Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 248: Tea shop

Chapter 248: Tea shop

Before Yunan sent everyone on their way, Hephaestus presented him with a small bit of information. "There is a hidden valley somewhere in the continent, inside it you may find a test made by someone, I discovered that location by accident, there are many rumours about it, one of which is that it's a dream world where one can find anything they desire. If you look for it then there will be a chance you will finish your quest much earlier than the 3 decades".

There was a smile on Hephaestus as he left the house, even though he was getting scolded by Luna secretly, she was certain that the place was sade if Hephaestus was the one to recommend it, but she still feared the bloodline rejection that may tear Yunan into shredded meat if it got out of hand.

On the other hand, Luna made her decision to stick the night with Yunan and lecture him a bit about the dangers of the world and legacies that stayed successfully hidden even to this day. That left the girls with the option of making a team meeting from that night to discuss their next moves or worship the lucky artefact Yunan made with the enthusiastic Debauchery.

As promised, Debauchery became the recipient to an idol in the image of a scantily dressed Fortuna, it had the same lucky aura and according to Yunan had a bit of the divinity of luck in it. Lady luck was not the only goddess of luck, she was just the main one, and Yunan had gotten his hands on the divinity of a "rabbit foot" when he was dishing punishment to the gods if you remember that time when Morpheus played dirty.

In the end, Luna was not the only one who lectured Yunan about the dangers of the outside world, mainly Bai and Leader, it felt like they really did not want Yunan to die. The girls also joined in the lecture making sure their husband would not fall into the woos and wiles of the women out there, he was a catch and they made sure to teach him every single entrapment trick they knew about, extending the end of the party a few more days later.

When Yunan left the dungeon through the main entrance he found Martin himself waiting for him outside the checkpoint newly set up by the guild, the two shook hands before heading to a small tea house in a corner manned by an amiable old lady, the kind of place that would be popular in a small neighborhood, upon stepping inside Yunan got the same feeling he got from the barbershop, a place where you get served by the will of the owner and money was just to keep the illusion of business.

When the two took seat and started exchanging mundane words a young female waited upon them, Martin asked for his usual while Yunan asked for anything personally made by the old lady, he was disappointed to hear a firm "no, owner does not serve anyone" so he said "well anything that can lift my mood would be great". Again the waitress had to disappoint him "we do not serve such things, please read the menu and choose a drink from the list" Yunan just randomly pointed at something from the tea list and made it his order.

Martin was intrigued by Yunan's way of ordering, it was not the typical way but he also had the feeling of him being welcome in the place with strict conditions, upon asking Yunan he found himself chuckling at the answer. "I visited a barber shop once, it looked like this place old and decaying but had a certain sense of being forbidden grounds, that shop is where I visit to have fun and not to get a haircut, you should ask Markus to take you, his nuns liked that place so much i bet they drag him there to have fun".

"What makes you think that this place is the same, a place to have fun and not to drink in peace and quiet?" Asked Martin between chuckles. Yunan just shrugged "I just felt like the old lady at the entrance had the same glint in her eyes as the barber, so I thought perhaps it was the same, well it really is disappointing to have to choose from a menu, I prefer to be served a drink designed personally for me, especially if the place has this kind of exclusive feeling".

Before Martin could process the information there was an angry shout coming from the doorway "disappointment in my shop? Thrice in one sitting? Who dares offend my customers!" The old lady briskly walked inside the tea house and found Yunan, the very source of dissatisfaction polluting her precious tea house. "What made you feel that way?" she laid a hand on Yunan's shoulder that felt heavier than the planet itself, she was strong, unfathomably strong and she was enraged.

"I asked for anything personally made by you and got rejected, they said you serve no one, when I asked for a drink to uplift my mood they said I have to follow the menu, and the feeling of this place reminded me of a certain fun shop that made me feel it's wasted on this funless place". The old woman had a really beautiful smile on her face "well, well, aren't you a brave little one, I like you, it has been too long since anyone else told me off in my own shop, I'll make your mood uplifter if you pay 10 gold coins".

Martin did a spit take dousing Yunan in some rather minty-fresh tea, 10 gold coins was not even a drop in a bucket when it came to the prices in this place, even entering the place cost a few tens of thousands let alone the drinks, and this guy just got to pay such a measly some for getting a drink made by the owner and it was something that was not on the menu, that would usually cost millions if one asked for something not in the menu.

Yunan took out a pouch full of gold coins " I will pay for ten different mood glasses for two" the old woman took the pouch while the staff were getting nervous and fidgeting about, it has been years since the owner got involved and they felt from her stares that they were in for a spanking once she was done, so the closed the shop and hid in the kitchen away from her sight for the moment.

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