Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 11

As soon as I got my new ID, I opened an account at a bank near the 30th precinct.

When the commercial bank, which was frantic to receive customers, told Lennok that he was going to deposit 20 million cells right away, he only checked his identity and immediately opened an account.

Having been issued a cash card to use the money in his bank account, Lennok immediately put the 10 million cells he had accumulated in the hotel room into his account, and opened it at a private mobile phone store by choosing an appropriate item.

When I contacted Jenny through the number I had received in advance, she answered right away.

[You say you work only when you want to work, but you are the first person in this city to open a cell phone in one month.]

“Well. What about the bums living in the 50th District?”

[Can you say that kind of person?]

Lennok shook his head at Jenny’s cruel words.

The sorcerer’s cold reason had already admitted that what he said was no different from the truth.

Jenny gave this and that advice to Lennok, who had just opened a call and an account.

[I don’t know of any wizards like you who have only trained in a remote area, but when working here, it’s good to have a similar source of income in the sun. If you don’t do anything, but money continuously flows into your account, it can cause unnecessary suspicion.]

“You mean to do a simple part-time job?”

[Anyway, you officially opened an account at a commercial bank, right? It’s a low probability, but it means that you can get caught up in a useless tax investigation. If you continue to work with me, the amount of money you roll will increase, so it’s better to be careful in advance.]


Lennok hadn’t decided whether to continue working with Jenny yet, but calmly said her pretended to listen

It was because I realized from experience that getting a job arranged by her was not a bad thing until I knew more about the physiology of the city.

At least outwardly, she maintained an attitude of caring for Lennok, which was of considerable help to Lennok, who still had many unknowns about the world.

However, cooperation is possible, but complete trust must not be handed over.

The fact that her attitude continues to be kinder than the first time must mean that she expects something from Lennok.

‘He must have heard from Dylan that I used freezing magic, but he hasn’t said anything yet.’

Even though you know Lennok as a lightning-type magician, there is no question or mention about using ice-type magic.

[Anyway, rumors that a wizard is looking for a job here must have spread widely, so there might be a nomination request in the future.]

“I see.”

[It may be suitable for your aptitude, but the pay is much more generous. Stay tuned.]


Lennok looked down at the hung up phone.

Are you going to hit him in the back while hiding your true feelings, or are you going to keep his secret hidden and continue to cooperate?

It is impossible to know unless you play each other until the end, but I have no intention of waiting.

A crooked smile hung on his face as he grabbed the phone and returned to the hotel.


“How was it?”

As soon as Jenny put the receiver down, Jordan, who was standing next to her, asked.

She shook her head as if nothing had happened.

“Even when we talked face to face, there was no sign of anything.”


Jenny asked as she looked at Jordan, who was in agony with his arms crossed.

“Maybe he thought Dylan didn’t see it?”

“There will be no way. Most wizards are those who hold on to even the smallest possibilities. You could say that there are a lot of unnecessary worries. However, he didn’t say anything even after he knew his cover was exposed…. Normally, I thought he would throw something to make up for a mistake.”

As expected by Lennok, the two heard Dylan’s story at the time and realized that he wasn’t just a lightning-type magician.

Binding magic like [Gravity Bind] is not easy to distinguish, so even if you pass it, it’s impossible not to recognize the properties of magic like [Frost Horn] that he used to stop Croken.

They knew that Lennok used at least two attributes, but the fact itself didn’t surprise them.

The world of magic is both deep and wide. Even if it wasn’t a simple attribute-specialized magic system, if you looked for a magic system that dealt with two or more attributes, you could find it somewhere.

The important thing is that the outstanding and smart person hid his magic.

And whether he is still willing to work with them is itself.

“Ha, I want to keep it unconditionally.”

“Do you like Ban’s ability?”

He is a wizard who survived against Pandaemonium’s Croken.

The reputation of the Pandemonium War was so strong that more and more people were already asking Jenny about Lennok’s identity just by the fact that he had saved his life from the hands of that brutal war mercenary.

“Ability is ability, but… personality is also perfect. Have you ever seen a wizard who can communicate so well while working alone?”

“…I see what you mean.”

To put it bluntly, it’s not that there aren’t any wizards who are better than Lennok today.

However, magicians with such outstanding or powerful abilities are most likely affiliated with organizations or organizations and are treated as very valuable forces.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any wizards like Lennok who refused scouts or invitations to work as freelancers, but in nine out of ten cases, there were many cases where they boasted astronomical ransoms or character breakers that couldn’t be used anywhere.

It was not easy to form a cooperative relationship with a mage who was considered the most professional and highly responsive among all the professions in the Balkans.

The chance to meet a wizard who seems to have just come down to the city after training like Lennok now is even less.

Jordan easily understood Jenny’s words and nodded.

“In the end, all we can do is arrange a job that suits the class well and pays well. If you try to invade more than that, you may have side effects.”

“Damn I know.”

While saying that, Jenny turned on her computer and connected to the network.

He started looking for a request that would suit Lennok.

“Wouldn’t it be better to recommend mainly requests from companies? If possible, that’s a neat finish.”

Sweet Home,

she said, and Jordan clicked his tongue and poured whiskey into his glass.

“Do you think Van will think that way after going through this?”

“Ah… that’s right.”

I’m glad I don’t have to watch reptiles for a while and cause a game.

“For the time being, it would be best not to recommend corporate or syndicate commissions. Since the financial power is so huge, you don’t know what will happen in an instant, like hiring Croken. I’d rather find out about gangs or mercenaries.”

A gangster who lives in the 50th Division and a mercenary who works as a freelancer in the 40th Division.

Compared to companies, the request unit price is somewhat lower, but as it is closely related to the physiology of this floor, there are not a few requests that can help Lennok.

Where would be a good place if you were looking for a request or announcement that could provide adequate compensation but was not too risky?

The gangs are simple but dirty, and the mercenaries are neat but brutal.

The worry was soon over.

“A gang… is a bit different, but a mercenary would be better. You can mix in moderation. I’ll try to contact the relatively docile guys.”

The mercenary office will never lack manpower, but if the manpower is a wizard, the story is completely different.

Just because Lennok is a wizard, the proposal to hire an outside force would be positively received by any organization.

It’s because it’s a surplus business from the organization’s point of view just by establishing a network with the hired wizard, and if you have excellent skills, it’s possible to take them under your exclusive care while giving you high treatment.

Lennox must have less resistance to the mercenary profession as he has worked with talented people like Dylan.

Watching Jenny pick up the receiver, Jordan let out a small sigh.

“I’m helping you with your business at Kaise’s request, but keep in mind that I can’t always look after you. You’re smart and quick-witted, but you tend to skip other options because you have a quick temper.”

“hello? It’s Dray me.”

Jenny blinked her eyes as if she understood and immediately started talking to the other person over the receiver.

Jordan silently shook his head, then picked up a towel and began wiping the glass.

In a little while, it’s time for the bar to open. We had to get ready to welcome guests.

An unknown franchise hamburger house.

Lennok ordered a set of hamburgers, immediately tore open the wrapper and took a bite.

It has the shape of a hamburger he is familiar with, with a thick meat patty sandwiched between bread, but the taste of the sauce and the name of the burger are completely different.

Even in a world where magic exists, does fast food that people want come down to bread and meat?

Lennok thought about it for a while, but quickly forgot his thoughts and fell in love with his newly opened cell phone.


If you think about it, it’s like I’ve been living without caring about my cell phone for almost two months.

When I was immersed in the game on Earth, it seemed that I had my cell phone by my side, but as I was immersed in researching magic and thinking about various things to survive, I completely forgot about it.

When opening the cell phone, options were added so that not only calls but also network functions could be used, so Lennok was able to search for things with the feeling of touching a smartphone on Earth.

News, Society, Sports, Economy, Magic Engineering, Research…. Lennok’s fingers, which had been moving slowly between unfamiliar words, stopped at some point.

[The explosion at the manufacturing plant in District 42 caused difficulties in launching new products by Charlotte Corporation… An evacuation order was issued for residents within a radius of 2 km, but it turned out that there was no damage] “…….” Lennok immediately read the news


. I clicked to check the details, but it was only written that an explosion occurred due to an unknown gas leak.

Nowhere was there a picture of Lennok or Croken, or any mention of unknown assailants.

Although the article did not reveal any facts or truth, Lennok could easily guess the interests behind the case in the blank.

A silent expression of intention by those related to the factory to dismiss the explosion accident as mere coincidence.

The huge amount of money from the city government, which supported the construction of the factory, has gone to heaven, but no one will dig into the truth as long as the incident has been covered up like this.

‘Is this how it is when you work with a company?’

While making them do the reckless task of bursting the factory, they make sure to pay for and clean up when they succeed.

I don’t know if it’s the same with other companies or if it’s a characteristic of the Balitz company that entrusted the work to this side, but if it’s neat and thorough, it can be said to be thorough.

‘I like the fact that I don’t have to pay more attention…’ It

doesn’t just feel comfortable that additional incidents are being handled in a place he doesn’t know.

There wouldn’t be any problems when working with Ban’s face, but there was no guarantee that it would continue to be like that in the future.

It’s like suddenly encountering a monster like a croken…. If I have to work with a company in the future, I think I’ll need a more cautious approach.

Throw away the finished hamburger and leave the store.

On the way, the part-timer standing at the counter looked at him as if he had something to say, but he ignored it.

Lennok took out a cigarette and chewed it carefully as he walked down the street.

Yesterday, with the help of Jenny, I created an identity, so I had a few things to take care of.

“Come on. What did you come for?”

“I came to see some rooms.”

Get out of the cramped hotel room and have your own space.

Until now, I had no status or money, so I was content with a cheap hotel where I paid a daily rate, but now I can afford to pay monthly rent.

Fortunately, Lenok, who had studied Balkan real estate on his cellphone beforehand, was able to look around several rooms without being interrupted by the broker.

It’s not that I want something big when I don’t have it. You can be satisfied right now with a one-room apartment equipped with sanitation and running water.

As for public order….. It would be nice if I could take care of it, but if it’s burdensome, I can give up. It was a problem that could be solved to some extent with magic.

After touring several studios introduced by the broker, Lennok chose a studio attached to a street near the hotel he was originally staying at and concluded the contract.

350,000 cells per month with a deposit of 5 million cells. Monthly rent is a method of directly delivering the deposit to the landlord and the city government.

The room was empty, and Lenok, who didn’t have much luggage, was able to move in with a few clothes he had piled up in the hotel room, a notebook for food ingredients, and various medicine bags.


The dimly lit ceiling and creaky wooden floor.

It is a small studio located on the 3rd floor of a shabby villa, but it is the first time in this world that you have prepared your own home.

In fact, the scenery itself was not different from the hotel, but Lennok was satisfied with just that.

Check that electricity is on in the refrigerator, and put in a lot of leftover ingredients.

After clearing the dusty room, Lennok sat down in the middle of the room and closed his eyes.


Increase your magic power and focus your mind to maximize your senses.

Between the darkness beyond the eyelids, the small space of the studio approached as if it could be grasped by hand.

Surrounding this small space, draw a sphere made of magic and cast security magic on the surface of the sphere.

Originally, it was a barrier technique that would have to be performed with a magic circle and elaborate rituals, but Lennok succeeded in enchanting the space itself by simply concentrating his consciousness without much effort.

Realizing that the simple barrier magic belonging to common magic succeeded at once, Lennok did not stop there and immediately added various defense techniques.

He also devised a plan to install a trap so that when an intruder other than him enters, the bolt magic is activated 14 times in a row, or the gravity bind is activated to bind and tighten the intruder’s limbs.

At the hotel, I didn’t know when to check out, so I lived with minimal preparation, but since I got my own space even for monthly rent, I’m definitely preparing for invasion.


I tear up a few notebooks I bought at a local stationery store and stick them to the wall.

Lennok picked up a pen and began to write something down on a piece of paper.

“Getting a job from Jenny and checking it out, and cooking myself. I need to order nutrients and vitamins… I decided to dig into the secondary magic system a bit more, but there’s still a long way to go. What else was there?”

Even if I mutter that in words, my hands move without rest.

His extraordinary memory does not miss even the inspiration that once popped up, and he retrieves it from the other side of consciousness and completes it with a plausible goal.

Even if he didn’t go this far, Lenok’s head had all the things he had to do in the future, but writing them down by hand and checking them with his eyes gave a different impression.

It could be said that it was a ceremony in which Lennok went beyond remembering his own motives and goals, and that he deliberately put in effort to ensure the process and determination.

“that’s right. Unique magic… It’s not enough just to study public magic.”

Lennok, who had been playing with the pen in the middle of the day, put his chin on his chin with a serious expression and was lost in thought.

Lennok did not doubt the talent he had created himself, but he was a little dissatisfied with the common magic itself that he used with that talent.

Common magic has overwhelming versatility covering all attributes and classes, but in terms of profound expertise or power for the class, it is absurdly inferior to unique magic.

For example, the lightning magic used as common magic was limited to simply summoning lightning, but if you reach the end of the lightning series with your own magic, it is possible to change the weather in the sky and call a lightning dragon.

However, he thought that the versatility of common magic was enough to act as a wizard, so he planned to delay learning unique magic as much as possible… but meeting Croken changed Lennok’s thoughts a little.

‘There’s no guarantee that I won’t encounter such a monster again.’

The hand he has now is too weak to wait until he acquires time-based magic.

Even if you can’t defeat such a monster head-on, you have to develop your own magic ability to the point where you can escape with your life.

And the most rapid way to grow as a wizard was to learn the unique magic system and dig a new path.

‘Just because you learn other unique magic doesn’t mean you can’t learn time series unique magic. But…’

In order to learn a new unique magic, you must first see the end of the unique magic system you have learned.

Even if you get a time series unique magic later, the time to learn it could be delayed because of the unique magic you learned first.

‘It can’t be helped.’

It is not that there is no way even if you do not learn the unique magic.

If you spend time increasing your magic power and steadily developing your magic control and casting abilities, the moment will come when you will not be lacking in power or fighting with only common magic.

If you hit [Thunder Calling] four times in a row with quadruple casting, bind the opponent with two [Gravity Bind] shots, freeze and melt with ice magic and fire magic, and hit them with impact magic repeatedly, what will you be unable to pierce?

Considering Lennok’s magical talent, it’s not an unattainable state. Rather, Lennok was confident that within a few years he would raise his magical abilities to the point where such a one-sided bombardment would be possible.

The talent he possesses is no different from a seed suitable for a true transcendent who has reached the end of the limit set in this world.

But the problem is that even those few years is an absurdly long time for Lennok today.

What is the probability that Lennok, who made money to maintain his health and crawled into the underworld of Balkan to earn that money, will not encounter a monster like a croken for several years?

It was an optimistic assumption that was not very realistic for him, who faced a criminal organization called Pandemonium after only two months of starting work.


In order to increase the odds of surviving even a little bit, not only magic, but also various means must be devised.

Putting down the pen, Lennok put on his clothes and left the room with a determined look on his face.

District 29.

At the end of a downtown area where numerous shopping districts are located. The street exudes a lively and harmonious atmosphere that is distinctly different from the 40th district where Lenok works.

A place with lights that brighten up the evening glow when darkness descends. Huge outlets with loud rock music piercing your ears.

Gun and Barrel. The district’s most famous and high-quality gunsmith was there.

All sorts of guns and bullets were tightly displayed in a spacious space that surpassed most of the recommended marts, and not a few customers other than Lenok were looking around the store and carefully choosing products


A world where buying and selling guns and bullets is not considered strange at all.

It is a somewhat unfamiliar landscape to Lennok, but it must have existed on the earth where he lived.


People trying out products in one corner of the store in the midst of ear-piercing rock music.

“This product has too big a magazine. When I put it on my shoulder, the collarbone side is uncomfortable.”

“The muzzle heats up too fast. Please recommend something more durable.”

“The spray is heavy. The zero point adjustment isn’t working properly.”

Even customers who complain about all kinds of terms.

Lennok also joined them and began to look at the products on display.

It was the gunsmith who had been seriously thinking about the development of magical abilities until just now, but Lennok had an idea.

The horse musketeer’s shooting combo magic that he used as if possessed while cornered in the fight with Croken.

In the shooting ability that was strengthened by using auxiliary magic, Lennok had confirmed the possibility of going in a different direction than now.

‘I made the monster react with four sub-enchantments hooked into a cheap pistol. If I dig into this a little bit, I might come up with a good result.’

No matter how great Lennok’s talent is, the amount of magical power itself is limited, and it takes a lot of time to increase it.

However, in the case of auxiliary magic, compared to common common magic, its use is very limited, so the amount of magical power required is small.

If a good gun is coated with a shooting assist magic, it should be possible to greatly increase the firepower that can be released with only a small amount of magic power.

Of course, his talent is focused on magic, not shooting, so he has to be careful not to reverse the succession… but he could

n’t deny that it was an attractive option for Lennok.

As Lennok thought, he picked up a submachine gun and examined it when a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard approached him and spoke to him.

“Your eyes are good. that’s a good guy Steel produced by Achilles affiliates is added to increase durability, and a balance stone is inserted, so zero adjustment is not required.”

He casually took the gun from Lennok, loaded it deftly, and pointed it into the air.


The trigger is pulled, but nothing comes out of the gun with an empty magazine.

The man burst into laughter as he tapped his bulging belly.

“If I had to go to war right away, I’d probably choose this Pistoke-4.”

Instead of answering, Lennok looked at the price tag hanging on the shelf. The trouble didn’t take long.

“I would like to check out the other products as well.”

“is it? Well, maybe you don’t like the SMG. Then what about these things?”

The man rummaged through the display case and pulled out a rifle that was too long to compare to the submachine gun he had heard earlier.

“Sightglass-992. It is the most demanding and sensitive of the assault rifles, but it is a perfectly controlled work of art in terms of accuracy and accuracy. It is a guy with perfect conditions for use in a city like this.”

Lennok stared at the price tag in silence and shook his head. The assault rifle the man picked up was five times more expensive than the submachine gun called the Pistoke.

Right now, all Lennok wanted was the potential of the shooting combo that had been strengthened through sub-magic.

So far, I’ve been able to hold on well with a cheap handgun, but there was no reason to use an expensive item for testing.

First of all, the equipment is too heavy for Lennok to carry around with his weak muscles.

While working, he would have to carry a firearm all day, but firearms with heavy barrels were still too much for him.

It would be nice to be able to carry a light weight magic on a gun at all times, but I haven’t been able to study common magic until that point.

When Lennok politely declined, the man licked his lips in regret, but did not urge him.

“You are a difficult guest. But when you handle a gun, you need that attitude. When you find a product you like, come to the counter. I will personally calculate the appropriate ammunition for you.”

He patted Lennok on the back and, with brisk steps, went to find another guest.

Lennok rubbed his tingling back and looked at the man’s back. His hands were so strong that it wouldn’t be strange if the barrier was activated.

Ignore the man walking away and take a closer look at the guns hanging in the display case.

Fortunately, Lennok wasn’t completely ignorant about guns.

Due to the experience of playing Horse Musketeer, I was able to guess the approximate characteristics of which guns had which strengths and weaknesses.

Before picking out the guns, Lennok once again repeated the characteristics he should consider most important.

‘It must be durable enough not to be destroyed by pouring magic power into it. If not, it should at least be made of a metal with good magic conductivity.’

I still have a vivid memory of hitting the supervisor’s pistol with 4 sub-enchantments in a row and then completely destroying the gun with a single shot.

At least I had to avoid using the shooting combo magic to break the gun at once.

‘It would be nice to be a repeater, but first of all, a firearm designed for single shots would be nice.’

Lennok’s magical power has increased incomparably to when he first awakened his magical power, but it is still not enough to use magic to his heart’s content.

No matter how much auxiliary magic consumes relatively little mana compared to other magics, if you use multiple spells for each shot, the mana will quickly run out.

Since it was burdensome to apply magic to the bullets pouring in dozens per second, it was right to choose a firearm for which single shots were important and cast a secondary magic.

‘Among them, if you think of firearms that don’t cost a lot of money and are reasonably portable… there are only two types.’

pistol and sawed-off shotgun.

After narrowing down his options to two options, Lennok pondered for a moment before picking up his revolver.

The power of a single shot is strong, but it takes a long time to reload, but it can be covered to some extent with auxiliary magic.

You can’t expect quality because it’s not expensive, but it’s much better than the cheap pistol you stole from the supervisor’s room.

Picking up a revolver with the word Shinox on it, Lennok headed straight to the counter.

The man who checked the guns in Lennok’s hand grinned.

“You chose a moderately inexpensive yet sturdy one. Sinox boasts an overwhelming reputation among low-priced products.”

While saying that, the man rummaged around the back of the counter for a bit, then set down a handful of ammunition on the counter.

“The ammunition for Shinox is 500 cells per shot. I’ll give you 300,000 cells, including the cost of bullets. how is it?”

“It counts.”


The man laughed heartily and quickly put the gun into a long case and packed the ammunition and handed it over.

The man who received the card from Lennok and checked Lennok’s ID last handed over the packaged product, and Lennok naturally carried it on his back and returned to the room.

When I got home, I checked my phone and there was a text message.

There is only one place to contact you anyway. It was Jenny.

[Something good came in. The duration is half a day. The reward is 20 million cells. It’s a wizard appointment request. If you have something to do, come see me tomorrow.]

“20 million?”

A dinosaur company like Balitz paid 50 million in compensation, but it is obviously a very expensive amount for a single mercenary office to bet.

Maybe it was because it was a wizard nomination request. Anyway, it seemed worth it to go and hear the story.

“I need to start researching auxiliary magic quickly so I can test it in this job.”

After Lennok replied that he knew it to Jenny, he immediately opened the case and took out a revolver and set it down on the floor.

I pick up the revolver Shinox and carefully inject magic into it.

The first thing to do is to find the most effective and powerful secondary magic combo for this pistol.

The barrels of the guns held in both hands began to glow black and blue with Lennok’s mana.

The blue mana light leaking from Lennok’s studio passed through the evening and disappeared only at dawn.

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