Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 167: Return of the Tyrant Asuran

Chapter 167: Return of the Tyrant Asuran

Claire watched from outside the massive structure of ice with the rest of the party. Chelsea had run up to join them concerned for Bjorn as they looked on in anxious anticipation.

Megan, Julia, Jacqueline, and Tom held their breaths as they heard the clashing resonate through the ice structure beating deep in their chests.

“W-what’s going on in there?” Chelsea asked.

“Them kicking that Ant’s ass if we’re lucky,” Tom said, reaffirming his grip on his shield.

Megan shuffled next to the group unsure of what to do, “Do you think they’re beating it…? It’s an E-Rank, we all got the notif-”

Claire turned and stared daggers at Megan, “Shut up! Drake won’t lose! He promised us!”

She turned back to the ice, clenching her hands in prayer to anything she could after snapping at Megan. Claire closed her eyes pleading for Drake to make it through.

The ground shook as another thunderous impact sounded from inside the structure, rocking everyone close to the ice.

“A-are we sure it’s safe to be this close, maybe we should move back?” Tom stammered.

“Don’t be such a bloody sod, Tom. Ain’t you the one who's supposed to be protecting us?” Jacqueline scoffed.

“We can’t go anywhere, what if they need our support and we’re too far to help?” Julia interjected.

“I’m not going anywhere!” Claire shouted.

“Neither am I!” Chelsea added, gripping Claire’s hands.

Nodding to each other the pair looked in concern at the ice, the sounds of fighting continuing.

The feeling of a dead weight suddenly pressured down on them, the sound of a guttural screech piercing the surroundings, pushing them all down to their knees.

“W-what was that?!” Megan eeked out.

The next moment the unmistakable scream of Drake reached their ears through the ice, multiple booms of impacts going off in quick succession.

Then silence.

In the next blink of an eye, the ice structure shattered. Revealing the aftermath of the fight.

Claire’s hand snapped to her mouth as she gasped in horror.

Standing with it’s hand through Drake was the Ant Prince.

Bjorn a small distance away bleeding on the ground.

The prince then threw Drake to the floor before kicking him across the field.

Claire’s eyes followed his lifeless body through the air as she struggled to scream out his name.


But before she could move or watch him collide with the ground his body disappeared in a flash of white light.

“W-what?! Where did he go?” Claire yelled looking around in desperation.

“Bear!!” Chelsea shouted from the side, sprinting to him before anyone could stop her.

She barreled forward across the field reaching for him only to be stopped by the Ant prince suddenly appearing in between them.

Chelsea was immediately frozen in fear, her body stiffening mid-step in front of the Ant.

“Chels!” Julia yelled, casting her barrier spell, a white luminescence forming around Chelsea.

The Prince lightly arced his hand sending Chelsea flying backward her body curled and bent as she collided with the ground.

Jacqueline immediately ran to her, casting a healing spell.

The Prince chittered as his mandibles snapped. One moment in front of Bjorn, the next he appeared in front of Jacqueline his hand raised.

“No stop!” Claire yelled, raising her staff and casting her only attack spell in a feeble attempt to stop the monster, “Spark!”

The bolt of lightning shot out from her staff and fizzled out on the back of the head of the Prince.

His head snapped and singled out Claire.

With a screech the Prince disappeared again.

But with a flash of light and the sound of an impact like a bomb going off, Claire raised her hands, trying to hold back the gust of wind.

Her eyes opened and she saw the back of a man she didn’t immediately recognize.

He wore a familiar black and gold trimmed robe that was tattered and worn, his skin a caramel tan.

Claire’s eyes began to water as she scanned his face, a familiar mask on its side and a sharp face framed by shoulder-length bangs and hair that reached his waist.

“D-Drake..?!” she murmured.

Drake didn’t reply right away, in his arm he held a sleeping Natto, in his other he held the Prince’s arm as sparks of blue mana cascaded off Drake’s infused Tattoo Ring.

“Take care of her,” Drake said evenly, handing Natto to Claire.

Claire began to break down, the floodgates opening as tears fell.

“I-I thought you died… I thought you lost! You don’t have to keep trying! It’s alright! As long as you’re ok! As long as you don’t get hurt! Please! Drake!!”

A shit-eating grin creased Drake’s face as he turned, his hair shimmering into a kaleidoscope of colors as he applied his multiple endowments.

“You heard her Obiteron. Looks like I can’t afford to lose anymore.”

Drake held the Prince at bay, surprising himself as he gripped his claws with relative ease.

These new skills and body have put me on another level. I hate to thank that Dragon Bitch but, I wouldn’t be able to win if I wasn’t forced to change…. He lamented.

To the Death.”

Drake cast his new skill, the Prince’s head tilting back and forth feeling the skill’s effect while looking confused at both Drake and his stopped hand.

Line in the Sand [F Rank] P1 (0%)

  • You demand one-on-one combat with a worthy opponent. It is your right by birth as an Asuran to fight with honor, to the Death.
  • Activate skill with, “To the Death”
  • 500% Increase to all Stats against Marked Opponent during one on one combat.
  • Duration lasts until the Marked Target is killed, you are killed, or the skill is canceled.
  • Cooldown 48 Hours. (Reduced with Proficiency) 

Drake instantly felt his status surge, from it’s already ridiculous increase from his race change. Surprised by the sudden influx of power he felt, Drake gripped his hands out of instinct immediately crushing the Prince’s hand in his grip.

The Prince screeched and howled in pain as it shot backward, nursing its shattered hand as ichor leaked from the broken armor.

Drake scoffed, then looked over seeing Bjorn still on the ground. His teeth clenched as he saw his friend in such a state.

Moving with increased speed, Drake appeared next to Bjorn.

“Hey, you’re still with us right bud?” Drake asked, putting his hand on Bjorn’s neck to check for a pulse.

“I-i’m still kicking, if only barely, bro…” Bjorn chuckled wearily.

“Did you take a potion yet?”

“N-no… What happened to your hair? It get longer in the last five minutes…?” Bjorn asked, almost delirious.

“My hair?” Drake parroted, then saw his bangs sway in front of him painted in a myriad of colors, “Oh, would you look at that? I turned SSJ3.

Drake popped a red vial into his hands, thankfully his shawl was still in working order. He quickly uncorked it and passed it over Bjorn’s open wound then flipped him on his back to pour the rest into his mouth.

“You alright from here? Even with my new strength, I don’t think I can carry your fat ass over to Jacqueline,” Drake chuckled. 

Bjorn got warily on his feet, shaking slightly. Using his giant claymore as a crutch he leaned onto it and gave Drake a smile with a scoff.

“I’m not fat, I’m just big boned you asshole. And yeah, I got it from here… What… What happened to you though bro?” Bjorn asked.

“It’s a long story man….” Drake grimaced, “I’ll tell you all about it after I deal with this bug.”

Drake stood back up and faced the obviously irritated bug.

The Prince’s hand had since healed from Drake crushing it. Obiteron’s natural healing ability was tenacious.

He looked at Drake with newfound hate.

Drake smiled as he saw the emotion somehow in the Prince’s Aura change. It was no longer looking at Drake like a weak toy. But now as a threat. A problem.

“Oh and am I a problem. The whole problem. I’m thee problem!” Drake snarled.

For the thrill of battle!”

War God’s Battle Fervor [F Rank] P1(0%)

  • As is your birthright, you revel in the carnage of the battlefield. Every moment within it a breath of fresh air. Everything is for the thrill of battle.
  • 100% Increase to All Stats. Can Stack up to 3 times every 10 minutes for up to 30 minutes.
  • Activate skill through, “For the thrill of battle.
  • Cooldown 12 Hours
  • Cost None

Drake’s body bulged and surged with power. But it wasn’t yet over.


Asuran Battle Instincts: Weak Point [F Rank] P3(0%)

  • This skill allows you to gain insight into your opponent, through your knowledge of internal mastery. Your insight guides you to vulnerable locations on your marked opponent. Your newfound instincts further push your knowledge of your opponents.
  • You may mark up to 1 opponent by saying, “Marked.” (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Passive increase in critical chance of 2% to Dexterity (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Active increase of critical chance to marked targets by 50% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Mark cost of a small amount of Mana and Stamina.
  • Cooldown of 10 minutes, or after collection of marked target.

With Drake’s improved skill, he narrowed his focus on Obiteron. In this moment there was nothing else. There was no one else. 

Drake’s eyes subtly changed from his natural baby blue, to a deep aqua, then to a serine verdant green, and finally to a brilliant piercing yellow.

Drake bolted forward crushing the ground around him as the Prince did the same, meeting him in the middle as they clashed sending out a pulse of destruction as debris was kicked up all around them.

Drake began channeling his mana into his rings, his improved Martial Skill going to work with his improved Adrenaline Acuity allowing him to fight beyond his peak from before.

Asuran’s Battle Acuity P3(0%) [F Rank]

  • A passive stacking skill that allows the user to increase the effect of adrenaline to the limit, increasing their cognitive ability and tolerance to pain over the course of a fight.
  • A skill that increases as time passes while in combat. Increasing the potency of Adrenaline over the course of 10 Minutes. Ramping up from a 5% increase to 50% Potency. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Passive Effects last for a duration of 30 minutes. (Increased based on Proficiency)

War God’s Martial Prowess P3(0%) [F Rank]

  • A skill that allows the martial artist to infuse their body with inner energy to harden themselves and increase the damage done by strikes.
  • A skill that uses Stamina to increase the efficiency of strikes by 200% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Cost: Small amount of Stamina

Drake collided with Obiteron in a cross guard, then quickly gripped the Prince’s extended arm as it passed his right side, throwing his own right into the Prince’s side forcing the Ant a few inches into the air.

The Prince recovered quickly. Healing the wound as he tried to pull his arm from Drake. Unable to, Obiteron threw a fist and a kick with his free arm and leg.

Drake moved quickly seeing the strikes easily with his skills in full effect, dodging the clawed arm, he gripped it under his own, jumping into a spin as his leg began glowing in a sinister crimson red.

Bringing his Martial Skill-infused foot up and into the side of the Prince’s head, throwing him into the ground.

Drake landed deftly on his feet, bending at the knee as he began channeling his new and improved nearly bottomless pit of mana into his Rings.

First comes rock.”

Drake chanted in a hushed tone, his hand beginning to radiate a color of blue that began to bend the light and air around it. The sound of crackling from the infused weapon began to snap and whip around him as it condensed within the ring and tattoo.

Inner Sanctum of the Asuran Soul P3(0%) [F Rank]

  • Your soul has gone through a monumental change, and with each improvement, it will clear. Your body is the envy of every martial artist as it reaches further towards the peak of perfection.
  • Passive Effect: Your Maximum Mana Capacity is increased by 5 times. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Extra Effect: You now gain an additional 10 Intelligence per level.

The Prince wrenched himself from the ground but only in time to see Drake above him, his skill manifesting in his drawn right hand.

Drake threw his fist into the center of Obiteron’s chest throwing him deeper and deeper into the ground with the strike. The sound of shattering glass sounded as Drake saw his ring snap and break in front of him from the overstimulation of mana.

Clicking his tongue he moved his left hand ring to his dominant right.

“Still alive? That regeneration of yours is impressive if nothing else. That explains why I thought I was doing no damage earlier… You were regenerating it in real-time. But,” Drake sneered, as he pulled his Staff from his inventory, “Playtime, is over.”

“Sit still and I will show you what a True Tyrant is.”

Your Fear, is binding.

 Cower before the Mighty P3(0%) [F Rank]

  • A spell using your Aura to forcibly make a target immobile by fear-producing hallucinations based on Aura's strength.
  • Spell: “Fear is binding. Cower.”
  • Target is placed under Terror Debuff for 15 seconds. Damage beyond the threshold will break the effect. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Debuff can be cleansed by High-Level Holy Magic
  • Cost: Small amount of Mana and Stamina
  • Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Drake mumbled his improved fear spell allowing the inky mana to drip down his arm enveloping Obiteron as he suddenly lurched and began clawing at his body. Drake then bent down, throwing himself upwards into the sky as countless magic circles formed around him.

Asuran’s Magic Prowess P3(0%) [F Rank]

  • A passive skill that allows the caster to create separate instances of spells.
  • This skill allows the use of multiple instances of any spell.
  • Limit: 55 Additional Spell. (Max 56 instances, including combined forms.)(Increased based on Proficiency)
  • No Cost
  • No Cooldown

Using his now almost fifty-fold increase in spell count, he used his wind magic to keep him afloat as he manifested numerous elements around him.

Heretical Attunement. Earth.”

Drake whispered as his earth magic formed around his outstretched Morning Glory staff, forming the massive arch of a bow in the color of his obsidian black earth.

Heretical Attunement. Lightning, Fire.”

Adding more magic to the spell, Drake’s magic coalesced into a taut bowstring crossing from one end of the Bow to the other in a swirl of fire and lightning.

Using his right hand he opened his palm. Forming on the edge was a pure black arrow made from earth magic, as Drake began chanting, pouring his status into every fiber of the spell.

“O’ sacred Lord in Heaven.”

The magic began infusing itself into the bow and arrow, crackling with power.

Radiant Lord, merciful, who bestowed upon me wisdom and strength.”

Drake put the completed arrow to the string aiming it carefully down at the still writhing Obiteron on the ground.

“I call upon thee to witness my heart, my thoughts, and everything I have achieved.”

Pulling back on the string, more elements snapped and attached the the arrow, swirling in a vortex of every color.

Now, creator of the moon and the stars!”

More! Push more into it! This bug dies here! Drake cursed as he looked down at the Prince inside the crater still tearing and clawing at the ground and himself.

Behold my deeds, my death, and my Spenta Armaiti which I must carry out! After I unleash this last arrow with all my strength, my iron body shall shatter and annihilate me where I stand!”

Drake pulled harder on the string, putting every last drop of his new status into the spell as it crackled and snapped with power, the spells swirling and screeching in his ear in a contest to drown out his voice.


Drake released the string, the arrow roaring forward with jubilation as it screeched and tore through the air toward its target, leaving the shattered bow in Drake’s hand to disappear in the wind.

The arrow moved slowly in Drake’s improved cognition to the ground, lighting up the surroundings in a kaleidoscope of colors as it spiraled forward.

Drake was drained but smiled all the same as he saw the Prince finally come out of the Fear only to see and hear him scream in one last defiant moment before the spell impacted with the ground like a Lone Meteor.

[You have subjugated King of the Tyrant Ant’s Obiteron Trikk [E-Rank]Level 30] [Experience earned. 24,000,000 TP Earned]

[You have subjugated the King of the Tyrant Ants Obiteron Trikk [E-Rank] Quest Complete]

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