Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 558 No need to waste

Chapter 558 No need to waste

As Song Guanyu's vision finally focused, a shudder went through him at the sight of the familiar features of the man.

He knew that logically, there should not be a reason for him to fear now, as his Grand Ancestor stood beside him at this moment.

Yet he could not hold back the dread welling up from deep within, shuddering as he looked at that figure.

The fear that first was engraved into his mind in the throne room of the Imperial Palace when it dawned on him that Wu Long was truly unlike any other, and was not restrained by the same rules, that fear blossomed now once again.

It was not only him, but all who stood before Wu Long. It would have been strange not to.

After all, he appeared before them as if a force of nature itself, the personification of a storm.

The harsh wind, the heavy rain, none of it affected the Feng Family troops as if they were under a huge dome.

And none of them seemed disoriented as the entire delegation of the Azure Eagle Empire was.

The thick arcs of lightning around him were subsiding, but nevertheless still present, and yet not doing any harm to the people around him.

All of that told everyone, that what they thought was a rapid shift in weather was in fact, his doing.

"What the hell?

W-who is that?"

A muffled shout from the side as hearing gradually returned attracted Song Guanyu's gaze. It was Song Duo.

The future 'Warrior Emperor' was looking at the man who seemingly could raise winds and gather storms on a whim with shock and horror in his wide eyes.

'I-is that who they were speaking about? Is that her...?

Don't screw with me! That's not a man! That's some kind of Thunder God!

How the hell am I supposed to beat that?!'

Song Duo's mind stirred as thoughts rapidly fired off inside.

He was arrogant, but even he feared the unknown. How can a man wield the power of Heavens? How can one man exude such strength?

Not to mention the inexplicable dread he felt at the mere sight of Wu Long that had nothing to do with the storm made him realize that he instinctively feared this personification of Heaven's Fury.

Meanwhile Wu Long looked into the olive green eyes of Feng Yi with a smile.

She smiled, and leaned to hug him briefly before reluctantly letting go as she knew that he had things to deal with at the moment.

"Hahaha, while I knew Master Wu could produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another, I never imagined it would be quite so literal"

General Feng loudly laughed as Wu Long let go of his daughter and turned to the rest of them.

"Heh, I imagine that I have caused quite a ruckus"

Wu Long slightly shuddered at the wording, but still chuckled as he looked at the raging storm around that showed no signs of easing.

'I did not have the time to test out this way of using my Dao Runes, but it seems I was correct in the way of getting more out of them'

He thought as he felt much more power of the Dao Runes, and even the storm around partially moved according to his will.

'However, it is quite apparent that when I use the power of the Dao Runes with more output this way, it resonates with the forces of nature corresponding to them, and thus produces this effect without any prompt from me.

I'll have to gain control over that or find a way to mitigate it though, if I don't want to cause a massive thunderstorm every time I use full speed movement, let alone when I fight with full strength hahaha'

He then wryly smiled, recognizing how much of a ruckus he created for anyone living between the Yin Yang Unity Palace and the Capital of the Fantian Kingdom without intention to.

After all, the idea that went into the basis of his new improvements in Dao Runes control came to him when he was willingly and actively creating a storm in the Northern Sea, and found that he could slightly tap into the power of elements in the world.

Wu Long's eyes turned to the elongated from shock and fear faces of the people before him, some shuddering in the cold winds and rains, some standing still but visibly shaken all the same.

"Alright, first thing's first.

Yi'er, there is a man here who dared to disrespect you. What do you want his fate to be?"

He then asked in a light tone, his words, however reverberating in the minds of three Imperial Family members like the sound of funeral bells.

"You know I don't really care about that pathetic man's words. But it was indeed unpleasant so I'd rather never see him again"

She chuckled, her smile genuine and bright as she truly did not care much about Song Duo's words that much. She was much more pleased by Wu Long's consideration than anything in this situation.

"Haa~ I was hoping you would say he suffers, oh well, I guess erasing him from existence will do"

Wu Long made a wry smile with a bit of lament in his voice as he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Y-You... you cannot do this! D-do you know who I am?!"

Song Duo screamed in horror realizing his fate.

His uncle and grandfather clenched their teeth and fists, knowing full well how Wu Long treated their status as Imperial Family members.

"G-great Grand Ancestor!!! I plead with you! Save my grandson! You cannot sit and watch as one of the brightest futures of the Empire-..."

The elderly man then turned and fell onto his knees to the figure in dirty white clothes.

"I will not interfere in something he brought down on his own head. Useless trash with tainted blood"

The Azure Eagle spoke without much emotions in his voice, his face covered in white cloth not moving from facing Wu Long.

Song Duo's shoulders shuddered at hearing the Azure Eagle's words, while his grandfather revealed a face full of disbelief, heavy rain streaming down him and his uncle fell to his knees with despair.

"~~... Shit... fuck this... fuck fuck fuck, fuck you! Do you think you can kill me so easily?!?! I'll fight you! Come on, you fucker! ...AAAAAAAAAA!!!"

The Warrior Imperial Prince's eyes slowly filled with venomous expression as he started cursing under his nose, almost unintelligible at first and then louder and louder until he raised his head and shouted at Wu Long, raising his halberd and rushing forward with a war cry.

"No! Duo'er!"


His uncle and grandfather woke from their dazed state, turning to him while still on their knees and stretching out their hands toward the Imperial Prince rushing forward while General Feng shook his head with a sigh.

*Crackle!* *Crackle!* *Clang!* *Tssh*

The next moment, along with rumbling of lightning in the storm, and a bright flash of light, the Prince's halberd fell in pieces, the parts where the metal was damaged glowing orange red and melting and wooden parts partially incinerated.

"Khuk!! Ehuuk!"

Song Duo made struggled breathes, blood running from both corners of his mouth as rain fell onto him, unable to maintain the Spiritual Qi that protected him from it.

His wide eyes, rapidly filling with shock, unwillingness and confusion, looking at Wu Long's emotionless face.

And as he turned down, he could see that there was a hole burnt through his robes along with his flesh, Wu Long's hand reaching deep within his chest to grasp his heart, and a crimson red glow was seemingly streaming from within him through Wu Long's arm.

'...there is no need to waste his bloodline though'

Was the only thought in Wu Long's cold eyes.


Song Duo's grandfather's painful cry full of tears reached his ears through the storm, but he had no leeway to turn there or care.

"Euuk...! Uhuuk~...! Khu...!"

His lips opened as he turned his gaze back up to Wu Long, seemingly trying to say something, but only pained rugged grunts came out, as his lungs were burnt through by concentrated lightning on the way to the heart.

And as his skin turned deathly pale and his eyes started losing focus, a sudden surge of lightning traversed his body from within, waking him up and then...

*Crackle!* *Boom!* *Rumble, rumble!*

Repeated lightning strikes fell, producing a sustained bright light until ashes spread in the wind, and a hand covered in electric arcs was lowered back down.

Subtle sobbing could be heard among the storm, as two men were kneeling on the ground.

'I guess they don't value his life that much'

Wu Long thought as he has seen many times when people opposed him even if they knew they could not win or stop him, trying to protect someone.

These two, however, did not move from their spots. They were afraid.

The three women on the other side were looking with fear and apprehension, but even in this situation, the middle-aged woman's eyes revealed a hint of glee, as did Song Guanyu.

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