Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 173: News of the World

Chapter 173: News of the World

After Tang Wulin and Xu Lizhi left the Demon Island.

They began their destruction energy training or more specifically Xu Lizhi beginning his. Tang Wulin had Xu Lizhi try and manipulate the destruction energy inside of him.

He wanted Xu Lizhi to first become familiar with the destruction energy inside him, similar to one trying to gain sufficient control of their spiritual power and soul power. While he wasn't expecting Xu Lizhi to be able to manipulate on the same level as him.

He at least wanted him to be able to project it outward and manipulate it into various forms or shapes. This was because he didn't want Xu Lizhi to only be able to utilize the destruction energy by just punching outward.

Not only would this be a waste but this would also limit him in the future. After all, no elite fighter would fall for the same trick twice, let alone a master. So for the next few days, Tang Wulin watches Xu Lizhi causing severe damage to his body, as he tries gaining some control over the destruction energy.

When the damage became extremely severe, they would take a break with Tang Wulin forming magic chains and budding vines as a platform above the sparkling sea. Then he would take out a Lacrima filled with Life Energy and would have Xu Lizhi began absorbing it.

Xu Lizhi didn't have to worry about any sea beast, as unbeknownst to him. The Son of the Sea God was looking out for him and causing all of the sea beasts to run away.

After Xu Lizhi was done healing himself with the Lacrima, they would continue their journey and Xu Lizhi with his training. And thus, the cycle of control and healing will continue for a while, with Xu Lizh's life once again filled with pain.

Of course, Tang Wulin also continued training both of his destruction energy. For his annihilation, he would do the same thing he has been doing with him moving it around in his body. While with his other destruction energy, he would try to form various shapes and techniques.

It was only after a month of flying that Xu Lizhi was ultimately able to gain some control over his destruction energy. To say Xu Lizhi was happy to finally gain control of the destruction energy inside of him would be an understatement.

As the act of breaking his body from the slightest mistake was just horrific and painful. It wasn't wrong to say, Xu Lizhi was only able to persevere through all of this only because of his previous hell training.

Yet sadly for him, Tang Wulin burst his hopes of a peaceful flight when he said they would be moving on to the second phase of the training. Xu Lizhi wasn't given a chance to question what Wulin meant when he dropped him into the sea.

With his final words being, that he has to battle the sea beast in the sea. Tang Wulin did this, so Xu Lizhi would be able to gain experience in using destruction energy in a fight.

What better time than when they were moving across the ocean with a bunch of test dummies below?

And so the hell weeks of Xu Lizhi continued with him undergoing non-stop days of fighting. It was only because of Tang Wulin's supply of Lacrima and the ability to deter the Sea Beasts, that Xu Lizhi didn't die prematurely.


The World didn't stop since Tang Wulin went towards the Demon Island.

As many things as been going on within all three continents. In the Dou Lin continent that has been quiet for recent years, it has started to become more active.

Some inside sources are saying their army was becoming more and more active. With Emperor Xue Yuntian of the Dou Ling Empire, requesting more aid from the Tang Sect. As of now, no one knows exactly why they were requesting more aid from the Tang Sect but there are some speculations.

Some believe it was because of the appearance of the Three Beasts. As they were able to easily bring Shrek, Douluo Federation, Spirit Pagoda, and Star Luo Empire to their knees. It was because of this that the Dou Lin Empire feared they were next and wished to be adequately prepared.

But some others rejected this theory from saying this one line.

"What can they do?"

If the Douluo Continent and the Star Luo Empire weren't able to defend themselves from these Beasts attack, what can Dou Ling Empire do?

It wasn't a big secret or something hidden that compare to the Douluo and Star Luo empire, the Dou Ling Empire was far too underdeveloped. If it wasn't for the Tang Sect providing them with soul weapons, they would have most likely been invaded already by the Douluo Federation.

This is why people believed it would make no sense for them to seek aid when the only inevitable outcome is their destruction. These same people went on to say, the most likely reason was that they wanted to mount an attack on the Douluo Continent.

Since the Douluo Continent was at its weakest, it would make sense for them to capitalize on this opportunity and attack. After all, the Dou Ling Empire as long since known, that they were being targeted by the Douluo Continent for their resources.

Evidence from how the Tang Sect would use soul weapons as a way to trade with them. Or how the Spirit Pagoda wanted the Dou Ling Empire resources before they would give out aid to them.

But this theory was once again questioned. As people didn't believe that the Dou Ling Empire would be so stupid as to attack when the three Beasts were still around. And they even add on with the fact, it would be wrong for them to not at least try and protect their people from the beasts.

Either way, the actions of the Dou Ling Empire have been moving around a lot of controversies and opinions.

As for the Star Dou Empire, there hasn't been much information that has been leaked. Whether it be from their being officials in the empire who was able to lock down all of the information or because they were all focus on rebuilding.

As for the Douluo Continent, it was anything but quiet. The Douluo Federation sent out an order towards all of the major organizations and academies in the continent.

It was an order to have them sent out their strongest to combat one of the Calamities. As one was founded slumbering in an area that was known as the Great Vale. There wasn't much protesting against the order, as most of the people wished for revenge.

Not only that but most of them believe they suffer so badly because of the Calamities' unexpected attack. With this thinking, the Federation gathered their greatest powers alongside an abundant amount of soul weapons.

But Shrek protested that it wasn't a good idea to come into conflict with these Beasts, especially from the fact that they were gods.

But sadly Shrek was ignored alongside the others who proposed that they were heading into this fight too quickly. The forces went on their way to begin the attack but to the shock of all of the Douluo people.

The attack was called off before they reached the area of the calamities and all forces were forced to be called back.

No one knew what happened on that day except that the army that the Federation build-up for the hunting of the Calamities was called back. Not only were they called back, but they weren't allowed to give the people an answer on why they didn't innate the attack.

With the lack of understanding of what was going on and the action of the Calamities still fresh in their mind. The people of the Douluo Continent were lashing out towards not only the Federation and Spirit Pagoda but also Shrek Academy.

As they could not quite understand why such brilliant figures and organizations would be so scared of these Spirit Beast. They could not understand why they didn't try and seek justice for the destruction and havoc that was dealt unjustifiably.


"Land! Thank God!" Shouted Xu Lizhi as he was being held by Tang Wulin as they were flying over the ocean.

Some people might say Xu Lizhi was overreacting, but he would just look at them in disdain. As to him, how can they understand the suffering and hell he had to go through for the past two months?

Xu Lizhi had to fight every single Sea Beast that he and Wulin came across. Not only that but he could only use his destruction energy to fight for the first two weeks. Considering his control of the destruction energy wasn't that well-controlled in a fight

This led him to suffer an onslaught of attacks, while aimlessly trying to land a hit. If that wasn't the worst part, the destruction energy would give off a horrifying and terrifying feeling to all life.

This meant, he couldn't use it until he knew he could land an attack because the Sea Beasts would have perceived it and run away or evade it.

As Tang Wulin and Xu Luzhi began walking through the town of Marshstop. After just reaching the place, Tang Wulin felt a fluctuation in his spiritual sense. He stopped for a split second before turning towards the immense lake that was beside them.

The lake was about 30 meters wide, with the water having no ripples. It had a tranquil sea surface with nothing moving in it, as if no fishes or anyone has played in it.

"You found something?" Questioned Xu Lizhi as he came up beside Tang Wulin but he only received Tang Wulun furrowing his brows as an answer.

"Somone is coming."Mutter Tang Wulin causing Xu Lizhi eyes to widen.

But before he could say anything, the water erupted outward and almost splashing both of them. Xu Lizhi blinks his eyes in surprise at the eruption of water before it turned to shock as he saw a figure coming out of the water.

Flowing blue hair that was dripping with water, a lovely and stunning face. A blue-white dress that was soaked but slowly starting to dry as the figure started to pull themselves out of the water.

To the shock of Xu Lizhi, the figure was not only a woman but someone he and Wulin were extremely familiar with.


"Wulin? Fatty?"

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