Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven: What do you mean I’m not Allowed?

Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven: What do you mean I’m not Allowed?

“Is he dead?” Claire asked, standing over the teen who had just been launched in their direction by Drake.

“I don’t think so… Mr. Shot did hit him pretty hard though?” Harley added.

“My Lord may have gone well past what was necessary this time..” Theodore sighed, looking down pitifully at the boy.

Drake waltzed over to the people surrounding Shigure, taking his time with relaxed steps.

“I hit him hard, yeah. But I didn’t hit him that hard. Come on give me some credit, I’m not an assh-” he tried to say, but several pairs of eyes glaring back at him stopped him.

“Either way, Jacqueline, would you please heal him up? I still need to talk to him,” Drake said, clearing his throat with a cough.

“Yeah, I can do that, but ya sure? He isn’t going to go on a mad rampage again is he?” Jacqueline asked, reaching out her hand before she felt a gust of wind blow her hair back.

Looking up she saw a blade inches from her face, only stopped by Drake’s hand gripping it, glowing in an ethereal blue.

“And who the fuck are you?” Drake asked, holding the blade firmly, his other gripping the small black-haired girl in a ninja outfit by her throat.

Drake, she is a construct! And a combat one at that…” Natto reported, making Drake raise his eyebrow in interest.

Drake looked down at the girl as she stared daggers back at him.

“H-how dare y-you!” she growled, “D-do not touch m-my Master again!”

Well then, I’ve never heard you call me master. Is that a construct thing? Drake asked.

And you certainly never will ape. No, it is a result of her being a part of him as well. I believe it to be a cultural preference of sorts,” Natto replied back.

“That’s awfully rude to say to the person who's going to heal him, don’t you think?” Drake said glaring right back at the seething construct.

Drake loosened his grip enough that the girl could speak without issue but kept his hand around her neck to make sure she would not slip away.

After a slight cough, she shouted back at them.

“We do not need your help! You have done enough harm and are no longer welcome here! Get out, and away from my noble lord!”

Drake’s face scrunched up in irritation.

“You know, ambushes are for commoners. And who’s we?” Drake asked.

Feeling people move into his sphere he turned his hand still around the girl’s neck.

“Release Uta, and Lord Shigure! Or we wil-” the voice began shouting before it was cut short by Drake’s stare infused with his aura.

“Or you’ll what, prick?” Drake said evenly, his arm beginning to glow a deeper blue as he funneled mana into it.

“Okay okay! No need for that,” Bjorn said, making his way through the crowd of Shigure’s camp, “Shot, tell them to calm down as well, will you bro? Last thing we need is another mess after you just got here. And did you really have to go so hard on the guy? He’s still a kid, you’re supposed to be an adult.”

Drake looked behind himself, seeing Hudson and his robots aiming back at Shigure’s camp, Harley and Chelsea doing the same with their bows. With Theodore nowhere to be seen, assumed to have gone invisible.

Amir, Tom, and Claire standing close behind Jacqueline, their weapons drawn as well. The only one not assembled was the relaxing Sherry who looked on uninterested with a yawn.

“Damn really missed a chance for an Avengers Assemble call right there. And no! I’m a man-child, just ask anyone. Besides, he started it,” Drake replied, now letting go of the small girl named Uta, his hand moving to pacify his group as well.

“No, I’m pretty sure you started that whole argument,” Bjorn said, pulling Uta to his side, she desperately struggling to get free to see Shigure.

“No…. I started the first argument, but then we finished that. Then he insulted my hobbies, so, he started it again. Believe me, I kept count,” Drake said, nodding to himself.

Bjorn shook his head a grin creasing his face.

“I didn’t know you were so petty. But at least you didn’t kill him. After our last fig- spar, I expected you to go too far and have to step in,” Bjorn chuckled.

“I said I was a man-child, not a toddler. I know when to stop… Ok, I know when to stop sometimes,” Drake amended, feeling the stares on the back of his neck, “Jacqueline please heal him now that we have the commoner under control,” Drake jabbed.

Jacqueline nodded, keeping her eye on Uta for a moment, before casting a light healing spell on Shigure, mending his tattered and bruised face.

May the wounds of the injured be reversed by my command. I offer up this prayer in good faith of the Mother and her healing grace,” Jacqueline chanted.

“You know,” Drake interjected after the cast was completed, “Who do you exactly pray to when you do that?”

Jacqueline shrugged her shoulders her hand glowing brightly above Shigure’s head.

“Hell if I bloody know. I just cast the spell and it does its wacky healing, brilliant really that I don’t have to know much long as I have the skill ya know?” she answered.

Drake pursed his lips under his mask, not sure how to take the answer. He would have to ask Natto about it later when he had a moment, but first, he had some other things to address.

“Now,” Drake said, turning back to Bjorn and Shigure’s group, which had seem to come out in full force, “What exactly do you mean I’m no longer welcomed? Are you really saying that you are going to reject all of these people?” Drake asked his arm fanning backward presenting the 200-odd sum caravan of people.

“No I don’t th-” Bjorn tried to say before being cut off by a hefty man in full plate armor.

“That’s exactly what we’re saying you fucking monster! You think after what you just did we’re going to let you or any one of your followers into this place?” shouted the portly man, his hand moving to lift his large hammer to his shoulder.

Drake laughed.

“Followers? My man, about 99% of the people behind me don't even like me,” Drake said pointing with his thumb, “And who might you be anyway? The dude in charge of the rations, but always says there isn’t any food left?”

The stout man’s face reddened, but he reluctantly held his tongue as another person from Shigure’s group stepped forward and spoke, this time a woman.

We are leaders of our own respective groups here at this outpost. And we have deemed it too dangerous to let someone like you into these walls. We need to protect our own people, and you are clearly unhinged.”

Drake scoffed.

“Clearly. That’s why I let the little leader of your group live, right?” Drake said, sighing.

“N-no. Unfortunately, I will have to agree with them,” Shigure finally managed to say after returning to consciousness, he unsteadily sitting upwards with some effort, “I have lost, and need to improve further as a leader. But you intentionally trapping me into conflict will not be tolerated. But,” Shigure said, turning back to his group, “It will only be him. I will not abandon innocent people as he has said, My only grudge is with him, not the people that are unfortunate enough to be in his care as a result of circumstance…” Shigure added, struggling to get to his feet.

Bjorn released Uta as she rushed in a flash to support him. Completely ignoring everyone around them as she shouldered the teen boy, her face twisted in deep concern.

Drake was slightly conflicted about being barred from entering the place he wanted to come for in the first place but he did dig his own grave on this one for his bit of fun.

“That’s fine. That was what I originally came here to do regardless. I owed Bear that much after what he did for me,” Drake conceded as he turned around, “Everyone who wishes to stay here is free to do so, our time was short, but I wish you all the best and that while you were under my care you felt at the very least protected.”

Drake gave a small speech to his caravan, his head bowing slightly.

What Drake was not expecting was the thanks and gratitude that came from the crowd as they passed him moving to the outpost. Genuine thanks and tears of relief found him as he stood in shock.

He had thought most of the people that were forced to be with him had only done so because there was no other option, and he was sure it was the case with how many of them fought tooth and nail to go against him.

But he had not been as observant as he had thought, his focus and time taken up defending the outpost during their time with him. He had not seen the change in the massive camp he had created. The shift to their heartfelt gratitude after days of him risking his life, offering food and shelter accommodating them day after day.

He felt their emotions from their words, his body felt itchy but not in the awkward way where it felt that the thanks were an obligation from the other party like he was used to. No, this time they had no reason to thank him for his assistance. He had simply done what he needed to keep his promise to Bjorn.

The pin dropping for him was not these people he had helped out of obligation. It was the eight people who had not moved.

Tom, Chelsea, Hudson, Amir, Harley, Claire, and even Jacqueline had stayed.

Sherry on the other hand was lazily moving her feet with the crowd of people, mumbling about food, to which Theodore shimmered into existence to grab her by the shoulder and turn her around as she began walking back to the group in the same food-deprived daze that had her going with the flow previously.

“If he’s not allowed, I won’t be going,” Claire said, her arms crossed as she stuck up her nose.

“Damn, straight little lady. Might not of liked this damned idjit when we met, but it has been one hell of a time I’d say,” Hudson added.

“Agreed, he’s still an asshole… but he's our asshole!” Chelsea said, then blushed realizing what she had just said, “Wait I didn’t mean it like that!”

“I still think he’s a fucking asshole, but I’d bloody be an idiot not to stay with someone who can push the third strongest in this right mad place around like a rag doll, so I’ll be staying whether ya like it or not, gov. I do still owe you an arm after all, yeah?” Jacqueline said, putting her weight on one hip.

“I promised to help, Sir, and that still stands. Only with you have I felt so motivated and pushed to do better. Your hard exterior and jokes can not fool us! We know you care deeply for others.” Amir said excitedly.

Drake scoffed, not sure how to answer as the rest started talking as well.

“I know very well that Theo would not leave you Mr. Shot. So I guess you are stuck with me also!” Harley laughed, giving a small bow.

“Tis but undeniable fact, my Lord! Thou shalt not remove this one from his side! Thou has yet to tell the boundless secrets of magic and the dark arts to this unworthy apprentice! And twouldnt be proper for a Lord to not have his loyal knight!” Theodore cried out.

“This is the way,” Tom said, his eyes closed as he dipped his head.

“Tom, you’re just afraid to go alone aren’t you,” Drake quipped.

“Come on man! Let me be cool for once!!” Tom shouted back.

Drake laughed, “In due time youngling!”

“Then we’ll just be camping out here then! And speaking of arms,” Drake said, gritting his teeth and getting ready to do what he really did not want to, “I’ll be collecting now.”

Drake canceled his magic holding his earthen arm in place, a little regretful to lose the multifaceted ability that had become second nature to him, but quickly removed his garb, revealing his burnt shoulder to the crowd, some shocked gasps going out seeing his many scars on his body.

Forming a blade of ice in his left hand, Drake steeled himself, slicing off the cauterized flesh in one swoop, a muffled scream coming from his throat.

“Fucking!.... Ow!”

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