Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 179: The Three Monsters

Chapter 179: The Three Monsters

“Hey! I told you to move when you are charging your skill! Stand still and you're an easy target!” Drake roared, throwing a water ball at Chelsea.

“Ah! That is bullshit! It's hard to focus on the skill if I have to run!” she shouted back, taking the waterball to the face, shaking off the water.

“That’s why you have to do it. If you can do what others can not you are a league ahead of them and the rest! Your skill does not specify that you can't move while charging. It might be hard but you won’t always have us to help you after the tutorial,” Drake replied.

“You’re open!” a voice shouted, the sound of several bullets ringing out.

Drake turned to see the mana-filled bullets traveling towards him.


Shield Bearer of the Battle Hall Proficiency 3 [F Rank] 2/2

  • A battle tested frontliner of the furious halls of the Asurans
  • Passives: +15% to Vitality and out of combat Stamina regeneration. (+15% Endurance) (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Actives: Bulwark P3 (0%), Unbreakable P3 (0%)

[Bulwark] Proficiency 3(0%)

  • The active ability to summon a temporary shield around yourself based on your Vitality. The Shield Bearer of the Battle Hall is the shield that takes on and advances through any adversity.
  • Skill: Bulwark - “I am the shield, I am the rampart. Bulwark.”
  • Skill can be quick-casted for half benefits - “Bulwark.”
  • Temporary Shield skill. Creates a barrier of health based on a 1 to 1 per Vitality. Shield lasts 10 minutes, or until broken. Cooldown does not start until the shield has expired. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Moderate Stamina Cost.
  • 5 Minute Cooldown.

In a flash of green, a shield was made around Drake, and the bullets were stopped in front of him battling with the shield before sputtering out unable to penetrate them.

Drake pointed his fingers back at Sato with a smile on his face behind his mask, “Nice try, next time don’t shout out ruining your ambush. This isn’t an anime Sato,” Drake laughed, shooting two bullets of water right at the man hitting him in the forehead and stomach doubling him over.

Sato rolled over on the ground in pain but was still in good health.

“Ahhhh, Shishou…. Why the stomach! And it isn’t fair! You out level me by so much!”

“True, but who said your enemies are going to be fair and pull their punches!” Drake shouted back.

“Weren’t you just the one who said he was going to go easy on them…. Come on bro, you’re supposed to be helping them,” Bjorn reprimanded as he deflected Tom’s shield with his hand and threw a punch for him to block.

“Ok, I might have gone overboard letting off some steam…” Drake shrugged, “What can I say, I’m a man-child and I saw an opportunity for payback.”

“What did I even do!?” Sato shouted from the ground.

“Don’t remember, but I’m sure it was something worthy of the punishment you received,” Drake smirked.


“Haven’t you bullied poor Sato enough…?” Claire asked, walking up to Drake.

“Not nearly enough. That bastard won one of my rare cards off me earlier,” Drake grumbled.

“So it was something! I won it fair and square!” Sato shouted.

“Yeah, and that’s why you still have it! I didn’t take it back, did I?!” Drake yelled.

“I think maybe it might be time for a break….” Claire laughed, “It’s almost dinner time either way.”

Drake sighed and nodded, “You guys can go eat, I want to do my own thing some more.”

He looked over to Bjorn and Shigure who were still sparing with some of the others, “Are you two going for lunch or do you want to spar some more?” he asked.

“Are you cooking first?” Bjorn asked.

“Naw,” Drake replied.

“I’m good to wait then. No offense,” Bjorn said to Claire.

“None taken, no one can really compete with his food. It isn’t just me,” she sighed.

“If you are staying I will stay as well then, I do not wish to fall more behind than I already have,” Shigure added walking to the forming group.

“Alright then,” Drake nodded, “Guess you guys are eating without us. How about two on one?” Drake grinned.

“Oh no I’ll be staying as well, I’m not letting you out of my sight after what happened before,” Claire smiled, looking at Shigure and then at Drake.

“R-right…” Drake grimaced.

“What makes you think you can take on both of us?” Bjorn frowned.

“Why don’t you prove me wrong then,” Drake sneered, “I did beat the big bad bug after all.”

“True, but that was after a Dragon Lady put her hand inside you and played around with the parts bro. That’s hardly just you winning. We both got our asses handed to us before that if you don’t remember,” Bjorn scoffed.

“Sorry, I don't remember that part. Only remember saving the day.”


“Lalala I can’t hear you!” Drake yelled, covering his ears.

“At least your dumb personality is intact…” Bjorn laughed.

“I don’t find that to be a good thing….” Shigure sighed, “I am fine with two on one. I suppose you have no problem with us going all out then?”

Drake smiled, “No problem, kid.”


Drake, Shigure, and Bjorn took to an open space outside the camp and outpost, a small group of onlookers forming from Drake’s party as they returned with food in hand.

“So who’s winning?” Tom asked.

“Would have to be the pup wouldn’t it, can’t see him losing nothing after whatever happened. He did kill that damnned bug after all,” Hudson answered forking his meat.

“No way, it’s two on one! Shigure and Bear have this in the bag!” Chelsea sneered, raising a spoon.

“Alright let’s bet on it then, 1000 F-Rank Cores on Shishou,” Sato grinned.

“I’ll take that bet ya daft idiot, Shot is strong but he ain't strong enough to take on two of them monsters at once!” Jacqueline yelled.

“I don’t know, he did take on the bug all by himself… And he did beat the crap out of Shigure before,” Julia offered.

“Damn,” Jaqueline clicked her tongue, “You shoulda landed earlier with that Jules! I take it back!”

“There’s no takebacks here! What are you four?” Sato laughed.

“3,000 Stones on Shigure,” a voice said next to them.

Everyone’s head turned to see Uta crossed armed looking out onto the field.

“Y-you sure about that Uta? Do you even have that much?” Sato asked.

Uta only nodded.

“Ok… anyone else?”

“1,000 on Shot,” Megan said, surprising everyone.

“What?” she shrugged, “He’s strong, and it's a good bet, that's all…”

“You know he’s dating Claire right?” Tom told her, only to get hit by Jacqueline, “Ow! What?!”

“It’s a bet nothing more!” Megan said embarrassedly.

“Theo? Care to bet?” Sato asked.

“This one would findeth it most unhonorable to bet in such a fixed game. It is impossible for my Lord to lose in any capacity!” Theodore explained only to get hit by Harley.

“What are you saying, love? Here, cough up your stones, there’s nothing wrong with free money, think of our future!” Harley demanded.

“Y-yes, dear…”

“Oh! We have some pretty skewed odds here! Looks like four to one on Shishou,” Sato announced.


“You hear that? Looks like I already won,” Drake smiled.

“Yeah, yeah say that when you actually won bro,” Bjorn laughed, “I may not have leveled up, but I did get quite a few quest items from those Ants,” he said wiggling a new ring on his hand.

“Oh, I didn’t see that before. Did you have it when we fought the Prince?” Drake asked.

“I did, sadly, didn't do much against him. But I’m sure it will help against you.”

“Why’s that?”

“You’re human.”

Drake gave a forlorn grin, “Sorry man, that ship has sailed. Don’t think I count anymore. Don’t you remember? I’m a whole other beast now.”

“Yes well, you were quite the animal before. So I suppose it matches now…” Shigure scoffed.

“That’s not nice. Also, bad form to insult the one who’s going to beat the crap out of you,” Drake sneered back.

“Whoever said we were going to lose lying down? This is practice to push past our limits isn’t it?” Shigure said calmly, lowering his stance.

“We will see about that. I have someone to show off to now, so no hard feelings alright?” Drake replied, cracking his knuckles, “Damn it, I forgot I only have one ring… Oh well, I've been there before.”

In an instant, Drake summoned a layer of earth to cover his left arm solidifying above it in the color of obsidian.

Flexing his earthen arm, “Been a while since I’ve done this. You two ready?”

Bjorn placed his claymore from his shoulder to a guard stance in front of him, “Oh you know it, bro, unfortunately, I was born ready.”

“Kenzo, Shigure. Kensei! Maeru! Shigure shouted.

I am the shield, I am the rampart. Bulwark! I am the wall on which my enemies billow. Unbreakable! On blessed wings. Guardian’s Reprieve!”

Drake lowered his stance as well putting up his own guard and pushing mana into his sole tattoo, his hair and tattoo shifting to a vibrant yellow.

For the thrill of battle!”

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