Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 59: Ye Xian can speak French!

  Chapter 59 Ye Xian can speak French!

  Ye Xian has done too many wrong and scandalous things in the past. Without thinking about it, a basket of things appeared in front of him. As if he had convinced himself, Huihui began to concentrate on shooting.

  At the ball, the heroine, heroine, Ning Xiner, and all the staff on the set were all watching Ye Xian attentively, waiting for him to say '1234'

  But Ye Xian smiled, and stretched out his hand to the wealthy French businessman, en Chine pour le balorganis é parshine.” (Mr. Dupont, I’m Gu Chen, welcome to China to participate in the dance held by Shine)

  When the young man blurted out fluent French, everyone was shocked.

  The Frenchman who played the rich businessman was taken aback, as if he didn’t expect there to be a Chinese actor who could speak French so well in the crew. After he was taken aback, he quickly answered his lines, “Bonjour, Monsieur Guchen, c’estunhonneurpourmoid’être invitéparshine.”

   "Nedites pascela, le fait que vous venez de France en Chine estune pre uves suffisante del 'importance que vous attache zàshine..."

  The two began to follow the script, and Li Jiahua stared blankly behind the camera.

what happened? How can Ye Xian speak French?

  Didn’t Baidu say that he had a high school education and didn’t even pass CET-4?

  He can speak French? Why doesn't he know?

  Jiang Wanze stared at Ye Xian who was talking eloquently, and frowned. Could it be that he practiced specially for this scene? But this is too good to say, it's not like it can be practiced overnight.

  The boy speaks pure French, smooth and smooth, like gurgling water, lingling is beautiful.

  The reason why French is recognized as the most beautiful language in the world is because of its steady breath, just like a chanson.

  Huihui, who wanted to take a sneak shot of '1234', was dumbfounded, watching Ye Xian communicate freely with the Frenchman without blinking.

  The young man was calm and personable, his whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of shining luster, which made her eyes gradually obsessed.

   Cheng Jingshu was the most shocked. When she heard Ye Xian's familiar and pleasant French, her eyes almost jumped out of surprise.

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

   Halfway through the conversation in French, Li Jiahua suddenly called to stop dissatisfied.

  Ye Xian was puzzled: "Director, do you have any questions..."

   "Jingshu, what's the matter with you? Your expression should be surprised with appreciation and admiration, not shock and anger!"

  Cheng Jingshu was reprimanded, and then realized that her expression was out of control, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry director, I was distracted just now."

   "Ye Xian managed to memorize French by heart, how well this part was filmed, don't lose the chain again!"

  Li Jiahua guessed that Ye Xian should be talented, and took advantage of the time just now to recite the French lines, but Ye Xian knew French, so he smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, director, I'll do it again."

This part was reshot again, surprisingly, Ye Xian was in better condition than the first time, and he spoke more clearly and fluently, even people who don't understand French seem to be able to hear the meaning from his modality and tone .

   Cheng Jingshu looked at it, and the fire of jealousy in her heart couldn't help but ignited again.

what happened? Why does this worthless **** suddenly seem like a different person? Not to mention that his speaking skills and scheming are better than before, his acting skills have improved a lot, and now he can even speak French. What else can he do?

how so!

  (end of this chapter)

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