Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 89: Theodore Clones are in your Future

Chapter 89: Theodore Clones are in your Future

The wait for Hudson’s big giant, or semi-large robot did not go as smoothly as Drake would have hoped. Soon after entering the tent and eating, the sound of gunfire came from the top of the outpost walls.

Naturally Drake moved the quickest to action and was relieved to find that the sentries had taken care of a few Red-Caps that had tried to sneak past.

“Well, at least we know they work against the only annoying ones that could reap some real havoc in the camp. I am a little miffed I didn’t get the kills though, still need a few for the quest,” Drake said slightly disgruntled.

[Subjugated 23 of 50 Red-Cap Goblin Assassin [F Rank]

[Reward Experience. Communication Crystal [Common][F Rank]

Drake went from checking the quest to surveying the horizon, expecting to see another company of Goblins at their doors but was greeted by the soft wind of the area, and the midday sun.

“Huh…” Drake mused, extending his aura for good measure and doing another once over with his ocular skills.

Wait.. am I disappointed? Drake thought finally, his lips pursing.

Possibly a disappointment as well!” Natto giggled.

I’ll have to come back to that… Drake said, turning his head back to the camp and seeing a particular mustached man walking from it.

A few leaps later he found himself in front of the two, plus one departing member who was meandering in front of the Outpost’s gate.

“Are you two both set? Have the supplies you might need, potions, weapons, armor, skill stones?” Drake asked.

You sound like a mother sending her children to college,” Natto laughed.

Maybe I am. Doesn’t hurt to be prepared when the chicks leave the nest to go find an evil manipulative son of a bitch. Drake answered back.

“Yes, this one and Miss Chelsea hast a set of five potions each. Thanks to my Lord’s battle earlier,” Theodore said.

“And I gave them each an extra from my set,” Harley added.

Chelsea looked a bit apprehensive as she twiddled with the string of the bow she had gotten from another quest reward. It had similar dark coloring to Drake's own staff, so it may very well have been of Rare quality.

“What’s up with you? Normally we can’t keep you quiet,” Drake jabbed.

Chelsea looked up with a scowl but sighed, giving Drake a hard-to-decipher expression.

“Are you constipated?” Drake asked, not sure what to make of her scrunched-up face.

“No! You asshole! I’m just not sure how I can thank you after how I acted.. It wasn’t right to judge you like that when you came to save us. And I was… I just couldn’t help seeing Chris and what he did to us you,”

“Yeah well I am kind of an asshole sometimes, so it's fair play. And leave out all the weird thank you stuff. Makes me all itchy,” Drake said, scratching his back awkwardly, “Besides teammates don’t thank each other. It’s expected to help out, that’s how a party works,” Drake said, moving his mask so he could show his smile.

Chelsea paused for a moment taking in the words. Then broke out into a chuckle.

“Please put your mask back on, that smile is too goofy!” she laughed, holding her sides.

Drake’s face turned to stone as he tried his best to hide his disbelief.

She certainly has you with that!” Natto chuckled, laughing the words.

Here I was trying to be cool and nice! Drake grumbled.

Chelsea caught her breath after a few more seconds of laughing. Taking a moment for a deep breath.

“Ok! I’m just going to say it! Thank you for letting me do this!” she shouted, then turned to Harley and Theodore, “And thank you both for helping me with my selfish request!”

Before Theodore and Harley could respond, Drake interrupted and waved his hands again.

“What did I say about the mushy shit! Get out! Get out, get out, get out will you! Susmaryosep! Go find your friend and come straight back,” Drake said, giving a serious stare at Chelsea, “And I mean it. I’ve already put Theo in enough danger lately, and if you two aren’t back by tomorrow morning. I’ll burn down this whole forest.”

Drake looked to Theodore and gave him a firm nod.

Theodore bowed at the waist, his hand over his chest.

“This one will return hitherward, be it hell or high water. By your will my Lord,” then he turned to Harley, his gaze softening, “And for you my love. Be safe.”

“You don’t have to worry about a thing, Theo. I think I’m in the safest place I could possibly be in this hellish place,” Harley answered him.

Drake watched on as they gave their farewells but something struck him as missing.

“Where’s Jacqueline? I thought she would be saying goodbye?” Drake asked, looking around.

“She’s still sleeping. The fight last night took a lot out of her, and I couldn’t bring myself to wake her up,” Chelsea said with a sidelong grin, “She might wake up in a few hours but everything… everything took a lot out of us.”

Drake looked silently at the tents. He already knew everyone was tired, frightened, and more than likely confused about what was going on. But he was a leader that people needed at least he was right now.

“I’ll do my best to keep her safe as well. Don’t you worry. It’s hard to keep her away from me with that crush she has on me,” Drake smiled.

“She doesn’t have a-” Chelsea stopped as she realized Drake had known what they were trying to do, “You knew?” she asked embarrassedly.

“I mean it’s hard not to. Big strong guy comes in. Then a woman he hardly knows approaches him with an ‘offer’ in exchange for something he conveniently needs. You would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not see the manipulation from a mile away. Nice try though, I did find her pretty cute, just not my type,” Drake replied.

Chelsea’s mouth hung open for a moment, then closed slowly before she asked him something she was becoming more and more curious about.

“Then what is your type?”

“Not you, or her,” Drake said flatly, “Now go on, your friend is waiting. Stay safe and stay hidden, I don’t exactly want to piss off Smokey the Bear in the middle of a Goblin Invasion, but I will if I have to,” he laughed.

Theodore interrupted and pulled Chelsea away before she could voice a grumbling insult loud enough for Drake to hear continuing the back and forth. Theodore casted his concealment and with his new gloves was able to cover Chelsea as well.

Drake quickly pulled open the gate with the wheel, then after a few seconds closed it again, assuming they had gotten out as he didn’t see Theodore unstealth and say anything.

Drake remained impressed at Theodore’s enhanced skill as Harley kept her hands to her chest, watching the closed door assuming Theodore and Chelsea set off.

Damn, maybe I should steal those gloves from Theo… Drake thought.

You do not even have an invisibility skill!” Natto yelled.

Not ‘yet’ Drake corrected.

Drake felt Natto roll her eyes.

Just bring me back to the bumpkin’s tent. I still have food to conquer!” she said, mentally pushing Drake.

Yes, yes, right away your highness…

Drake turned to Harley. She was still looking in the direction of the gate they had left through.

“They’ll be alright. Theodore might not be able to beat people up as well as I can, but he can sure hide pretty damn well,” Drake said, doing his best to console her.

Harley slightly snapped back to reality from whatever she was lost in thought about hearing Drake address her, slowly nodding.

“I know… I just wish we could have not been brought into this at all... Why did this all happen? We were supposed to be planning for a child this year…” she said softly.

Whoa, big bomb there… Drake thought his eyes widening.

It would be entertaining to see many small Theodore’s trouncing about. I am all for them producing offspring,” Natto laughed, her smile obvious in her tone.

Drake fixed himself from the information she had just casually dropped and said the only thing that came to mind.

“Well, it can still happen. Once the tutorial ends, who knows how the world might unfold? All I do know is that I’ll be here to do my utmost to ensure you and he have that opportunity. I will stake my life on it,” Drake said firmly.

Harley looked up to Drake, the sides of her eyes beading tears.

“I-i don’t know what to say Mr. Shot…” she murmured.

Drake scratched the side of his cheek, then snapped his mask back over his mouth trying to hide his brightening cheeks at the embarrassing line he had just said.

“You don’t have to say anything. I already told you all. Friends don’t have to say thank you. And family most definitely does not.”

Drake turned and started walking to Hudson’s tent, turning over his shoulder only to give one last line.

“You can join us in watching paint dry, but I think it might be better if you rest some more. I can handle the wall. I have a special surprise for the next group that decides to make the worst decision of their lives,” Drake mused, pulling his new staff from his inventory and twirling it between his hands getting a feel for it, “It’s going to be explosive!” Drake smiled.

Harley looked blankly at Drake, amazed at how he could go from saying something so meaningful to something so… unbelievable.

Her face says you are quite and most certainly a moron,” Natto giggled.

Yeah well good thing I can’t see what her face is saying then huh? Drake snapped back.

Drake placed the staff back into his inventory then continued walking to the other end of the tent area where Hudson was when he heard a notification get past his mute function.

[You have increased Purity of Soul to Proficiency 2(0%)]

Nice! I love passive skills. Drake said gleefully.

Finally reaching Hudson’s tent with Harley hot on his heels, Drake paused before opening the flap.

Drake turned to Harley and waved her in since she had decided to come with him rather than rest by herself.

“Although I’d hate to do this right now, you and the rest of them hold up here until the robot is done. Then you can come get me alright?”

“What are you going to be doing then Mr. Shot?” Harley asked curiously.

“I have some rats that need dealing with,” Drake said, his eyes turning cold.

Without waiting for Harley’s reply Drake snapped his fingers switching to his Lightning Endowment.

Through his Aura, Drake had noticed something very unpleasant. But he couldn’t say he didn't expect it to happen with so many people in such chaos.

As chaos breeds opportunity.

With a few steps, Drake maneuvered through the camp reaching a tent near the edge of the encampment.

Spreading his aura inside, he could ‘feel’ three figures and one more outside, currently shitting himself as he saw Drake stop in front of him.

“I-i do-” the man tried to say.

“Don’t care,” Drake said, snapping his fingers as an earthen spike went through the man’s leg pinning him to the ground as he screamed in pain.

After dealing with the man, he walked inside the tent, pulling the flap back to see what he already knew was happening.

A woman in tears, and two men. One was holding her down, as the other fiddled with his pants.

All three saw Drake and froze. Each one holding a different emotion on their face.

The men turned to abject fear, and fell to the floor scrambling backward.

The woman at first had relief on her face but soon turned to fright as well as she witnessed Drake’s eyes cascade in color, his presence becoming more palpable by the second, the air growing cold.

“Y-y-you said we could leave, i-if we broke the rules!” one of the men shouted.

“I might have. I probably did. But it looks like I’ll have to change the rules to get rid of some bad apples. Men are meant to protect those who can not defend themselves in situations of uncertainty and chaos. Not take advantage of the defenseless, whom they were supposed to help. Neither one of you,” he paused, his aura flexing, “Deserve the air you breathe,” Drake said, his voice steely.

Drake pushed his aura down on them. Walking closer in slow measured steps, as they struggled, their breath becoming ragged gasps for air under the pressure.

Marked,” Drake growled out.

Snapping, a thin blade of water formed from the magic circle on the end of Drake’s finger. And in one swift motion, Drake pierced the first man’s heart.

[You have killed Participant: Raymond Lurch Level 9] [Experience Earned, and 12,255 TP Rewarded] 

Looking over to the second man beside him Drake used his skill again, “Marked,”  not a moment later Drake’s blade of water was thrust into the man’s heart like the other.

The clear blue blade passed through both people pristine but now tinged a hateful red as the spell canceled out in Drake’s hand, the red water falling onto the man’s lap.

Turning to the woman Drake asked, “Are you alright? I hope I wasn’t too late…”

She unsteadily shook her head, eking out the words, “Tha-thank you..”

Drake only responded with a nod, then placed the two men’s bodies and belongings into his inventory, turning to walk outside, but paused seeing two flashes of colorful light from his peripheral.

Drake’s eyes widened.

Natto… Does that mean… Drake thought, hesitating even to consider the implications.

Yes. People within the tutorial drop Skill Stones as well,” she answered.

Drake clenched his jaw nearly unable to hold back a scream.

Fuck this place! Fuck this tutorial!

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