Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 153: Adventure and kitty

Chapter 153: Adventure and kitty

Sarah started her adventure with the new day, it felt like that to her because she became emotionally invested in this mission for a chance at helping restore her now ruined family. Although she had accepted that reality, she was extremely grateful for Yunan who gave her the chance to redemption without asking anything in return simply because he liked her honest personality, something that was very discouraged by the same family that is now being saved by that trait.

The party left the reason defying "portable home" Yunan had, she felt like there was something wrong with calling something that was bigger, better furnished and better decorated than her old castle by a name like "portable home". After leaving, the party made their way to the exit straight ahead, the party did not discuss about what they will face in the 26th floor, rather they discussed whether to or not to provoke the queen hornet but ended up reaching the exit of the floor before reaching a consensus, therefore they forgot about the whole thing and just left the floor.

Inside the 26th floor no one took out a map, nor a compass nor did they mark this place, they did nothing like the other parties, first they checked their armors and checked their communication rings, Sarah was surprised to be given a communication ring, because transmitting ideas and thoughts was much more efficient than talking. She put the ring on her index finger and it adjusted itself to look like it was custom made for her. The first thought she received was a congratulations from all other girls on joining Yunan's harem. Sarah blushed and hung her head down, she was thankful that the boys were not aware of this message.

When everyone was ready to depart Yunan stood still and waited for a few minutes before going behind a rock and dragged out a cat ear girl by the nape while she curled like a kitten, Yunan dropped the girl in the middle of the party, she had the feeling that one gets from an overly familiar cat that would just rub itself on anyone that enters the house. "Name?" Asked Lili overbearingly, she was squeezing her fists ready for a fight.

The cat girl stood up and sniffed at everyone surrounding her as she talked "call me Kitty everyone does, don't have a name, how come you all smell of each other?" She then inched her way behind Yunan and hid behind his shoulder "I like the way he smells most". Kitty was almost purring as she said that, the party looked at her then looked at Yunan with a very scary look, after some deliberation, Sarah heard the most absurd statement ever "if you like him that much why not become his pet? You can be his slave and he can do nothing to reject you".

Sarah looked at Yunan to see him face palming with a painful expression, it was true she thought to herself, what kind of party did she join?. Kitty had her eyes glowing like stars as she jumped from behind Yunan and into Lili's embrace "tell me what to do, anything, i will do anything to make him my master", looking back at Yunan who was dejected and depressed with Leol standing by his side and comforting him "why are you so against having such a cute thing as your pet? Do you know how lucky you are? There are men including me who would kill to take your place, brace yourself".

"Fine stop it, all of you, i don't want anymore slaves, if she wants to be around me, she is welcome, just not the slave thing again, why does this happen every time we meet" Yunan was not happy with the start of the adventure, so he just silenced everyone and gave kitty a ring of communication, she was so ecstatic about being able to join in that she was hopping and skipping for half the day.

What made her happier was a message that was broadcasted to all the rings by anonymous, "if you want to become a slave for Yunan just touch him and loudly pledge what you want to be for him, good luck". Yunan played dumb as if he did not see that message and led the party to explore the 26th floor.

The monsters in the floor were hellhounds, they were as big as horses and patrolled around in groups of 7, the response from Yunan's party was fixed, there were now fixed roles for everyone. Reina was a ranged damage dealer by magic or arrows, Ophelia did the healing, Sarah cast her spells, Muscles was a shield bearer, leol played the magical rogue and Lili was a bruiser, as for Yunan he was everywhere, doing everything. Kitty however was charged with babysitting Sarah and Ophelia because they were defenseless, unlike the rest of the party.

Yunan had his active aura buff at 20%, and used his weapons most of the time, while casting the occasional heal or mana restore on his allies. It was obvious to see that he was holding back, this was an adventure where he can have fun with friends, it would be too boring if it went too fast. Another thing which caused Sarah and Kitty to feel awe was the party having time to chat and joke about whilst knee deep in the blood of hellhounds.

Yunan kept the party advancing in a pattern while scouting the floor, every now and then he would use his scarry taunt that sounded more like a dragon's roar than an ordinary taunt, it was always abnormally loud and drawn in too many creatures, although the party was never overwhelmed they were getting tired and sluggish, and whenever there was a challenge room, they would leave Yunan to do it because they simply did not care, they would just find a corner and huddle together to rest until he finishes with the room.

Although the snacks, drinks and food Yunan provided were highly nutritious and energising, mental fatigue was a worse enemy than a horde of monsters so the party would rest whenever they could while Yunan just did like he always done when he was alone and carved his way without feeling the need for rest, not until night time arrived.

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