger with this knife and then you also make a small cut on your finger

With that i took the knife and tried making a small cut on my finger. And to my surprise I encountered some resistance, but I still managed to make the cut and the system notification rang.

41- Hidden Letter

The last page of the book was thick and can be compared to the thickness of 2 or 3 pages when added together.

As I was holding the page, I had no idea of what to do next. As I could not find any clue.

So, I went for the most primitive way I could think of, that is tearing the page. Well not exactly tearing, I will just make a small tear near the end of the page. And so, I gripped the end of the page with my fingers and ripped a little bit.

And with little resistance, it did tear and I felt that something was inside the page, so I ripped more and saw that there was a Paper inside the thick page.

The thick page was like an envelope hiding or covering the Paper inside it.

I took out the paper and there were two lines written on it.

Open the book and place the Scroll between the book.

One Male and One Female should drop their blood on both the Scroll and Book

When I read these two lines, my eyebrows were raised and I started frowning. The two lines sounded fishy and whats with this drop the blood of a male and a female blood on the scroll and book shitty witchcraft.

Although I had lots of doubts regarding this, I still believed a part of it. Because from the novels that I read in past life, there many fishy and weird situations like now. Plus, I did not feel that I would lose something other than a few drops of blood. And I might even get an inheritance or something.

So, I took out the Knife from the storage box. This knife was obtained by me from the Evolver guard that I killed earlier who was fighting with Armelia. I used the Observation skill on the knife, as I forgot to do it earlier when I got it. And also using Observation skill might level up the skill soon.

I dont need to know Quantum physics to know that When you use a skill for a number of times, then that skill gets levelled up. As both my Sprint and Stealth levelled up due to regular use. So, it would a common thing to do if I want to level up my skills and make them stronger.


Steel knife (Little Rusted):

Name: Unnamed

+13 Strength

+10 Agility

+2 Sense

+1 Luck


When I read the Knifes stats, subconsciously a smile appeared on my face. As I did not think an ordinary looking knife that I got from the Evolver stage Guard, had such high stats and even it has a 1 Luck stat to it. That came to me as a surprise and made me delighted.

Plus, this knife has better stats when compared to the Spear or the Practice sword that I have stored in the Storage box. So, it will be more useful in fights when compared to other weapons I have.

Although 1 luck stat might sound low, but I am happy to at least know or hope that increase in my Luck stat might result in actual increase of my luck.

And there is also a saying -

A Mosquito also has meat, no matter how little but still there is meat

With so good stats available on knife, I used Observation skill on both the scroll and the book.


Brown Book:






Golden Scroll:






(Observation) skill is at low level


Hmm?...Oh Okay

When I found all the ? marks in the description for both the book and the scroll, I was confused and thought that maybe my Observation skill was at low level which led to all the ? marks when I used the skill. And when system said the reason for ? marks, my doubt got answered.

Since, I am unable to find any details regarding the Book and the Scroll, I decided to make a small cut on my finger with the knife to drop my blood on the Book and the Scroll.

Then I remembered that the letter said

One Male and One Female should drop their blood on both the Scroll and Book

And I remembered about Armelia who was with me. So, I looked for Armelia and saw that she was standing on her toes and trying to look at the content written on the letter that I was holding.

From the looks of it, she really is following my order, earlier when I told her to maintain some distance between us. And she is at least 1 meter away from me and due to her height being short she is not able to look into book or the letter. And from her actions it can be seen that she is clearly interested and curious to know about the things that I am holding. But due to earlier mishap, she is afraid to come closer.

Thinking about that it was because of her the statue broke and I was able to find the book and scroll, which means she too has a share in this. And clearly, I need her to drop blood as she is the only female nearby. So, I called her

Hey, Armelia come closer to me, I need your help

Hearing my call, Armelia got startled and then a smile appeared in her face. And hurried towards me.

When she came closer, I passed her the Paper and told her to read it.

Armelia received the paper and read it. After reading it she had confused expression visible on her face and asked

Do you want to drop blood on the scroll and the book?

I nodded and said,

Yes, let us see what happens. Anyway, we dont have anything to lose, right?

Hearing my answer, she nodded and I continued

Let me first make a cut on my finger with this knife and then you also make a small cut on your finger

With that i took the knife and tried making a small cut on my finger. And to my surprise I encountered some resistance, but I still managed to make the cut and the system notification rang.

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