Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 554 The Storm

Chapter 554 The Storm

Wu Long opened his eyes after sitting in lotus position at the center of the cultivation chamber he spent the last two weeks in.

A profound light flashed deep within his pupils, disappearing the next moment, but leaving something unknown and mysterious in his gaze.


He breathed out a long, powerful stream of air as his aura settled in.

Wu Long felt an unprecedented power coursing through his veins, which came not only from the leap in cultivation.

The new method of body tempering he both developed and actively practiced at the same time reached a new height as he consumed all the stock of Demonic Cores and Yang attribute medicine he had.

The technique currently had two finished 'blocks', or rather those which first versions were complete.

It was Solar Golden Yang tempering and Bloodline Power Harnessing, with his women currently practicing Lunar Yin Qi tempering and the female version of the second one.

But apart from the two parts he shared to his Dao Family and Song Lingfei, he was also using part of the previous technique, the Golden Yang Dragon Body Art for pure body tempering, and a new unfinished part which was utilizing his Dao Runes, mainly increasing his speed using the Lightning Rune and Water Rune for better control.

And now, he managed to solve a problem of excess heat generated by the lightning, which previously was part of the reason he accumulated damage by using lightning movement, with the Cold Rune, finding his first use for it as he was not yet able to determine how exactly to manipulate its powers outside his body.

He also managed to theorize the integration of the Wind Rune in movement techniques.

He came out of the cultivation chamber, smiling and lightly greeting the beauties on his way out of the underground complex.

And upon exiting, was greeted by a familiar face which immediately hid away as the person respectfully bowed.

"Congratulations on your breakthroughs, Chief"

"Haha, thanks, you seem to not have wasted this time either, Xia Jung"

Wu Long chuckled to the young man who was now in the early Core Formation Realm.

"It is all thanks to the Spiritual Qi in the cultivation area, as well as the techniques you have bestowed us.

But more importantly than my cultivation, I have reports from the Mansion and Elder Yen"

Xia Jung slightly embarrassingly cleared his throat before speaking, and then after receiving a nod from Wu Long started reporting the current situation, following with a respectful distance as the latter started walking from the remote peak over a long wooden bridge.

In truth, while Wu Long was in seclusion in Yin Yang Unity Palace, where everything seemed still and quiet, there was a massive and very loud storm raging over the continent for the past two weeks.

Gu Zhen had all of his Seven Profound Realms allies and important personnel above Core Reformation Realm lay low in fear of Old Man Zhao coming for them while he could not be a deterrent.

It was a reasonable decision, but one that left all of his less powerful forces which were out in the open defenseless, the carefully planned schemes and structures put in place to move all the Six Kingdoms crumbling in the span of mere days.

Madam Liang and Zhao Biren actively crushed all resistance in person, as there was no one to stop them from interfering now, and Old Yen lead his own subordinates as well as members of the Thousand Eyes Information Bureau against the more fragile places all over the continent.

Alchemy Tower, Golden Ox Trading Company, and the Golden Ox Mercenary Corps received the most massive damage, as they were the most indiscreet and blatant arms of Gu Zhen's power.

But there were far more obscure parties which also received their days of reckoning.

Though there were still hidden forces that Gu Zhen did not reveal, the most problematic of them being the likely large army made from decades of slave trade in the Southern Kingdoms.

Wu Long also warned against making any moves on the headquarters of the Alchemy Tower, its massive city-fortress being likely the place where all of the important personnel took refuge in.

Since if truly forced, and that place was attacked, there was still technically a way for Gu Zhen to attempt to make a last stand and thus start the final conflict before he had the chance to fully recuperate.

After all, a cornered rat was the most dangerous one, as it stopped fleeing and would bite.

There were also almost no movements within the whole of the Azure Eagle Empire as that was a sensitive area, not only from the perspective of the Alchemy Tower's headquarters being there, but also due to the fact that it was technically the territory of the Azure Eagles.

The renegade Frozen Garden Palace as well as the Profound Martial Arts Valley were also located there.

There was also the fact, that there were quite a few noble families within the Empire which daughters were members of the Frozen Garden Palace.

The implications of going on a rampage there being quite obvious.

But from Xia Jung's report, it was apparent that most of Gu Zhen's influence in the Six Kingdoms was now completely lost, massively shrinking the area of the final confrontation from the whole of the continent to just the Empire.

Something Wu Long knew that Gu Zhen was willing to concede. While it was less effective, requiring some work after the flames of the main battle settled, it ultimately did not matter to him that much as long as he won the war.

"Oh! There is also a report that His Highness the Crown Prince wanted me to relay to you as soon as possible, since a delegation from the Azure Eagle Empire has visited Yin Yang Unity Palace a few days prior, and after a short conversation with His Highness, have departed for the Mansion in the Fantian-..."

Xia Jung's words made Wu Long stop, and half-turn to look at the young man.

"I am not going to reprimand you now as what's done is done, but remember to prioritize information in the order of importance from now on when you are reporting, since this should have been the first thing out of your mouth when I appeared"

He calmly spoke without changing his facial expression much, but without the usual kind note in his voice, as the young man gulped, widening his eyes, and deeply bowed his head.

"M-my deepest apologies! I will make sure to do better"

"Mm, as long as you remember and actually improve.

Making a mistake once from lack of experience is not a sin, it is repeating it without improving that would not be tolerated.

Just make sure you learn from your mistakes and we would have no problem"

Wu Long's words rang out, and as Xia Jung raised his head, the former already disappeared from the spot he previously stood in.

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