Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 215: End of the incident

Chapter 215: End of the incident

If you ask a rich person who was born in riches and had a high sense of worth, what would their lives be worth, they would give different answers to different people, the answer is always what the questioner values most.

If however they were asked by someone they deemed as an equal the answer is always the same no matter how many entitled rich sons you ask, nothing can pay for my life, the universe itself is nothing but dust compared to me. That is how self-important people think about their own value, even though they could die to a mosquito bite or a thorn prick, they think they are beyond the concept of worth.

And when three such people are presented with 100 years of torment; that is what they think offering aid without pay is; they would consider death to be a release, they would hesitate, they would try to bargain, they would even try to kill themselves but in the end they would not be able to help themselves from seeking life for the next opportune moment to rise again and return to their seats of power. However for people in their ages who are going to be doing nothing but menial tasks and be malnourished an mistreated their lifespans gained from extremely high Constitution would dwindle as their Constitution dwindles from the prolonged lack of training and challenge, they might even die before the end of the term in the contract if they kept the mental stress from losing their lofty positions and being reduced to daydreaming about how they would rise again, it was a death trap, and the best case scenario is leaving the guild as old men with nothing, they would be weak and cripples before they could make enough money to pay for a nursing home and they will suffer being the kind of poor, dirty and dishevelled commoners they despised the most.

The delegate of the guild might have seen through the first part of making use of their miserable unsalvageable lives, and he was correct but he did not look deep enough to understand what 100 years of menial service meant, ordinary humans die 50 years earlier from doing the same and they are happy and content and stressless, if the metric was applied with the added stress these three will accumulate, their life spans of 10 thousand years would reduce to a measly 200 or even less, and if you factor in the degradation in Constitution, well them surviving the next 50 years would make Yunan applaud their tenacity.

Well as expected the three took enough time to start coughing blood from the effects of the poison before they signed the contract, after which they were saved by Yunan and the other healers, and as expected their first action was to attack Yunan who simply dodged them like the plague, while conversing with the delegate "if I make a complaint about being attacked by servants of the guild what happens?". The delegate thought for a moment then said "you would get a compensation depending on the level of discomfort caused and they would face reduced meals and increases in workload and work time depending on the inconvenience caused by them, so if they actually harm you I would say about 3 years worth of one meal per day and 20 hours of daily work".

That brought the three to a halt, next they targeted the gentle lady and her daughter begging and pleading for her to buy their contract, using their money and whatever else it took, even if she had to sell both her body and her daughter's, the wrong thing to say to any mother. The gentlelady bowed gratefully to Yunan and was about to leave when a silver mouse appeared on her shoulder, she took it and passed it to her still sleeping daughter. As a mother, she would not let her daughter witness the destruction of her clan as well as the horrible scene that was left behind inside the palace.

The delegate asked Yunan if he could deal with the corpses left in this place and the rest of the contamination, to which Yunan answered affirmatively, he also made a deal with the delegate when everyone was far away, he told him to use his account to buy the hanging palace from the gentle lady because she seemed like she would sell it at the first chance. He made sure to send the lady and her daughter two pieces of Stargazer jewellery as an apology for breaking apart the family, as for the hanging palace, if she sold it to Yunan he wanted the guild to use it as an inn or a service hub where some of the profits would be put into an account for the little girl, a contingency plan to keep her sustained if the mother made some financial mistakes.

He also paid a hefty sum to remove the stain of the hanging palace from the little girl and her mother, he didn't want them to be influenced by the bad reputation of the old family, especially since most of them died and the living where in no position to go against the events of today, making it possible for the two to live happy long lives in the bosom of luxury.

Dealing with this mess brought Yunan back to the world of the living in a very harsh way, he was so focused on the dungeon and getting stronger, that he almost forgot, that there was no danger against him or the ones who were close to him, even the gods could not be counted as a danger because it was beyond his ability no matter what he did, unless he gained the chance to ascend, he is as safe as could be in his private self-sufficient pocket dimension, where he and his family and friends and beloved ones can live for eternity without trouble, this idea brought a sense of loss and purposeless feeling to Yunan.

That slump only lasted a few days before he heard something from Fae "life is best without purpose, you can make your purpose every moment, and you can fulfil your dreams every day, your dreams can go from something as small as having lunch to as big as ascending, if the dream got too big, change it, you have nothing that would stop you, you make your own purpose in life, the rest is just useless drivel"

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