Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 985

The Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Episode 985

Central Front Border Zone (2)

“Tell me your affiliation and name, wizard.”


Lennok is dragged out of an old truck overflowing with blood and corpses.

The woman who turned Lennok’s hand back and fastened it with a thick chain said.

She said, “If you were an apprentice of the Magic Tower, it would be profitable to hand over you as a hostage. “I will ask your teacher for your identity and receive a ransom.”


But Lennok just stared at the woman blankly and made no reply.

At the same time the woman’s expression distorted, a man with a grim expression standing next to her pointed the muzzle of the shotgun in her hand.


“Can’t you hear me? “I guess you didn’t think you were still alive for some other reason?”

“no. “You can tell me as much as you want.”

Lennok laughed.

“I just have one question.”


“If I follow you guys like this, will I be able to reach the first gate?”

Lennok, who knows what kind of rough terrain the central front is, has no intention of blaming Angel for going astray from the start.

If this continues, it is inevitable that the plan to mix with the smugglers and head to the gateway will be ruined.

At this point, a new alternative is needed anyway.

If going along with this group of robbers who are trying to extort even more money from Lennok as a hostage would make things easier, there would be no reason to do anything at this point.

Lenok, with his hands tied behind his back in chains, calmly opened his mouth while surrounded by dozens of superhumans.

“I’m thinking of going to the gate for personal reasons. “If you can take us to the gate, we will cooperate as much as possible.”


“I would also like to hear what rumors are circulating in the center. “If I have good information about the gateway, I’m willing to pay the price.”

“It’s a price, it’s a price.”

“Jubia. “When I’m doing this right now-”

“Mallen. “Just stay still.”

Marlen, a young man with her bonesaw, tried to dissuade the woman called Yuvia, but she did not stop.

She looked at Renok with her arms crossed and smiled.

“Still, I don’t think it means you can’t judge the situation. “If things make sense, there is room for negotiation.”


“Let me just say one more thing. “Tell me what you can give me in return.”

Yuvia said, putting the muzzle of the revolver in her hand under Lennok’s chin and swiping it down.

“The next answer will determine whether the place you will be staying for the time being is our house or the garbage disposal site.”

“Captain Yuvia…!!”

At that moment, the man standing awkwardly behind him spoke hastily.

“Heh, the Hedro Warlord is coming this way. “It looks like we’re engaged in a battle with the gateway search party…!!”


Doo doo doo doo!!!

At that moment, a galloping tank unit appeared beyond the horizon, scattering whitish dust.

Between the rusted gun barrel and caterpillar, blood vessels and organs wriggle together.

The sight of tanks wriggling their gun barrels and spewing out purple liquid, as if they were alive.

Drivers on heavy mechanical bikes were chasing after the tanks.

A tank unit covered in blood is the head of a warlord. Are the knights on mechanical bikes the gateway search party?

Ironically, the direction in which the two forces collide is in the middle of the wilderness where Lennok and the robbers are facing off.

“Captain, quickly!!!”

“Start the engine. “Run away with this wizard bastard!!”

Forgetting the conversation just moments ago, Yuvia roughly grabbed Lennok’s collar.

Although it is a marauding organization that has built up quite a bit of power, does it not want to get caught up in the conflict between the warlord and the gate search team?

“Follow me. “If you hesitate, I’ll just kill you right here!!”

“Did you say warlord and gate search party?”

However, even as Lennok was held by Yuvia’s hand by the collar, he was looking at the fast approaching tank and search party from afar.

“Good. If you are a gateway search party, you could ask for directions.”

Lennok, who slowly broke his neck, looked away and muttered.

“Then we can just kill everyone except the search party.”

“What is this bastard saying-?!!”

Yuvia, who was about to hit Renok’s cheek while spitting out her curse, suddenly felt the lower part of her hand empty and lowered her gaze.

Her hand, which had been clutching Lennok’s collar just moments ago, was gone from the wrist down.


The cross section of the cut wrist was completely cooked and crushed to the point where not even blood came out.

“Everyone step back now!!!”

Yubia, who was staring blankly at her wrist, shouted harshly, and a man with dreadlocks standing next to her holding a shotgun immediately responded.


The moment I turned the shotgun’s muzzle around without hesitation and pulled the trigger toward Lennok’s head.


The head of the man holding the shotgun disappeared.

A lie-like evaporation that seems to have erased everything that existed above the neck.

Only traces of burnt cross sections prove that ultra-high heat passed through the area.

“Mi, chin….”

“You have good judgment even though you cut off your wrist. “Her subordinates are also quick-witted.”

Yubia, who was looking at the scene with a distorted expression, stiffly turned her neck when she heard Lennok’s voice coming from below.

Before he knew it, Lenok had released the thick chains that were binding his arms and was slowly unwinding as he looked at the robbers surrounding him.

“You’re pretty calm on the subject of marauders. Do all the central outlaws feel this way?”

“You can’t believe it….”

“I asked about your affiliation and name earlier.”

Lennok said, looking at the robbers who were contorted as if they were scared or couldn’t believe the current situation.

“My name is Evan Martinez.”

The very moment that the name that had been talking about not being them just a moment ago came out of Lennok’s mouth.

Marlen, holding her bonesaw, rushed towards Lennok at incredible speed.


At the same time that Marlen swings her arm with all her might, the cargo truck splits vertically and the cargo compartment explodes.

Dozens of superhumans rushed towards Lennok, who had landed in the midst of them.


All the embarrassment and doubts about the situation taking an unexpected direction are transformed into anger and poured out at the wizard in front of them.

He has to kill this man so he can get out of here alive. Dozens of people shared that unfounded confidence at the same time and brandished their weapons as if they were vicious.

However, among the robbers who rushed at Lennok as if they were going to crush him to death, blazing heat rays flashed from all directions.

Flame series unique magic

[Red shift]



The heat rays, divided into dozens of branches, rotated, caressing the bodies of the superhumans and evaporating them.


“My arm, my arm is missing!!”

The body parts are burned and cut off, and the cut edges are glued together.

Due to the brain-throbbing pain, even the superhumans who had been wandering the battlefield for a long time rolled over their eyes, collapsed, and cried out.

“Oh, no!! “Of course it won’t work!!”

“I want to stop here. “I’m going to stop, so please save me!!”

Among his comrades who are gasping for breath and falling, Marlen, holding his bone saw, falls in front of Lennok.

A breakthrough that changes direction and speed dozens of times in the air, twisting the body like a flash of light to penetrate the gap.

However, the bone saw that was supposed to sharply stab vital points was blocked by the solid metal armrest attached to Lennok’s arm.


Marlen, who was glaring at Lennok through the fluttering sparks, grinned.

“The smuggler who was talking nonsense in the truck earlier. “I should have killed him in a more painful way.”


“If you hadn’t interfered a thousand times, I wouldn’t have gotten away with it. “I guess my eyes weren’t wrong.”

Appearance made by gathering several metal pipes to resemble an exhaust port.

A pyrokinesis-specific combustion array device that I acquired as Evan’s special weapon some time ago.


The intense steam spewing out from the exhaust vent instantly poured down Marlen’s shoulder and cooked his flesh.


Marlen’s expression twisted like a demon as the pain burned his arm.

Lennok laughed as he burned the corpse of the robber who had fallen at his feet.

“You’re holding up well. “Is it because he has the ability to pull out his own bones and use them as weapons?”


Marlen said, catching her breath.

“Rumors… Lies….”

“I don’t know what rumors you’ve heard about me, but what happened in Balkan itself is not a lie.”

After responding like that, Lennok glanced up.

“I fought for the Blue Eye, and I lost. I really like what kind of story came out in the process. but….”

Lenok stretched out his hand toward the sky and smiled coldly.

“Are you sure that the thousand times you heard about him was a benefactor who even saved the lives of scoundrels who quarreled with him?”


Marlen, holding her bone knife in her left hand, rushes towards Lennok, her blood splattering across her right shoulder.

At the same time, Yuvia stood up from among her corpses, transformed into the form of a werewolf and roared ferociously.

At that moment, Marlen and Yubia, who rushed in from both sides, plunged their swords and teeth into Lennok’s back and nape at the same time.

“Summon explosive weapons.”

A huge metal pillar fell from the sky and pushed the two people away.



The shape of a huge metal pillar heavily engraved with complex spells and characters.

The sight of it rotating with the ignition device stuck in the front resembles a flamethrower without a muzzle.

The moment when Marlen and Yuvia’s steps were distorted by the fall of a weight that easily exceeded hundreds of kilograms.

Lennok muttered as he grabbed the ignition device without hesitation.

“Start the engine.”


As soon as Lennoc recited the starter word, the front part of the ignition device opened and deployment began.

A dark red barrier spread out around the ignition device, covering the entire area with hot flames.


The curtain of flames rotated, evaporating Bonesaw, and moving onto the young man’s arm.

I should have bitten off the muscle and flesh and plunged the blade into the blood vessel. The moment I move my body, I don’t feel any sensation.

Emptiness, as if I had lost control of my body the moment I attempted to attack.

Every time you come into contact with Lennok’s flame-filled hands as if clapping, a part of your body evaporates and disappears as if erased.

Good luck!!


Jubiah, her face burning, rolled on the ground, and Mallen, her skin burning, fell to her knees.

The moment when the hot wind violently pushed the two people away and burned the bodies that had fallen at their feet into a heap of ashes.


Riding the heat, the hazy fog cleared and the scenery below the wilderness appeared before Lennok’s eyes.


[In the name of God…!!]

“The appearance of the four types of food gods. from now on!!”

The priests of the cult perform the ritual by reciting prayers, and the shamans use their food spirits to perform the ritual.

On top of a hill made of human bones, there is a fortress that appears to be an advance base, with lights flashing.

Below them, the five-line army marched at high speed and let out harsh shouts.

“All troops advance!!”


Dozens of missile trajectories overlap in the sky, and pillars of fire rise ceaselessly on the ground.

Every time I look in all directions, blood and death flow from all sorts of places.

Even though we hadn’t even entered the gate, a battlefield close to hell was unfolding simultaneously in all directions.

It was a fierce battle that even Lennok, who had fought through all kinds of battlefields, had ever seen before.

Is this the true face of the central front, said to be the continent’s largest battleground?

Renok, who was looking down with interest at the battle taking place all around him, then turned around holding the ignition device.

It’s not that he didn’t want to see more of the devastation on the central front, but it was because there was still work left to do.

A bizarre-shaped tank unit approaching from afar, scattering dust, and a search party chasing after it.

They had been seen as a blur over the horizon, but before we knew it, they were right in front of us.

At first glance, the tank unit called Hedro Warlord is not an opponent with whom one can communicate.

If you’re planning on asking for guidance, it would be enough to just keep the search party alive here.


Every time you pull the ignition and start the engine, heat is blown out through the exhaust port mounted on the left arm to regulate body temperature.

A weaponization technique of flame magic created by combining Jindun’s barrier technique.

The diffusion and amplification, which are the unique characteristics of flame-type magic, are contained in the barrier law engraved on the ignition device, compressing the firepower to the limit.

Change in properties throughout combustion

Flame heat modeling gunpowder alchemy

[Saturated Armament No. 88: Falling Flame Rain]

[Revolutionary ammunition storage]

[Flame Jade Star]

The barrage army created in this way boasts such massive firepower and scale that it can easily be called a one-man army.

The moment when the absorption and release of heat were manipulated at the same time, and the combustion armament was struck at the foot.

[Volcanic caution]


A huge volcano erupted behind Lennok and began spewing out hot flames.

* * *

[Ulurik. It’s on the right!!]

The moment the tank muzzle, with its blood vessels twitching, points in this direction, I break the bike handlebar with all my might.

The vehicle body changes direction on the spot, tilts, and instantly slows down.


A purple magic bullet exploded in front of the bike, creating a magical pillar of magic.

“Damn it…!!”

The central city of Arsnova. Gate Search Battalion, 12th Mounted Regiment. Ulurik gritted his teeth as he adjusted his helmet.

Although we dodged the shell, we might have been one step too late if there had been no warning.

If you were hit by even one of those magic bullets fired by the cursed warlord, it wouldn’t be surprising if you turned into a ghoul or a vengeful spirit on the spot.

“Bigore. This side is bad. “They are trying to leave the battlefield!!”

[The remnants of the corrupt warlords keep causing trouble…!!]

Overtaking Ulurik, who had fallen on his bike, the other members of the search party ran out to follow the retreating tank.

While roughly pulling the throttle of the mechanical warhorse he was riding on, he aimed the gun blade, which was a combination of a sword and a gun, with one hand.


The moment the bullet fired by the search party hit the tank, the veins covering the surface of the tank burst and purple blood flowed.

The moment the bullet hit the heavy tank, it flinched and convulsed as if it was in pain.


However, in the meantime, the cursed tank unit ignores the search party and only focuses on escaping from the battlefield.

Ulurik hurriedly stood up his bike and raised the communicator as he looked at the sight.

“We can’t let them get near the gate. “We have to stop it here!!”

[I know…!!]

The Hedro Warlord is one of the forces that met a very special end among the large organizations located on the central front.

The warlord who lost the war against Deadrise and was devoured by all sorts of forces is now virtually extinct.

However, the generals of the Hedro warlord, who were driven to the edge of the cliff, tried their hand at a forbidden ritual and became corrupted.

All of the warlords under him suffered mental contamination and turned into one huge colony.

Not only the soldiers and executives, but also the weapons of war they handle roam the battlefield like living creatures, focusing on killing humans.

Now, the Hedro Warlord is no longer a force on the central front, but is classified as a cursed monster and is only to be subjugated.

However, the reality is that it is difficult to block even the remnants of such warlords with the full power of the gate search team protecting the central front.

‘The search party’s strength has become too weak…!!’

The central city, which once enjoyed brilliant prosperity, is collapsing, giving way one by one to forces seeking its heritage and fame.

The gate search party, which was supposed to protect the first gate, is now acutely aware of its lack of power and is borrowing the power of other forces, including the Order Federation.

Even in the midst of the hectic chase, the moment when Ulurik swallowed the bitter water and bit his lip.

A huge fireball fell from the sky and landed on the leading tank.


The luminous flame, like a small sun, rotates in place, crushing and burning the tank’s boarding gate.

A terrible roar as if the tank was being crushed and then burned to pieces on the spot.

[Geeky geek…!!!]

A scream, as if something was dying, echoes from inside the tram.


The moment when Ulurik paused in confusion at the unexpected and sudden bombardment.

Dozens of fireballs fell from the sky and began crushing the warlord’s cursed tanks.


Red meteor showers fall like rain on a dry, cloudless sky and set the ground on fire.

Every time a fireball fell and exploded, a pillar of dark red fire surged backwards, completely burning the hit tank on the spot.


The remaining tank units resisted like crazy and tried to somehow turn the battery around to intercept the falling meteor shower.

Someone on top of a tank with blood entangled in it began to burn every single tank that was convulsing.

[All troops stop. They are not allies!!]

[High-grade pyrokinesis. Or, presumed to be a flame wizard of saint rank or higher!]

Ulurik, ignoring the noisy search party communication network, stopped his bike and stared blankly at the burning battlefield.

Because he was briefly behind the other search party comrades, he could see the battlefield better than the other comrades.

A man holding a huge lighter like a weapon is flying over the cursed tank, exploding fireworks.

It spreads red flames like wings behind its back and breaks through the tanks at incredible speeds.

Every time he swung the ignition device in his hand, the flames that spewed out ignited the heavens and earth and wiped out the tank unit.


The remnants of the Headero warlord explode helplessly while simultaneously caring about the meteor shower falling from the sky and the presence of a young man running rampant on the ground.


Unable to overcome the heat, the lid of the tank opens wide, and a strange, gray-colored monster struggles inside.

It screamed horribly, as if it wanted to curse the owner of this tragedy, but even that scream was burned away in the breath of flame.


The search party members held their breath as they finally realized that the wizard who was currently massacring the tank troop was a power beyond imagination.

[Nonsense. Did the prayer beads of the Blaver Magic Tower participate in the war?!]

[no. This is not the firepower of a rosary. It is similar to the power that the Witch of Fire pours out using her magic weapon.]

[Tatiana Chiglet is no longer a member of the Magic Tower. In the first place, she-]

At that moment, a young man holding a metal pillar on top of a burned-out tank hit it at incredible speed.


It folds its six-pronged flame wings behind its back and emits waves of intense heat beneath its feet.

With that alone, the cursed thoughts lingering inside the tank burned away and purified the entire battlefield.


Everyone looks up with bated breath at the sight of a young man leaning against a metal pillar with his head bowed.

Remnants of the Hedro warlord. The appearance of a strong man who destroyed dozens of cursed tanks in less than 5 minutes.

Everyone here knows that if they go against their will, they too can end up in the same situation as that tank.


He exhales softly and continuously releases heat and flames through the exhaust port mounted on his left arm.

It looks like the body temperature is forcibly regulated using the exhaust vent.


As soon as the front part of the ignition device was closed, the young man stood up and looked down at the search party.


A young man, who was looking at the search party, walked down from the tram carrying the ignition device.

“If he is a gate search party, he would at least know the way back to the first gate.”

The young man got down and asked, handling the seemingly heavy metal device as lightly as a feather.

“Is this enough as a reward for guiding me to the gateway?”

“…Before that, could I hear about your identity?”

Nervous faces each riding their bikes and clutching their gunblades.

“Since the Blaver Magic Tower withdrew from the gateway, we have never seen a flame magician like you in the center.”


As Lennok stared at them, the hands of the search party members holding their weapons gradually strengthened.

“If you are thinking of moving from the Magic Tower towards the gateway again…”

“That’s an interesting answer. From the search party’s perspective, is it better for the Alliance to manage the gateway rather than the Magic Tower?”


“I think the power structure and image of the Central Front are quite different from what I thought.”

Lenok, who casually reverse summoned the ignition device, stood in front of the searchers, lightly shaking his hands.

“I’d like to get an explanation on that part when I get to the gate. “It’s possible, right?”

“Ah, yes… that is….”

So who exactly is the wizard standing before their eyes right now?

After reading the hesitant reactions of the search party members, Lennok smiled bitterly and opened his mouth.

“My name is Evan Martinez.”

“Eh, Evan?!!”

The search party members were shocked and then began to break into a cold sweat and look at each other.

“A thousand times, criminals were piled up like firewood and burned to save the lighthouse keeper…”

“There was a saying that he was a quiet man who didn’t say a word except when he was killing people.”

“It wasn’t a secret weapon that Cheongyeon left behind for future lighthouse keepers?”

“…This is not the place to talk about such nonsense right now.”

Lennok touched his forehead with a bewildered expression and pointed his finger at the search party members.

“Let’s talk while moving. “I want to hear where those words came from.”

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