Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 160: Not for the Colony!

Chapter 160: Not for the Colony!

“Theo! Theo, where the hell are you?” Drake shouted as he passed the numerous Ants converging on him in the forest,” Damn it, that guy’s concealing skill is just broken,” Drake cursed.

Perhaps he has already left the chamber? Or is simply taking your advice and staying close by and silent?” Natto proposed.

“I can’t exactly take that chance with so many Ants here, if they swarm me I can always get out, but if they catch him… I don’t see how Theodore would be able to survive. I have to be sure of where he is,” Drake said concerned.

Drake shot through the Ants, only killing those who were necessary for him to scour the area in search of Theodore. But Drake’s time was limited in a sense.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw the entrance that the Ants had made being plugged up once more. 

“At least I know where to start digging once I find Theo. I just hope he wasn’t reckless enough to go in there without me.”

You mean you hope he is not like you?” Natto corrected.

“Not the time!” Drake spat, running past another group of Ants.

This one doth believes he is lost…. Theodore thought as he stood plastered to the wall, watching Ants passing by him in the tunnel.

Theodore had done exactly what Drake had hoped he had not. While under the effect of his concealment, he had snuck into the chamber opening in wanting to prove that he was a valuable asset to Drake.

He was currently stuck in the flood of Ants that were surging through the tunnel all rushing in one direction.

It doth begs the question, hitherward art these formicidae bound?

Theodore, although curious about where the flood of monsters were going, had another goal that took priority.

This one must find the treasury whilst my Lord battles. It is the only way to put him at ease. Unfortunately….

Theodore wished to move from his position stuck to the wall, but it was impossible for him to go anywhere with the crowded tunnel packed by the Ants. If he was to try he would surely bump into one of them, giving himself away.

So despite his best efforts, Theodore was stuck waiting for the massive flood of Ants to cease.

Minutes then hours passed as Theo remained where he was. Waiting for the flood to come to a trickle so that he may get on with his personal vendetta to prove his worth.

Finally, the tunnel opened up, the Ants coming in full force slowing down into a calm stream. Giving enough space for Theodore to peel himself from the wall.

At long last, this one is allowed to move. Now, onward to thine goal. The Treasury! Theodore shouted inwardly as he began to run in the opposite direction of the Ants.

Theodore moved through the tunnels quickly. His stats beginning to finally compensate for the class he was hoping to produce.

After talking with Natto, Theodore realized that he was not a combat mage, and had no hopes of doing so. His class relied on misdirection to fool enemies, and his skills allowed him to be the perfect scout. That is what he had decided on, splitting his free points into wisdom and endurance, for now, he was slowly increasing his stamina. A benefit he thanked Drake for, as he had leveled up significantly because of the party system, even passing his wife now at level 17 to her 16.

Theodore moved through the tunnel, taking its bends and turns stopping only briefly to look into whatever opening he happened upon. But alas each and every room bore no fruit to his quest.

He was almost desperate to find the Treasure Room. Theodore understood Drake’s hesitance with keeping not only Theodore but the others as well near him when things became dangerous. For whatever turn of fate, many of them were not direct combat classes.

And even more, it was a surprise to all of them that the jump in levels and difficulty from the Goblins to the Ants had left them all in the dust. But Theodore didn’t want to allow that to force him to give up his service to Drake.

Drake had saved Theodore. When he was a fresh level 10 unable to gain experience or resources, searching hopelessly for some way to gain power. Drake lent him a helping hand. It may not have been completely humanitarian in reasoning, but he was Theodore’s benefactor nonetheless.

Then when Theodore was in the process of repaying the debt, it grew larger. He had found his wife and had no means once again to help her from the horde of Goblins. That was when Drake had once again helped him.

Again and again, Theodore was helped, and his pride wouldn’t let the relationship stay one-sided.

Theodore ran through the tunnels determined to find the room that would ease his Lord’s mind. And allow him to, if only minutely, pay back his generosity.

Passing through the tunnel, Theodore finally came to a crossroads.

If this one is not mistaken, my Lord said in passing that the treasury was meant to be in this direction… or was it this direction… Curses! Theodore snapped, looking left to right.

Theodore went with his gut, turning right as he ran down the tunnel, making sure to dodge the incoming Ants.

The chambers and small caves he began passing piqued his interest.

The chambers art becoming smaller… There is no room for the young in these places… Is this one getting close?

Passing chambers more and more frequently Theodore was convinced he had gotten to a part of the hive away from the nurseries and at least somewhere else. Until he stumbled upon a door that all but confirmed his suspicion.

Huzzah! Tis the heart of the beast, and the destination of thine wealth!

Theodore looked from the other side of the tunnel into a large archway where there were Ants standing in front instead of marching with the rest of the fold.

Beyond them, he looked into the chamber where a stone throne was placed on a platform with several stairs leading to it. Behind the throne. Laid golden doors three times the size of the room, the face of a Monstrous Goblin as handles on each section of the door.

“Brother why did you stop me?! That human needs to die!” Rasha hissed, leaning on Obiteron as they ran through the tunnel.

Both headed with their entourage of guards straight for the Queen’s chamber.

“Certainly, I will leave you to befall the same fate as Braxor then? Do not be foolish, you could have done nothing there alone,” Obiteron chided, practically pulling his brother along, “We must regroup at the Queen’s chamber first, mend your wounds then survive until we can kill that flesh-ridden nuisance.”

Several minutes passed as the pair bickered back and forth while running through the tunnel, eventually reaching the Queen’s Birthing Chamber.

Entering through the massive archway, they both kneeled briefly with the rest of the guards.

“Your Highness!” the arriving Ants all shouted at once.

“What is it, my children?” the Queen asked in a soft chirp from her imposingly position high atop a pedestal.

The Queen sat elegantly with her four legs crossed over one another, her abdomen swollen to such size it dangled down to the floor where Royal Nursers took care of the constant stream of eggs being laid.

Obiteron was the first to speak, as he raised his head and addressed the queen.

“Mother, I assume you have heard the news. Braxor has died in battle and there is a human within the hive,” he explained calmly.

“I have. Braxor was a good and loyal son, it is a tragedy he has perished in battle. But it is life and it is your duty as Princes to take care of the intruder,” she responded pointedly, “Why is it that you have not? You will not be telling me he is stronger than my sons will you?” she chirped calmly but her command over the Ants in the room weighed heavy.

“I would be remiss to inform you that sadly it is the case… We have fought with the human several times and we have been routed each time,” Obiteron informed.

“Then why are you here!” she shouted back, “You should be continuing to defend the colony! A single mere human stronger than Royal Tyrants?! It’s unheard of and I will not affirm such false pretense! Bring his head here even if you must throw every last worker at him. I will not hear that you have failed again, son.”

Rasha remained kneeling, his taloned hand, shaking with frustration at the words of his Queen and Mother.

Obiteron on the other hand, stood arrogantly contrary to the Ants within the room.

No,” he announced soundly.

“No?” the Queen scoffed, “You are going to defy your Queen?”

Obiteron flashed out of sight appearing next to the Queen in an instant, “No. I’m going to remove the Queen. I don’t need you anymore Mother!”

Obiteron in one swift motion threw his talons forward, the serrated fingers covered in pitch black light as it passed through the thorax of his mother, killing her instantly as she fell from the top of the pedestal to the floor.

“W-what are you doing Obiteron!?” Rasha shouted from below, standing and leaping to catch his falling Mother.

“I’m taking charge! After Braxor, that muscle-bound loyal dog finally died thanks to that human. It was all I needed to take the throne by force! Now there is only you left and because of your injuries you’re no match for me!” Obiteron shouted his head tilting backwards as he screeched in joy, his ambition laid bare.

“You are a disgrace to our race! I always knew you were a weak scheming fool who didn’t even deserve the mandibles you bare! Do you feel nothing as our Hive dies right before our eyes?! Our brother fought and died! How… How could you not feel the need for vengeance in your very thorax?! And now you kill our Queen?!” Rasha roared in anger, holding his lifeless Mother’s body in his arms.

“Of course, I feel nothing. Because I want to take it all! Is it not in our very essence to stand above all else? The moment we were sent here I put my plan into action. And that human helped me do it. I should thank you and him really, for without either this would have all been for naught. And I would never have had the opportunity to reach my goal,” Obiteron sneered.

“To what?! See the fall of our colony?!”

No,” Obiteron mused, moving down and punching his hand through guard after guard that had surrounded Rasha and the Queen, killing almost every Royal Guard in quick succession.

“To become more! To become stronger than anyone. Then you, then our brother, then that filthy human!”

Obiteron cackled his arms shimmering in dark light as he threw them both forward, bisecting his brother and the Queen’s body that he held.

[You have defeated Rasha Trikk Level 29] [Experience Gained]

[You have increased to Level 30 Ruler of the Nest]

[Race Evolution is now available]

[Would you like to accept Race Evolution to Tyrant Ant-King?]

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