Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One- Hundred and Fifty- Eight: Boiling Over

Chapter One- Hundred and Fifty- Eight: Boiling Over

“How is this allowed?!” Drake shouted his aura and mana going wild for a moment, “It can’t possibly be something the system is okay with!”

Drake, you need to calm down. You are becoming erratic!” Natto pleaded.

“I’m fine!” he shouted back, doing his best to take a deep breath.

You are not fine! The stone should not have degenerated your mental state this much… It is possible your skills have affected you beyond the point of repair, permanently changing your underlying personality!”

I said I’m fine!” Drake shouted again, before realizing he had started manifesting a fireball in his hand.

“....I, I don’t know what’s happening… It’s never been this strong of a reaction before. Is it the Tyrant Ant’s Aura? It has to be right? I can feel the disgust in my stomach… of when that Prince tried to challenge me….” Drake said, chuckling wearily.

Natto exited Drake with a light pop, resting on his shoulder as her hand went to the back of his head.

“Drake… I-I am sorry this is my fault… I knew the risks I was putting you through when we began consuming the skill stones. But I never thought that it would catch up to you this quickly. I fear that this may not be reversible,” she explained solemnly.

“What? Are you trying to say I’ll always be stuck on a knife's edge between going mad and killing anyone around me whenever I fight now?” Drake asked.

“For now, yes… With time it can be managed, and controlled, but right now without unless you wish to risk further deterioration by speeding up the process of Ranking Up. I believe it would be difficult for you to control any impulse you have.”

“That’s just fucking fantastic,” Drake sighed, his shoulders slumping.

“It is not your fault. I should have been more adamant about spacing out your skill stone intake. I trusted that you would be able to handle the strain but I suppose I was wrong.”

Drake chuckled, “So you’re saying that it was wrong to put faith in me? Thanks for the kick while I’m down…. Great vote of confidence.”

“I am not saying I still do not trust you. But I have failed as an Assistant for allowing you to have your way. I should have known better based on your personality that you would go too far and outstrip your tolerance for the mental effect on yourself,” Natto explained, a look of sympathy on her face, “I know you wish to be a hero and save everyone. But that just is not how the real world works. The fire that burns bright, burns out the quickest.”

“That was really morbid…” Drake scoffed.

“This is not a joke!”

“And I’m not saying it is. I’ve calmed down a bit thanks to you and I know what needs to happen,” Drake said, exhaling a long breath, “Are those stones really affecting me the way you think they are?” he asked, pointing down.

“Yes, I believe they are at least exacerbating your problem. We know now that powerful foes are also a trigger. It would seem you have obtained one of the Tyrant Ant’s traits in that way, possibly even one of the Goblin King’s.”

Drake recoiled with a grimace.

“Going a bit far don’t you think?” he said, frowning.

“You were nothing but arrogant with that Tyrant Ant Prince. Fighting him on his terms? The Drake I first met would have fought him with everything he had at his disposal. If not a trait from the King, what is it? Are you naturally inclined to be condescending?” she scoffed.

Drake pursed his lips, unable to argue.

“So in the end I don’t have a choice about the box, or the stones for now. With what’s happening to me and the shitty fuck upstairs threatening Theo. I have to accept,” Drake cursed.

“Yes, unfortunately, it seems you must. But this is also for the best. At least with this, we can control at least one variable that is affecting your personality,” Natto agreed.

“Fine,” Drake sighed, mentally accepting the quest, “I don’t like it, but for Theo, I would have done it anyway…”

With that a box materialized in a mote of light, clanking to the floor.

It was a porcelain colored chest of small size, looking like it was possibly made of ivory or some other bone.

[Mir’phyra’s Personal Chest [S-Grade]

  • A small personal chest of the Dragon Matriarch Mir’phyra. Anything contained within the chest is sealed off from the world.
  • Made of the bones of her predecessors this chest is of the highest quality known to the multiverse. Priceless in both craftsmanship and material it is a one-of-a-kind.

“Natto…?” Drake asked hesitantly.

“Yes….?” she answered, looking down at the same chest.

“This is really bad isn’t it.”


“How expensive is this box?”

“You do not wish to know….”

Drake laughed uncomfortably, “Well, at least we know for sure who the sponsor is now…”

“That wretched, worthless brother of mine! I’m ashamed to even call him a Tyrant Ant! He wears the tools of those lesser beasts to compensate for his own weakness!” Rasha screeched, throwing his fist into the throne, “How dare he even suggest that I am weaker than that filthy human!”

“Your Majesty!”

“What?! This better be good!” Rasha sneered.

“We’ve just been told, that Prince Braxor has sent all of his guards and the personnel from the Main Chamber to protect and seal off the Queen's Lair!”

Rasha screeched and stood from the throne, “Why would my brother do such a thing?!”

The guardsman looked at the Prince hesitantly, not wanting to die like his predecessors.


“Out with it fool!”

“We have heard reports that Prince Braxor was killed in combat by the human…”

The room chilled the moment the words left the guard's mouth. The Prince’s aura thick within the room as his emotions spilled into the oppressive pressure within it.

“You are lying, My brother would not die to some worthless human flesh bag. The only one who could kill him is I. I will be the one to take the place as King,” Rasha said evenly, his voice calm but the aura surrounding him anything but.

“I-i…I… My, sincerest apologies my Prince… but we have confirmed as much-”

The guard's head rolled to the floor. As Rasha howled inside the chamber.

“I’ll kill him!! I’ll kill that filthy human!!!!”

Obiteron sat laid back on the throne inside his chamber, his jeweled claws intertwined with one another as he awaited the expectedly good news.

Soon the guardsmen that he was expecting passed through the open archway into the chamber.

“Well?” Obiteron asked.

“T-the Prince has fallen… The human has slain Prince Braxor.”

“Good, and what of his guards? Have they moved as expected?” Obiteron asked again, raising a hand.

“Yes, they have been instructed to seal off the Main chamber and to protect the Queen at all costs.”

“Perfect,” Obiteron mused, standing from the throne, his arms swinging open wide, “Then all troops to the Queen's Chamber. It is time to defend her with our lives!” he announced, his mandibles clacking joyously.

“My Lord, what is it that we shall doeth now?” Theodore asked pensively, getting to his feet now that his body was healed.

“You,” Drake said pointing at Theodore, “Will stay out of sight, and will not come out of your stealth unless we find a safe place to rest, or it’s absolutely necessary,” Drake said, sighing slightly.

“But, this one can be of service! There is no need-”

“Theo, there is no telling when my next freakout will be. And I have no idea if next time I’ll be able to stop before I do something I regret….”

Natto had already merged once again with Drake, deciding to stay silent for now as she did her best to go over the information they had at hand. Her goal was to figure out a way to help Drake, but until the tutorial ended she was limited in what she could access as well as divulge to him.

“My Lord,” Theodore said beginning to protest, “This one understands that thou may be pensive about what mayhaps in the future, but do not cast this one from thous side,” he said his hand gripping and rubbing the top of his cane in nervousness, “This one knows full well what art the perils of continuing forward. And would have it no other way.”

Drake sighed. His appreciation for Theodore’s loyalty and honest devotion was hard to reject. They had been stuck in the hive for a little more than a week already, and it may have been fine for Drake. But death was always just a stone’s throw away for Theodore.

Not to mention Theodore had just as much if not more to lose as Drake did. Theodore had Harley waiting for him, his wife. For Theodore to be so devoted despite that, made Drake all the more certain.

“No. You will stay at a safe distance. Away from me,” Drake said sternly, “Our priority is to keep you safe until then, or until we are out of the tutorial. I may have wanted to come here, but not at the cost of losing good friends.”


“No buts! Don’t make me knock you out and carry you around like a mustached handbag!” Drake shouted.

“This one, understands… If it is thous will, my Lord.” Theodore responded, his arms slumping to his sides.

Drake sighed again, putting his hand on Theodore’s shoulder.

“I appreciate your resolve, Theo. I really do, but I won’t have Harley chasing me down to the ends of the earth because I let something happen to you. Especially if it was me that did it…. I’m not myself right now. And I don’t know when I’m coming back. So please, if it helps, just do it for me. For my own sanity.”

Theodore’s jaw visibly clenched, but he nodded, quickly casting his spell and disappearing from sight.

Rather harsh to step on a man’s resolve like that, do you not think?” Natto asked softly.

Not now… I’m really not in the mood. And he’ll thank me later when he’s back with his wife. In one piece. Drake countered, beginning to walk to the chamber’s wall.

Do not think you can save everyone, Drake. Was it not you who said as much? You must let them eventually live their own life and make their own mistakes. Or do you plan on being with them every second of every day?”

I said not now! I’m not delusional enough yet to believe I can keep every single person I hold dear safe. But that doesn’t mean I can’t aspire to. That’s what this whole mess was about in the first place! Drake roared back in his head.

I’m not going to say you’re wrong, but I’ll be damned if I admit I won’t prove you wrong! And if that means I have to push them all away for now while I get a handle on my shit, so fucking be it!

Drake had finally walked to the edge of the large chamber.

He felt the wall using his Magic Sight to try his best to see if he could identify anything of use. But it seemed the Ants had closed every entrance or exit anywhere with real labor and not magic, giving him no hints as to where to go.

“Fuck! They basically buried us alive… I can’t exactly go blasting holes into the wall,” Drake cursed with a click of his tongue, “At least there are trees down here so I don’t think breathing will be a problem.”

Drake eyed the forest again, seeing the Deer and other animals move within it.

“I guess I should at least grab some deer for later, those food buffs would be a welcomed sight, I can’t remember the last time we had F-Grade food… The Kobolds and Goblins barely had any.”

Being disappointed with not getting anywhere after inspecting the wall of the chamber, Drake decided to change it up and do something that always calmed him. Cooking food.

“Theo, I know what I said but, do you want to rest and eat? I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere anytime soon…” Drake said into the air but got no response.

Well… That’s to be expected… Drake thought letting out a sigh.

I’ll just save him some food then.

Drake took to the forest, taking out a few deer and other animals he hadn’t known were even in the forest above. He was able to capture deer, rabbits, small fowl, and even a bear.

“This should be good for now. Time to set up a little roast then…” Drake said in a damper tone, taking out a fire pit and some cutlery.

Sitting down Drake took to preparing the food and lighting the fire. His mind was somewhat clearing and calming as he did. He let out a relaxed sigh as the background noise of the forest took over his senses.

“This.. This is actually nice. Maybe taking a break was all I nee-”

But his solace was short-lived, as the sound of breaking rock reverberated through the chamber, the ceiling beginning to crumble just above Drake and his fire, as he looked up.

From the ceiling the dirt began to fall in small patches and then large boulders. The fragments of the ceiling falling around the sitting Drake as Ants suddenly began falling with them.

Soon Drake was surrounded by Royal Guards and a very pissed off-looking Prince.

[Rasha Trikk Level 29]

“Aaaaaannnnd, now the moments gone,” Drake sighed.

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