Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 96: Feels just like Vanilla!

Chapter 96: Feels just like Vanilla!

“Then my Lord, when whilst our company be leaving?” Theodore asked, his shoulder still supporting Drake as he turned monster corpse after monster corpse to ash.

Drake winced but moved his legs wearily.

“Ow. I’d give it about two more hours,” Drake said confidently but spotted Chelsea’s face slightly darken as she heard the number, “Don’t worry we can leave sooner if I push it. Is it really that desperate of a situation over there?” he finally asked just wanting to calm her down.

Chelsea jumped at the chance to explain and started to describe it while they moved from area to area to cremate the monsters.

“Yes! There was an army as large as the one at the camp where you found us all! The monsters are already at their door!” she explained.

This is sounding more and more like a LoTR setup…. Drake thought while listening.

Fool, do not interrupt. The least you can do is let her vent her concerns,” Natto chided.

Yes, yes I know. I’m just thinking of what we are going to do about the camp here. We need someone strong enough that they can either delay enough or fight off anything that comes. My first choice is going to be Hudson and Tom, but I don’t think either is currently strong enough… They’re right around level 15 to 17 if I remember.

“-and there is only so much the barrier can hold against before Julia exhausts her mana pool. Please Shot I’m begging you. We should go as quickly as possible!” she pleaded.

“I got it, Chelsea. And we will. But I need the time to set up our defenses here. The Goblins are ramping up the scale of their attacks again, and we have five other Generals, and who knows what else to worry about if I leave. I’m going to have to have someone either set up a defense strong enough or…” Drake smiled.

You are evil. Why would you even think of something like that? This is not a game!” Natto shouted in protest.

I know it’s not a game, but that doesn't mean the system doesn't work like a game. My plan has no flaws. Drake thought, still smirking.

Certainly, no flaws. If you exclude the one where the other two may die!” 

I would never let that happen, and you know that. So just go with the flow and let it happen, you squirrel in the mud! Drake quipped.

“My Lord, what might exactly be thou’s plan for such fortification?” Theodore asked his eyes showing concern as he spotted Drake’s eyes smiling behind his mask.

“Oh, don’t you worry about it, old boy. Just leave it to me, and….” Drake trailed off as his eyes wandered to the wall of the Outpost, looking at two men in particular with a sinister smile.

“What in the Sam hell, did you just say, pup?!” Hudson shouted incredulously, his arms crossed as he scowled at the question.

“I would also like to voice my concern, Sir. Are we not going to be put in danger?” Amir added.

“Yes. That you are Amir. But look at it this way, you are always going to be in danger from now on,” Drake said, spreading out his arms, “The world has changed to include monsters. At least this way you both will be with me, and I can assure your safety. Well, for the most part at least.”

Hudson continued to scowl, not convinced. Amir began sweating cold buckets as his eyes darted around.

“Hey, look. Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes to plan in this accursed world. You both are the ones I need to make this work so I can leave to save Chelsea’s friend, and possibly go after the King eventually. Hudson needs levels for stronger sentries and more advanced robotics, and you are the only one able to speed up the process. You both agreed that people need help here and this is how we are going to do it in the short term,” Drake said, his eyes doing their best to convey his sincerity.

Hudson’s face wavered for a moment but then returned to his stone scowl.

“You idjit, I won’t be guilted into risking my damned life.”

Wow, did he just quote me? Drake thought, holding back a laugh.

Certainly it was unintentional. Why in the seven hells would anyone want to say the same thing as you dolt,” Natto snickered.

Drake mentally rolled his eyes and addressed Amir, who was still positively perspiring profusely.

“Do you feel the same, Amir?” Drake asked.

“I-... “ Amir took a moment to think as he seemed to go back and forth in his head about the decision, “No… I know what I was getting into when I asked to help. If this is what you think we need to do, this is what I want to do, Sir.”

Drake nodded then looked back to Hudson.

“Alright, my spry old friend. Let’s take a walk for a bit,” Drake said, kindly but firmly, as he moved with the help of Theodore and Chelsea.

Wincing slightly but able to move Drake rolled his shoulders, and stretched his legs a bit feeling the stiffness go down if only a minute bit. But satisfied with his range of motion, Drake waved over Hudson and began walking down the earthen steps of the rampart, not looking back to see if he was following, his aura sense allowing him to tell the man moved but Drake assumed reluctantly.

Once out of earshot of everyone, Drake turned and looked Hudson in the eyes.

“Is that the first time you’ve killed someone?” he asked.

Hudson jolted slightly at the question, his scowl melting into a sullen expression, “Y-Yes.. Never did imagine I’d be taking another’s life. Even more so unrightfully. I-if only I cou-”

Drake raised his hand and moved his mask with the other so Hudson could fully see his expression. With his mask gone Drake’s fully sympathetic and pained face was in full view.

“Hudson. I don’t know what that meant to you personally, or what demons you may be dealing with about it. But you know of the two men I killed earlier?” Drake asked, his visage lit by the distant torches and firepits of the tent area.

Hudson nodded but stayed silent.

“For me, that wasn’t the first time. The first time I killed someone, I didn’t have a choice. Or, I’d like to think I didn’t. You see, they were holding Theodore hostage and they had been torturing him, I watched them sink a knife into him right in front of me. Now you might think that made it easy but it didn’t at least not for the reason you’d probably think,” Drake said, his left hand moving to his right shoulder, “For me family is everything. They got me through the good times and the bad. And I don’t just mean blood family. Friends I have made have helped me through things you might even find trivial but were world-shaking to me at the time. And you,” Drake then pointed to the top of the ramparts, “And the rest of the party. Yes, even Tom…. Are now a part of that for me.”

Hudson looked at Drake like he was crazy, and a pure conveying of ‘Where are you going with this?’.

Drake scratched the back of his head, “What I’m getting at is, sometimes we do things because we have no choice, sometimes it’s because we make mistakes, and others because we must for our principles and what we hold dear. That person you killed, was in defense of this place, and these people I hold dear. And for that, I do not fault you, I thank you. What befell that poor person who was taken hostage is something I will make those monsters pay dearly for. But, it was not your fault. Don’t let me see you sulk about it, and make me give you another speech because it's making my fucking mouth dry,” Drake smiled.

Hudson scoffed, and his face brightened ever so slightly.

“Pup, you are 20 years too young to be telling me anything about something, you hear me idjit,” Hudson said, “But.. Thank ya… Fine. I’ll tag along with your plan so you can go help the girl’s girl out.”

Drake chuckled, “Good! Because I wasn’t giving you the option of saying no!” Drake said, collapsing Hudson on the shoulder, “And don’t you worry about getting hurt, I won't let it happen. I get hurt if you get hurt on my watch thanks to this contract and no one wants that.”

Hudson’s mouth slightly gaped, but turned into a smirk, “Selfish little bastard….”

“Only when it suits me!” Drake laughed, walking past him back onto the rampart steps.

A few moments later they both returned to the group, the night still covering the forest and land beyond the Outpost in pitch black, but soon it would be dawn, and another day passed in the hellish tutorial.

[Time Remaining Until Tutorial Concludes: 105 Days, 22 Hours, 45 Minutes, 43 Seconds]

[Remaining Participants: 2,254]

Drake took a long gaze at the time and the remaining participants before speaking.

Looks like the rate at which the Participants are dying has slowed… Drake thought solemnly.

Nearly two-thirds of the entire participant list had died or been killed by monsters or others and they hadn’t even gotten through 80% of the tutorial period yet.

Do not dwell too long on it Drake. This is how the system intends it for these types of tutorials. The weak are taken, and the strong survive and prosper,” Natto consoled.

Drake held his tongue, his emotions more stable than ever before thanks to his new skill. Despite his wanting to scream, he choked it down like bad medicine. He needed to hear it, he needed to accept it. He may have wanted to defy the system and the tutorial but it would do nothing for what was the norm of what he was told was an established fact in the multiverse.

At least for now.

“Alright, everyone. It’s decided,” Drake started.

“What? Breakfast?” Sherry said, half yawning.

“Yes and no! I managed to find some flour in the supplies I looted, so I was going to try and make some pancakes later, problem is we don’t have syrup. So that’s a no-go. Sorry Shers,” Drake said, dramatically, “But on a serious note. I will be taking Amir and Hudson with me to power level them essentially so we can run over and save….” Drake looked over to Chelsea.

“Megan…” she said, slightly irritated.

“Right, Megan. And hopefully most of their group, minus one asshole,” Drake added.

“Oh, that's a kickin’ idea. Does that mean you’re staying there?” Jacqueline jabbed.

The funny one beat me to it,” Natto laughed.

“Only if that means I get to stay further away from you Jacqueline,” Drake grinned.

“How long is this going to take then, Shot?” Claire asked, her face conveying her inner thoughts.

“I will get them as far as I can in one hour. It’s speed run time!” Drake shouted raising an arm, “As far as the rescue goes? I’m not entirely sure. I’m told there is an army waiting for us, so possibly one day. If I had more time, I would have taken Harley to level up as well as Tom, Having their skill set would massively help the defenses. But all in good time. You all will grow stronger I’m sure, it isn’t like I’m going to end the invasion while on this rescue mission.”

Everyone exchanged glances quickly, before returning their gaze to Drake.

“What?” he said.

I swear you are clueless…” Natto sighed.

Drake was about to comment until he heard another Goblin horn in the distance.

“Well, that saves us the trouble of going out there… Alright, everyone who isn’t Hudson, Amir, Chelsea, Harley, or Theodore, you are free to go. In fact please go for now, I need people to handle the new arrivals and make sure everything is settled,” Drake asked.

“Don’t have to ask me twice dude,” Sherry said, waving him off and walking down the steps languidly.

“Guess I’ll go finish those sports courts we worked on then..” Tom said, slightly disappointed after hearing he was in the running for power leveling.

“Oh, guess I’ll go rightly fuck off then yeah?” Jacqueline sneered.

“Don’t worry Jacqueline, I’ll save your friend and be back before you know it. Don’t miss me too much,” Drake laughed.

“Fuck you wanker! I hope you don’t come back!” she shouted, storming off in a huff, her arms raised.

Drake turned to Chelsea with his big goofy smile, “I think she’s warming up to me,” he said, but Chelsea just sighed with a shake of her head.

Theodore placed his hand on his mustache and stifled a chuckle, as Harley gave him a soft nudge with her elbow, forcing him to quickly cough.

Last was Claire as she was obviously reluctant to leave.

“Try to be back soon, I don’t want to fall behind…” she said softly, “I’m going to go back and have a talk with Gracy…”

“Gracy?” Drake asked.

“The woman who… ya know.”

“Oh! Ah, I see..” Drake said his face showing his realization that he had never learned the woman's name, “And don’t you worry about anything. I promised you the revenge you deserve. And I won’t go back on it.”

Claire gave a slight nod and moved down the steps with the rest.

“Now,” Drake said, trying some different things until he received the first notification.

[You have removed Claire Osberg from your party]

Got it! That was surprisingly easy… Drake thought, as he removed the rest, rapid fire.

[You have removed Tom Hilland from your party]

[You have removed Sherry Turner from your party]

[You have removed Jacqueline Evans from your party]

[You have removed Theodore Rotwood from your party]

[You have removed Harley Mongrass from your party]

[You have removed Chelsea Jackson from your party]

“There we go,” Drake said, turning back to the forest, spotting exactly what he wanted. A fresh army of just regular old Goblins, and a few sparsely placed names of Lieutenants for some juicy experience.

“Would it be inappropriate to state that this one feels rather naked without the comradery my Lord…?” Theodore asked suddenly.

“Of course not Theo, totally not weird, and perfectly normal!” Drake lied, “Now let's get to it! Ah, power leveling! Feels like I'm back in Maradon! Now pay up, 15 g’s a pop people,” Drake said, stretching out his hands to the look of confused people.

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