Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 239: Landed

Chapter 239: Landed

Two months passed swiftly.

The Thousand Holy-class was approaching one of the desolate shores of the Star Luo Empire. To the joy of most of the people on board, as they were sick of getting into fights with the Sea Beasts around.

Especially when the beasts attacking them range from fifty thousand years to a hundred thousand years. This shocked and surprised the Limit Douluo onboard, as this meant the Seas had many powerful spirit beast.

During these past weeks, everyone has either been cultivating, making adjustments on the battle armors or training. Tang Wulin was doing the same thing he did before, alongside Na'er staying inside his room to train.

While she had her room, like always she would always sneak into his room and stayed there for most of the time.

The others met up with each other a few times but they all were doing their own thing. As they knew that once they were in Star Luo, everything will be tense.

Dai Yun'er was the most nervous out of all of them, as the last time she was here. She was running away from pursuit, with her guardians either dying or being taken out.

After a while, everyone started gathering at the entrance, as they all felt and saw the submarine beginning to surface. They all began seeing some waves, alongside the outline of the continent and its shoreland.

As this was going on, the submarine air-interchange system began spreading the fresh and moist air through the sub. The people couldn't help but suck in the familiar air, that had been lost to them for months.

The spot where the submarine was slowly moving toward the shore, that held many shells and waves crashing on the sand.

The submarine began slowing down before coming to a complete halt, a few miles from the shore.

"Alright here should be good." Said one of the Tang Sect officers causing Zang Xin to nod his head with a smile.

"Are you all ready?" Questioned Zang Xin, with everyone answer being a nod of their head.

'Everyone seems to be prepared.' Thought Zang Xin he saw the resolution in everyone's eyes, even Dai Yun'er.

The one that will be impacted the most as not only was this her county but also the Tang Sect base may have been harmed.

'Not only that but those two seem to have calmed down.' Thought Zang Xin as he secretly glances at Long Yeyue and Chen Xinjie.

Both of them didn't argue for the rest of the trip to the shock of most of the people on the submarine. While most of them didn't know what happened, they honestly didn't mind as the trip became bearable now.

While Zang Xin knew this was because of Mu Xi's words to them, that must have hit a cord within both of them. Whether they got back together or not, he didn't know, nor did he dare to try and find out.

Unless he wanted to end up dead from the wrath of two Limit Douluos who was over two hundred years old.

"Do we have a plan?" Questioned Tang Wulin toward Zang Xi.n

"First thing, we will do he go check out the Tang Sect." Said Zang Xin as he slightly narrows his eyes.

"At the moment we're going into this continent blind, meaning the best bet is to get some information from the base here." Said Zang Xin causing Tang Wulin to roll his eyes with a sigh.

"Just admit you want to check up on your sect." Said Tang Wulin causing Zang Xin to only smile before sighing.

"That is apart of it, but another reason is to see how bad thing is here." Said Zang Xin causing Long Yeyue to narrow her eyes.

"I see, if the Tang Sect has been taken over or destroyed, then that means we have no allies in this place." Said Long Yeyue causing Zang Xin to nod his head with a grim look.

"Is the Tang Sect here, really that huge?" Questioned Wu Siduo causing all the Tang Sect members around to sigh.

"The Tang Sect, to the Star Luo Empire is no different than Shrek to the Douluo Continent. With the loss of either one, it means something significant has changed in the continent."Said Zang Xin causing Wu Siduo to frown.

"Even then, I doubt the Tang Sect would allow any Evil Soul Masters to walk freely around here." Said Chen Xinjie causing Zang Xin to furrow his brows.

"Either way, we don't know anything until we reach the base." Said Zang Xin causing all of them to nod their head.

"Let's head out." Said Zang Xin before he departed from the submarine, alongside everyone else.

Tang Wulin's group of people arrived on the peaceful shore, with the submarine slowly descending into the water. It was going to be stationed here until they were ready to leave or for an emergency escape.

"Alright, lets head to one of the more secretive bases." Said, Zang Xin while spreading out his spiritual sense.

With a brief nod from everyone, he began leading them off the beach shore and into the grassy plains. From there they all began moving towards the secret location of the Tang Sect base, which was about thirty minutes away.

With their cultivation, it didn't take too long, with any of them tired. As they came close to the area, Zang Xin stopped before glancing behind.

"Be ready."

After he had said that, he moved towards an area filled with bushes and shrub. As he reached the place, he places his hand on the ground before it began shining.

After a few seconds, the rumbling sound began to ring out, with the ground below shaking. Then to the surprise of most of the people, the ground began to open up.

"Talk about secretive."Mutter Xu Xiaoyan as she and everyone came close to Zang Xin while noting the steps going down.

"Let's go." Said Zang Xin as he began cautiously descending the steps, with everyone else behind him following.

"Anything off?" Whisper Xie Xie as he slowly followed behind Tang Wulin.

"A little bit." Said Zang Xin as his face became even grimmer causing everyone to slightly narrow their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Chen Xinjie causing Zang Xin to sigh.

"Usually, when the door to this passage his open, someone would have already been alerted and meet us here. Even then, a Tang Sect member should have already received the signal I sent them a few minutes ago."Said Zang Xin causing Long Yeyue to speak up.

"You notified them of our presence?"

"Not directly, it was more of me saying a member was coming to them. Ordinarily, they would have responded or at least have someone tracing the signal back."Said, Zang Xin as he continued moving onward.

"Maybe they're just staying under the radar." Said Shen Yi with a hopeful tone causing Zang Xin to sigh.

'I sincerely hope so.' Thought Zang Xin as he didn't wish to belive something horrible happens to the Tang Sect.

It wasn't just him but all of the people who were apart of the Tang Sect in Tang Wulin group were all hoping for everything to be alright.

"Either way, its time to find out." Said Tang Wulin as they finally began reaching the end of the steps.

Yet as they move to the corridor, Zang Xin's eyes widen when he saw the broken door, that was split apart. Alongside that was the burn marks on both sides of the corridor that rose dread in Zang Xin.


Before Long Yeyue could finish her words, Zang Xin had already turned into a blur as he dashes ahead. He wasn't the only one, as all of the other people who were a Tang Sect member had already rushed onward.

Only a few seconds passed before Tang Wulin and the others reached an open wide area. Yet what they found was something that caused their eyes to slightly widen.

Everything around was wrecked, machines, computers and the walls around were cracked. The floor was littered with rubbles, with dried up blood stains and the smell of something horrid was reverberate through the room.

"So this base was raided."Mutter Zang Xin as he glances all around, keeping his emotion in check.

"Not only that but it seems the Tang Sect was able to get away in time."Said Chen Xinjie as he began walking around.

He didn't see any real signs of a struggle or any blood. Even if the blood had dried up, the stain would have still stayed.

"The question is, who exactly raided the base?" Question Gu Yue as her eyes moved all around.

"What do you mean by who?" Asked Dai Yun'er.

"While the obvious choice would be the Holy Spirit Cult, remember there has been trouble in the Star Luo Empire." Said Gu Yue causing Dai Yun'er to frown.

"You think someone in the empire may have betrayed the Tang Sect?"

"Maybe or it could have been another party. At the moment we don't have many clues to go by."Said Gu Yue causing Dai Yun'er to fall silent.

"Here we go." Zang Xin's voice rang out causing all of them to glance to where he was.

They all saw Zang Xin spreading out his soul power on the wall that was dented with slash marks on it. Yet none of them said anything, as they knew the Tang Sect held some secrets that not even the Pavilion Master knew about.

Within a few seconds, the wall began to crumble before a whole new passage was open up to everyone's slight shock.

"Good! The secret area here is still fine." Said Zang Xin with a smile as he walked through the narrow passage, along with everyone.

The passage didn't stretch on for too long, as it only took them a few seconds to reach another open area. This area was a lot smaller than the one before with a bunch of complex machines laying around with a console in front.

"What is this?" Questioned Liu Yuxin as she glances all-around causing Zang Xin to chuckle.

"This is the room for emergencies. If anything ever came up in Star Luo, the commending officer here would use this to call for help or in front of the others."Said Zang Xin as he moved towards the console in front of them.

"I'm surprised they didn't find this place."Muttered Ye Xinglan causing Zang Xin's smile to grow even wider.

"This passage isn't as simple as you may think." Said Zang Xin as he took out his soul communicator and latched it onto the console.

All of the independent monitors around began to boot up before they started displaying information and sound. As this was going on Zang Xin was working on the soul communicator before a signal started to be sent out.

"Who are you calling?" Questioned Wu Zhankong with his eyes narrowed as he started to think up potential people.

"Anyone who can pick up." Said Zang Xin causing Dai Yun'er to frown.

"Vice-Hall Master, do you think their situation is that bad?"

"It depends on how long they have been on the run. The Tang Sect members shouldn't be so easy to bully. But even they can't last for too long if they are being hunted."Said Zang Xin causing everyone else to frown.

"I don't believe the Star Luo Empire would sell them out." Said Dai Yun'er as she furrowed her brow, causing Zang Xin to sigh but before he could say anything.

The Communicator twitch and trembled as a voice rang out.

"Who is this?"

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