Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 208: Quest giver

Chapter 208: Quest giver

After sending the girls back home, Yunan made his way to the guild branch building with Sapphira sitting on top of his head and the Silva the silver mouse sitting on top of the cat's head, he told the employee he was here to finish a quest.

The employee took a look at the quest then looked at Yunan as if she was looking at an idiot, at least he could try to lie better if he wanted to get a free completion fee, although she has been an employee for the guild for a long time she never see someone as shameless as him walking into the building with a cat on his head and reporting accomplishing a quest that is harder to do than arrive at the 40th floor.

Yunan saw the odd look the employee gave him and wanted to ask about it but then a thought occurred to him, she might have missed the silver fur ball sitting on a silver cat and attributed it to a strange breed of exotic cats that had some kind of fur crown on their heads. So he lifted his palm upward and the furball jumped down from Sapphira's head, the mouse made a squealing noise as it rolled around on the palm. "This is Silva and he is my proof of completing the quest, it's hard to see on the cat so it is normal for you to miss it, now can you please finish the paperwork, I want to get paid".

The clerk almost jumped out from her skin when she noticed that the furball was actually the coveted silver mouse, she quickly got busy not daring to delay any longer, catching a silver mouse was nothing but easy, however getting to sit on your cat was on the other end of the spectrum, many beast trainers did, in fact, tame the beast but apart from themselves and few others the mice would die if put into contact with outsiders, the silver mice did not live long enough before killing themselves if they were exposed to a high number of people, and they did not live long enough for them to get used to crowded places, let alone other animals.

It did not take long before the paperwork was done and the clerk made an appointment with Yunan to return after a week to meet with the quest givers, and fulfil the last requirements of the quest, a public showing. Afterwards, Yunan returned home and called his friends to come over and get Silva used to crowded places, it was a brave little thing, even if it was scared senseless, it still calmed down itself by running to Yunan or Sapphira and Drogon to relax before bravely exploring the new environment or the new people.

And as you might guess, Leader and Fae were instantly love-struck, Dustan and Balin wanted to skin the little thing because it looked so soft, Reina and Lucian were classified as a friend by Sliva soon after introduction as for bai, he was a risk zone that Silva avoided at all costs, even Leol got to touch the mouse while bai was the only one left out, according to Sapphira, the mouse was not afraid of Bai but being close to Bai was like walking besides the body of a sleeping snake, it might bite and it might not, and Silva was not taking that risk.

Eventually, after a full week of slow and steady steps Bai got to feed Silva by hand, an achievement for both, but it would take a bit longer for them to actually touch and play together. Bai was so happy about it that he told Yunan it was his turn to teach Yunan and that the lesson was about being a rogue, it was the third special training he got on this dungeon but he feared how far Bai would go, because even holding back, Bai was a monster to deal with.

Yunan left for his appointment with the quest giver and the showing of the tame silver mouse. He soon arrived at the guild branch to meet a young servant who introduced himself as the representative of the quest giver and was there to verify the existence of the tamed silver mouse, Yunan simply spread open his palm and let Silva step out from his sleeve, he decided it was a bad idea to show off Sapphira or Drogon because they would bring much more attention than Yunan was ready for.

After taking a closer look and confirming the completion of the quest, he invited Yunan to meet his master and his master's guests to showcase the mouse, Yunan nodded asking him to lead the way. It didn't take the two long as they flew across the established base towards a rather fancy looking place that was made out of many residential blocks and renovated to look like a hanging palace amidst hanging gardens, it was a picturesque view that gave one the impression they were walking into the gardens of Eden instead of the living place of a mortal being.

The servant led Yunan to the inner courtyard, probably the one where the master of the house lived, and contrary to the outer look of the palace this courtyard was humble and simple looking, a 3-meter wall surrounding a pond and small cabin beside the pond. Outside of the pond was a middle-aged woman and a little child in her arms, the woman looked majestic in a simple blue gown that covered her from neck to toe, it did not stick to her body and did not accentuate her form, it was as modest as Mother Theresa's own clothes.

The child her arms was a five or a six-year-old girl, she looked at the colourful fishes as they swam in the pond with fascination and only spared Yunan a glance before returning her attention to the fishes playfully swimming as if they knew she was watching them, she looked like cute miniature of the woman with twin pigtails and a fluffy pink dress.

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