Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 32 32- Single Leaf

A faint sneer surfaced on Rose's face.

Connecting the timing of Ethan's appearance, she realized something.

A chill rose in her eyes.

The Holy Spirit Festival was in full swing, but he was trying to unseat her from the guild leader's position.

It really chilled her heart.

She dried her hair, donned a black martial outfit, and stepped onto the street.

With a toss of her hair and a stoic face, she looked at the curious crowd and shouted angrily, "Everyone, leave here within half a minute or all of you will be blacklisted by the guild!"

Upon hearing the voice, everyone turned to look.

Those who recognized Rose instantly paled and hurriedly left.

But there were those who scoffed, "Who do you think you are, telling us to leave?"

"Just because you can afford houses around here doesn't mean you can order us around!"

"Dressed pretty decently, sweetheart, name a price, let's see how much you're worth for a night."

"Ha ha ha, bro, you sure have money..."

Rose shut her eyes tightly, struggling to suppress her murderous intent.

Her voice trembled as she repeated, "I'll say it one more time, anyone who doesn't want to die, leave now!"

"Ha ha ha, what did you say? Those who don't want to die should leave? I think some bloke must've fucked you silly last night."

"This is hilarious, a breakfast shop gets bombed, and a madwoman is making a spectacle in the street. How interesting, Northwood truly keeps no idle hands. Shame about the figure, though."

As Rose opened her eyes, only a few Heroes remained before her, looking at her with amusement.

The other NPCs, learning from their companions who she was, had already cleared out.

She walked forward expressionlessly, the clicking of her high heels echoing crisply on the pavement.

"Ah, can't wait, sweetheart? Come on, let grandpa have a good time. You're getting a bargain."

Some Heroes ignored their companions' restraints and continued to taunt.

Ethan, too, emerged crestfallen from the breakfast shop after finding no clues.

He hadn't even stepped out of the door when he heard these comments, feeling somewhat surprised.

Did Northwood differ from other cities, starting these activities in the morning?

He quickly stepped out of the door, seeing Rose with a disgruntled face walking towards him and immediately was taken aback.

Looking at the men standing next to him, everything was clear in an instant.

A slender blade appeared in Rose's hand, the rose engraving on the handle was exquisitely crafted and lifelike.

The man next to Ethan laughed out loud, "Who are you trying to kill with laughter? Is your little knife still not a month old? Why don't you let it go home and drink a few more months of milk before coming back?"

Ethan retreated a bit, looking at the man with some pity.

The soldiers also mimicked him, standing behind and quietly waiting for Rose's performance.

Rose walked up to the man, the powerful aura around her caused him to break out in cold sweat, barely daring to meet her eyes.

Still, the man insisted defiantly, "What, do you think I'm afraid of you just because you're standing in front of me? What are you!"

Before the words even finished, Rose swiftly slashed, a bloody ear appeared in her palm, and the man let out a shriek like a pig being slaughtered.

He collapsed on the ground, unable to get up, crawling and tugging at his friend's pant leg.

"Please, get me out of here, get me out..."

His friend, however, didn't move.

Just as the man was about to curse him for being heartless and cowardly in the face of danger, he realized his friend's head had suddenly fallen off.

Both of their eyes met, and the man was immediately scared out of his wits.

With the man's screams, an awful stench filled the street.

It was the man, scared to the point of soiling himself.

The headless body collapsed, blood spurting onto the ground.

Rose stepped over the blood, walked up to the man, and squatted down.

Her eyebrows knitted, she said, "What's wrong, only that much courage? Weren't you fierce just now?"

At this moment, half of Rose's face was covered in blood, her eerie smile even gave Ethan chills.

This woman was not to be trifled with!

The man was so nervous he couldn't even speak, just kept gesturing with his hands.

Rose, full of smiles, "kindly" explained, "Oh? Are you trying to say there's something wrong with your leg? Then let me help you!"

Despite the man shaking his head frantically, the blade pinned his leg to the ground, and he let out another pig-like shriek.

Rose stood up, pulled out the blade, and there was not a drop of blood on the sharp edge.

"Do you know what this blade is called? It has a very nice name, 'Single Leaf'. It's one of the few C+ level special weapons in the city lord's mansion, and it's very special. As a short blade, it's hard to take advantage during battle unless in close combat. So do you know why I chose it?"

"As a weapon, after being forged by a master, it will have more or less some special effects. Guess what its special effect is?"

Rose stepped on the just wounded area, and the man immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

She continued, "Nevermind, looking at you now, you probably don't know. 'Single Leaf' has only one characteristic, that is, no liquid will stain it. Including your blood."

Rose pressed on, striking again.

The groups that had joined in mocking her before, seeing the man's current pitiful state, immediately wanted to take off.

But Ethan and the soldiers blocked their way, shaking their heads.

Catching sight of the soldiers' attire, they went white as a sheet.

Even the most foolish among them got it now; they'd pissed off someone they shouldn't have!

One by one, they started to kneel.

Some were kowtowing to Rose, others were continually slapping their own faces in an attempt to beg for Rose's mercy.

With a cold chuckle, Rose spat out, "Scum like you all deserve to die!"

As a few of the groups tried to speak, Ethan swiftly knocked them out with the flat of his blade. Seeing this, the rest quickly clammed up.

Rose glanced at Ethan, then turned her attention back to the nearly unconscious man beneath her.

With a swift motion, her short blade crossed his throat, ending his miserable life.

Rose found a somewhat clean spot on one of the two corpses, tore off a piece of cloth and wiped the drying blood from her face.

Then, she approached Ethan, standing opposite him.

Her pupils shrank, and her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

But Ethan didn't flinch, he held her gaze.

After a few seconds, she chuckled, patting Ethan on the shoulder and saying, "Nathan Turner, you've really got a gem on your hands."

She turned to the soldier behind Ethan, "Get some people to clean this up. Make it spotless, not a trace left!"

The soldier nodded frantically in fear.

Compared to Ethan, the soldier's status was clear.

Rose continued, "So, Ethan, how about working for me? I'll handle things with Nathan Turner. Whatever he's paying you, I'll give you ten times that."

Ethan pondered for a moment before responding, "Madam Leader, there are things that can be done, and things that shouldn't be done."

Rose lowered her head upon hearing an answer different from what she'd expected.

After a few seconds of silence, she replied, "Good. I'm relieved knowing our guild has someone like you. As for what comes next, we'll plan after the Holy Spirit Festival. You should go back now. Leave this place to them."

She gave Ethan a meaningful look before turning and striding away.

Ethan watched her receding figure, muttering to himself, "Holy Spirit Festival?"

The nearby soldier quickly explained, "Sir, perhaps you don't know. The Holy Spirit Festival is Northwood's annual celebration, held on the third Sunday after the beginning of summer. Neighboring cities also send representatives to observe. The festivities last three days, the first two being mostly performances, nothing special. But the third day... that's a different story."

"On the third day, the guilds will battle it out, and the victor becomes the strongest guild in Northwood, gaining the right to negotiate directly with the city's leaders. Madam Leader's blade was the prize for winning first place in last year's competition."

Suddenly, the soldier's attitude toward Ethan did a complete 180.

Ethan couldn't help but smile, patting the soldier's shoulder and saying, "I know all this already, no need for the explanation. I'm a Hero too."

The soldier hastily nodded and bowed deeply.


Meanwhile, at the other end of Northwood, Nathan Turner knelt before a strange statue.

"Time, move faster. When the Holy Spirit Festival arrives, I'll make everyone bow before me!"

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