Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 202 Recruiting A Master Alchemis

A/N: A Big Thanks to Ian Bell for Patreon support. Learn from his selfless example dammit!


When I looked at Nurelion and saw his hazy eyes, it reminded my with my state in High School for some reason. Einstein really ruined my brain at that period of my past life, seeing his curse spreading around in another world by me made it feel so good.

A few minutes later, Nurelion came to the world of the living again.

"This... man... Grandmaster Albert Einstein, what era did he live in? How can a man such as him exist and this world doesn’t even know about him? This is... no, he can’t be a man! Is he one of the old Dwemer we don’t know of? He’s got to be..."

Nurelion couldn’t calm down until he was served some lemon tea.

"How do you think about the Laws of Conservation of both Energy and Matter?" I asked.

"This is... it changes everything!"

"I know."

"The White Phial, it transformers Magicka to Matter, it can do a very terrifying process and just looking at it won’t make anyone believe it. Auriel’s light! Creating Something from Nothing is simply impossible after all."

"Of course, only a perfect being can do so. A God for example."

"Hmmm! Gods are a word you humans use."

"I know, but if you look at things my way, you will see that even the et’Ada can’t create something from nothing. Only a being with a power, where Science and Logic lose to, is a the Perfect being capable of doing so. That’s why we researcher don’t ever go after what is Perfect."

Nurelion thought for a while and nodded.

"That’s why you were sure that creating ’Something from Nothing’ is impossible, because it is Perfectness."


"Your words carry some wisdom but you are going against what both men like Nords and mer like High Elves believe in. By degrading the Gods of men who are Aedra and denying the Elven Aedra of perfectness, hell, even the Daedra are no gods in your eyes!"

"They simply may be powerful beings that all mortals hailed from but a God should be much more almighty, not a being that can be trapped in a Mortal Plane, not a being whose heart can be torn out."

"But what does that make God if Perfect is impossible to exist? Humans always say God this and God that but the way you are looking at things... does god exist in your point of view?"

[A/N: Here where I come with the so-called agenda but don’t really get bothered with the opinions, it is just me making this chapter longer with a topic I enjoy.]

"Hmmm! This question went far and wide between many men of Science and Logic I heard off before, all of them knew that nothing is perfect and even abhorred it. They asked themselves of the true meaning of being perfect and the answer was nothing. If something is truly perfect then that’s just it, the borders are formed, there is no room for advancing and learning further, a state of hopeless stillness and a dead end. That’s why they always sought the ’Better Than’ but never the ’Perfect’. This is how they advanced to prove themselves right or wrong and took the hard ways to reach the better answers, so Perfection is an impossible concept and a taboo not to be pursued.

And now to the question about God, well, that depends on how you see Science and Logic. Will they be able to figure out what God is? If they can then that is not a God, if they can’t then that being should be a God, that of course should be accompanied by a proof from God by an act of perfection known as a ’Miracle’... I won’t say anymore than that."

Nurelion looked at me again and looked at the note I gave him then sighed.

"My head will not take all of that in one day, I should go and study this note first then come and have more talks with you."

"Haha! You are welcome any time Master Nurelion."

The talk with Nurelion was something really enjoyable from that moment onward, we kept competing with a lot of theories in Magic and Natural Laws to the point we were equally tired.

I wasn’t the brightest student back in the days but with a System digging my memories on its own, I could study things I never did seriously in my past life. Knowledge supporting Magic is one of my strength points and it is really enjoyable to apply both on each other.

"Just one last question, what are you applying that enchantment from the White Phial on?"

"Not before you tell me what you used it for!"

"Oh, I used it to reproduce a rare solvent of alchemy I acquired from my master, it is called ’Lorkhan’s Tears’ and its rarity is superior to any other solvent. It has the ability to create potions with 0% percent chance of failure and a high quality too... unless the person is a hopeless fool! And it also is the reason why I am back to full health."

"Oh! Congratulations on your recovery... but damn, that solvent is too overpowered!"

Lorkhan’s Tears are not really the tears of Lorkhan. It is just something so hard to come by that it was named after Lorkhan who mocked his enemies even after they killed him. ’Lorkhan Tears’ is a solvent known to be purer than famous alchemy products like ’Star Dew’ and ’Cloud Mist’. It is really hard to come by and mass producing it with the ’White Phial’ is really cheating.

"What about you?" Nurelion asked.

"Oh, I am creating a device that is a bit simpler than the White Phial, I call it the Magicka Reactor, I got inspired by another device called the ’Arc Reactor’ made by the Arch-Engineer Tony Stark but I am not going to put it on my chest and power up a piece of armor with it... I can do that though!"

"Oh! It is a bit hard to understand but it sounds great."

"Thank you."

Nurelion and I hit it good, we are now buddies.

At that moment my best buddy showed up.

"Hey, Jon. I have collected it all, the Malachite, the Moonstone and the Quicksilver." Wulfur was carrying a big crate over his shoulder while saying so.

"What else do you need?"

"... hmmm! A really strong fire."

"Drag Jonrad out here, he is the best Fire Mage we know of."

"We also need someone to watch over the process... in case of something went wrong."

"I’ll be that person."

"Last thing we need is a strong acid, the most damnable acid on Nirn... and a lot of Soul Gems."

"... I’ll figure something out!"

At that moment, Nurelion jumped from his seat.

"You are crafting Mithril, right?"

I looked at him and sighed, of course he would figure it out.

Mithril does exist in this world and it is very rare and comes with many secret recipes. The most common ingredients are the ones Wulfur came with just now. It is not the complete thing and some parts in the experiment need a lot of rechecking but I am willing to start it now.

[A/N: Mithril is Canon in the Lore, even though it only appeared in ’The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’, it was very underrated in my opinion. I am taking the more fantasy approach to the Mithril my way.]

Still, Nurelion may be able to help.

"Yes! This Mithril will be for the finest lady in Skyrim so no sharing."

"Haha! Don’t worry. But I am your best hope if you want a strong acid, I can make a special mixture that you will not ever see or hear of from anyone but me."

I looked at the note I gave him and smiled.

"That’s not enough you know."

"Haha! How wicked! Don’t worry, I am planning to move to Winterhold from now on, nothing ties me to Windhelm anyway."

His answer was like chirps to my ears. I wanted to go and hug him but I restrained myself.

"So, Big Bad Ulfric is going to miss his favorite Altmer!"

"Haha! I bet he will."

Now with the most famed Alchemist in Windhelm joining forces with me, my life is getting much more easier.

"I will make sure to prepare the best house in town for Master Nurelion and Quintus, there will be a shop and laboratory with every and anything you may want. One of my men will deliver the title dead in an hour."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Nurelion and I kept exchanging words of compliments until he left. I couldn’t help myself but to make a victory pose.

Now Winterhold is backed by a High Elf Master Alchemist.

"Wulf my man, let’s go make some Mithril."

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