Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 171: They’re my Best Friends

Chapter 171: They’re my Best Friends

“Is that it?”

The man or beast removed the spear from the corpse, removing the blood from the tip in a single stroke to the side.

“That was the last of the monsters in the area, sir,” a woman said casually strolling up to him.

“Damn. That’s all that’s left really? I didn’t even get to work up a sweat! Ari find me more will you?”

“Sir…Leon, I just said that there are unfortunately no more monsters in the area, my scanning skill is not picking up anything.”

“Ari, I’m only joking. You really need to lighten up,” Leon scoffed.

“Sorry… It’s just hard to tell sometimes,” Ari replied, pushing up her glasses by the brim.

“I’m kind of pissed we didn’t get that first achievement, but nothing can be done. Wish it told us who contributed the most to that completion. I’d like to have a name to hunt down once we’re out.”

“We, sir?”

“Of course. You think I’m going to give up a great-looking woman and an amazing support class just because we’re out of the tutorial?” Leon smirked, his canines peeking from his lips.

Leon placed his spear behind his head, his two wolf ears flickering, and let his arms hang over it. His short aquamarine hair color with fierce yellow eyes stared back at Ari.

“T-that would make me very happy Sir…” she mumbled, her face turning slightly red.

“I told you. It’s Leon when it's just us. I don’t like the sir shit. But that moron Luke won't take no for an answer.”

Leon moved forward pulling Ari close only to be interrupted by the shout of a man coming out of the trees and onto the battlefield.

“Oi! What kind of ruckus you been up to ova here? Looks like a bloody good time there Sir!”

“Luke…” Leon sighed.

“What? Boys and I just got done sweepin' the area, thought I’d give you an update,” Luke said walking up to the pair, “What in the fuck is this cunt!? You do that, Sir? Right thrashin, if I’ve ever seen. Sure a croc ain’t get his ass? Seen those things pull a man apart in few seconds flat I have.”

“Bro, Luke. Do you see any crocodiles?” Leon growled.

“Alright, alright. Don’t get your panties in a twist there, Sir, just making conversation.”

“Then make it elsewhere. I’ve killed the last of them, tutorials over. You can leave.”

“No can do, Sir. The boys and I came to an agreement that we wouldn’t be leaving even after this shindig. Seems like the worlds gone to shit, eh? So we’re sticking with ya!”

“Oh, joy…” Leon sneered.

More men and women came out of the treeline, explaining and shouting as they raised their weapons and firearms, cheering and hooting at Leon.

“Yeah! Leon! That was some good shit!”

“Glad we all decided to stick with him. Knew it was a good idea.”

“Dumbass you were the one who said we should just shoot him!”

“Yeah, and I’m saying I’m glad we didn’t cause we would be dead if we did, smartass.”

Leon sighed and shook his head, letting go of Ari who now wore a similar-looking scowl at the group.

“Where the hell we’re all of you? Just watching?” Leon asked.

“You told us to stay out of your way mate. We’re just along for the ride!” Luke chuckled, giving Leon a slap on the back.

“If I ever needed Shot to run something….. It would be now…” Leon mumbled, putting his spear away.

“Say something, mate?” Luke asked.

“No. And it's sir to you mother fucker. That was the deal, you pick shit up and I kill things. So go pick it up.”

“Alright, alright….” Luke scoffed, shouldering his gun, “You heard him you lazy cunts, pick up after our puppy!”

Leon pressed down on the surroundings with his aura, a chill washing over the people.

“You’ve been getting a bit mouthy lately Luke,” he growled, And “I’m all out of things to hunt…”

“I-I got it, Boss,” Luke eeked out, his face paling, “No more jokes for a while yeah?”

Leon released the pressure, and everyone gasped in unison as Leon turned away followed by Ari.

“Didn’t have to do that in front of everyone did ya? Bloody hell…” Luke said rubbing his throat, “Always need to show you’re top dog ey?”

Luke complained but did what he was told, turning to the battlefield as Leon moved away with Ari. In front of him were thousands of monsters strewn across the ground. All with single puncture wounds to the head.

“If he wasn’t such a prick. I’d have called him an artist… Alright, you lazy bastards! Get to cleaning!”

“We already are! You’re the one slacking dipshit!”

“Oi! Watch your goddamn mouth!”

Out of earshot, Ari and Leon walked back in the direction of the outpost he had made his own early on in the tutorial.

“So where are we going to go once this is all done?” Air asked, breaking the silence.

“I was thinking of finding an old friend. I owe him a smack and I’m pretty sure he will be doing just fine in this whole mess, so I’m sure it’ll be fun. Just like old times,” Leon said, smiling.

[Leonardo Velcruz]

[Race: Silver Wolf] [F-Rank]


[Profession: Scribe P5(0%)[F-Rank], Enchanter P5(0%)[F-Rank]


Tutorial Alias [Grumps]


[Spear Bullet Scholar] [Unique] Level 28


[Vitality] 461 (10+ 215%) 

[Strength] 823 (20 +210%) 

[Dexterity] 952 (80 + 220%) +(80)

[Intelligence] 340 (10+15%)

[Wisdom] 226 (10 + 15%)

[Endurance] 386 (30 + 225%)

[Free Points] 40


First Blood, Two versus One, One vs Many, Croc Slayer, Dual Class, Punching Up, Improbability, Rounded,  Croc Hater, One Man Army, Croc Killer, Battle of Attrition, First of Your Kind, Troll Hater, Troll Slayer, Murderer, Serial Killer, Vanquisher of Kings, Tutorial Forerunner, First of Many, Well on Your Way, Glory of the Patriarch, Highest Contributor, Highest Contributor II, Expectations of the Host, Dawning of a Hunter, War on Beasts, Marked by Kirins, Race Change, Hunter’s Calling, Vanquisher of Kings II, Exterminator, Named in the System, Dawning of a Hunter II, Hated by Many, The Awe of Many, Bounty, Ill Made Leader

“Yo man, where's the dude at?”

“Ey, shut up will ya? He said he would scoop us up. Guy said he got a new toy from that last kill. You know upgraded his baby.”

“Wha- Oh shit! Get up! Move!”

The men scrambled to get off the rock they were sitting on in the shade of the cliff sticking out of the sand. The low sound of what seemed like a jet taking off constantly rumbling as dust kicked up in the distance.

Dodging out of the way the two men tumbled in the hot desert to the side.

“What the fuck dude! You could have ran us over!”

Charging past them and slamming into the cliff face was a black suit of armor five times the size of a person. It slowly backed up from the indent it had placed in the wall, sand slowly gliding off its armor.

Turning around the black monstrosity’s eyes shone in red, green, blue, and yellow. On its shoulder a large canon, its arms two large gattling-type weapons.

It creaked and shifted until it stopped and bent down, its chest opening to reveal a small dark-skinned man with dark hair braided into a ponytail. His beard reached past his waist.

“Got Damn! This thing is just like the games!! This new baby is like a got damn mobile suit!” the dwarf shouted.

The two men got up. Dusting themselves off with scowls on their face.

“What was that about? All the monsters are dead dude. What’s the point in being out here? Can’t we just chill in the outpost?”

“Naw bro, I have to get these controls down. I won’t be doing this for shits and giggles you heard me?” the dwarf scoffed, sniffing and rubbing his nose, “I got to make sure I keep up, those two bastards always calling me a leecher and shit! I’ll show them that Wow-fi is back in business baby! I know that asshole Grumps is ganna be jealous I got this thing!”

“R-right… Man, Damian we’re tired, and it's fucking hot out. Can you just take us to the outpost dude? I don’t wanna be out here, even if there aren’t monsters. There’s still those idiots trying to kill us after the last stunt you pulled.”

Damian reached out his hand open palm.


Damian nodded, waiting for his payment.

“Fine, here's your damn Cores, now take our asses back to the outpost will you.”

“You gots it. And don’t worry about them dudes no more. I took care of it,” he smiled.

“You killed them?!”

“Oh, you know it. You don’t fucks with me like that and get to go home. We don’t tolerate that bullshit where I’m from,” he said seriously.

“Man, when did you get so hard-headed?”

“Since always,” Damian snorted, “And I told you to tell that mother fucker to stop eyeballin' me like he can snag my shit. Just cause I’m out of the mech don’t mean I won’t whoop his ass too!”

The man turned seeing the other reaching for something beneath his cloak when he sighed.

“Don’t do it bro we only have a few weeks then we’re out of here.”

“Why? He’s out of his big suit and he has all the shit from the tutorial! He’s robbed everyone!”

“I ain’t rob shit, I killed it. It’s mine. Only people that get free stuff from me are friends and family, and you neither!” Damian laughed at the man.

“Fuck you!” the man shouted pulling a blade from his side and rushing Damian.

He was stopped dead in his tracks as a shot rang out, half of his body incinerated on the spot, a burning hole in the ground. The cannon of the black marvel behind Damian emitting a faint trail of smoke.

“No,” Daimain smiled, “Fuck you.”

[Damian Bellair]

[Race: Obsidian Dwarf] [F-Rank]


[Profession: Mechanic P5(0%)[F-Rank], Specialist P5(0%)[F-Rank]


Tutorial Alias [Wow-fi]


[Mechanical  Puppeteer] [Unique] Level 25


[Vitality] 271 (10+ 15%) 

[Strength] 210 (20 +10%) 

[Dexterity] 952 (80 + 220%) 

[Intelligence] 655 (10+15%) 

[Wisdom] 526 (10 + 215%) + (40)

[Endurance] 266 (30 + 225%) + (40)

[Free Points] 0


First Blood, Two versus One, One vs Many, Spider Slayer, Dual Class, Punching Up, Improbability, Rounded,  Scorpion Hater, One Man Army, Scorpion Killer, Battle of Attrition, First of Your Kind, Hawk Hater, Hawk Slayer, Murderer, Serial Killer, Vanquisher of Kings, Tutorial Forerunner, First of Many, Well on Your Way, Glory of the Patriarch, Highest Contributor, Expectations of the Host, Dawning of a Puppeteer, War on Arachnids, Marked by Celestines, Race Change, Puppet Master’s Calling, Vanquisher of Kings II, Exterminator, Named in the System, Dawning of a Puppeteer II, Hated by Many, The Awe of Many, Bounty, Rogue Element

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