Dungeon Battle Royale ~ Since I became a Demon King, I will aim for World Domination

Chapter 289: Strategy ④

Chapter 289 – Strategy ④

“Speed is going to be the crucial part of this 《Reign》. Eradicate all enemies as soon as possible upon my signal!”

The ever-shifting battle at Tateyama Fortress is still going on. I don’t think that the humans have the leeway to send reinforcements our way, but…make assurance double sure.

I silently wait after assigning each leader to their station.

――Chloe, Layla, Iron, Red, Flora, are you ready!?

My leaders nod.

――Yataro, Izayoi, Saburou, are you ready!?

The leaders, who are usually tasked with handling our defenses, nod as well.

――We’re going to start our invasion of Nanto Fortress now! All hands, eliminate the enemy!

In accordance with my signal, my subordinates swoop down at the fortress all at once.


Meanwhile I close my eyes and chant in my mind while holding my right hand towards the ground. The ground trembles, and at the tip of my right hand forms a black vortex with a diameter of around 30 cm, as if swallowing the space around it. The usual array of messages streams down across the display on my smartphone.

『You have started 《Reign》』

『《Reign》 has been announced to the hostile entities within its effective range』

『Please remove all hostile entities in range within 180 minutes』

『Alert! Hostile forces confirmed within the effective range. Please eliminate them at once.』

『Display map of effective range? 【YES】 【NO】

Without even checking the stream of messages, I take out my 『Megaphone』.

『Humans of Nanto Fortress! My name is Shion of the Aster Empire. Did you hear the alarm of 《Reign》? Let me apologize in advance, but this time I unfortunately don’t have the time to leisurely offer you the option of surrender. Betting my name as one of the 『Thirteen Evil Stars』 which you people have attached to me, I shall make an announcement! We will eradicate all those who take hostile actions against us within three hours! Those valuing their lives are to discard their weapons and lie down on their bellies! Regard this as my final warning! I shall pray that you do not waste your lives meaninglessly』

After finishing my speech, I check the map on my smartphone. Roughly 30,000 humans are currently inside the range of my 《Reign》. The number of red dots ― those harboring hostile intentions ― amounts to approximately 30%.

Is it maybe because the main force of Nanto Fortress has moved to Tateyama Fortress as reinforcement? The enemy forces number a lot less than I had assumed. Or did the enemy’s spirit possibly break due to our more than 10,000 troops ― the biggest army of the Aster Empire so far?

At present, there are virtually no subordinates protecting our Domain. In other words, it’s possible to invade all the way down to the last floor of any sector unhindered. However, as a side effect of me having raised my level, I doubt that it’s possible to reach the last floor of a sector within three hours. In short, it’s a tactic based on level and numbers.

Only now after succeeding to grow into one of the biggest in Japan, the Aster Empire showed its true might.

“Ho ho ho, so this is an invasion, huh?!” Yataro laughs as he’s experiencing his first invasion battle while shooting a rain of spells on the humans with his subordinates.

“Tonight the moon is very beautiful, isn’t it…? Now, come! Thank mine lord, Shion-sama, for being allowed to become his nourishment!” Izayoi swings his spear at the front line, reaping the lives of many humans.

“Ugh! …Izayoi-dono, that line…wasn’t bad at all! Disaster One, the moon is definitely beautiful tonight, isn’t it!? It’s almost as if it’s blessing us!”

“Commander-in-chief, it’s time for our Team J to unleash its true power, isn’t it?”

“Ha ha ha! It is just as you say! Team J! Let us show them our might!”

The former Demon Kings led by Saburou overwhelm the humans with individual prowess.

“You lot! Live up to Shion-sama’s expectations!”

“The farce is over! We shall exhibit our power!”

Chloe, Layla, and their troops devastate the human defenses as if to vent their anger over having had to continue with the farce for so long.

The Aster Empire’s forces, which excel in individual strength and numerical might, mow down the humans in the blink of an eye, and watching it happen, the heart of one human after the other breaks.

60 minutes since the start of my 《Reign》.

At this point, the number of red dots has already fallen far below 1,000.

90 minutes since the start of my 《Reign》.


A group of ogres led by Red destroys the door blocking our entrance into Nanto Fortress.

“Ha ha ha! Team J! We shall be the ones to charge first!”

“Ah! Bastard, don’t screw ’round with me!”

Saburou’s Team J surges into the fortress through the broken door.

『To all forces of Aster Empire! You’re forbidden to attack the people lying on their bellies! The humans exhibiting hostility ―― are to be slaughtered without delay or mercy!』

Using the order to my subordinates, I tell the humans that surrender is still a valid option. The number of red dots is…100?

I guess it’s time to do the fine tuning.

『Chloe! 13 people around here possess hostile intentions! Annihilate them!』

I order Chloe while using my 『Megaphone』 so as to inform the humans as well.

“Who are the fools opposing Shion-sama!?”

As Chloe gradually defeated the humans in the vicinity, the 13 red dots vanished from my map.

Afterwards I continued to hand out finer instructions.

120 minutes since the start of my 《Reign》. All red dots within the range of 《Reign》 had been annihilated.

Translation Notes:

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