Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 162: Third Stage

Chapter 162: Third Stage

"You all have heard about what Di Tian told you. You all have heard the warning from our lord about what it would mean to join those beasts."Said Bi Ji with a sigh.

Their Lord Gu Yue and Na'er have told them all about the origin of these Spirit Beast. They both told them these Spirit Beast came from the time when the Spirit Beast still ruled the planet. The time after the death of the Dragon Clan that ruled over the earth and when the Dragon God was still alive.

They told them about how these Spirit Beasts were able to reach the level of the Gods themselves. How these beings' strength was above everything on this planet and how they could easily slaughter everything.

To say they were shocked would be an understatement as they never thought there would be another divine Spirit Beast on the planet. Especially since after the punishment from the Gods, after the Dragon God Rebellion, they were told about.

There were even some of the elders whose eyes were regaining some hope, after hearing about these Spirit Beast. Of course, those were the present Spirit Beast competitors, who wanted them to join up with the Calamities.

Even Bi Ji was feeling a bit of joy as she thought, maybe this was the time for the Spirit Beast to regain their lost hope. But as if it was a sick cruel joke, their lord told them about those Spirit Beast even more.

Their lord told them about, how those Spirit Beast would kill any and everything around them if they were provoked. How they unleashed massive amounts of massacres on the Spirit Beast in the past, just from the slightest transgression.

It was because of this, that their Lord told them not to make contact. As there was no sure way to know, how these beasts would react to them presently. Or even if they did accept their plea for help, there was no way of knowing what they want from them.

"I know, Bi Ju. I know exactly what they told us, and I understand just where they are coming from. I understand how much they provide for us and how worried they are."Said Cheng Yan as he began to stare up in the sky.

How could he not know how hard Di Tian and the Lords were working? How their Lord willing infiltrate the Spirit Pagoda, to understand how it works and finds a way to cripple them?

How Di Tian has been trying his hardest to protect them all and find a way for all of them to survive. He knew all of this and yet, he knew this wasn't enough. At the moment, this wasn't enough against humanity whose strengths seems to never stop growing.

"But Bi Ji... Just what is the difference between being slaughtered by those Calamity and being exterminated by humanity? Either way, you look at it, we are close to the ends of our ropes."Said Cheng Yan.

"At least with those Calamity, there is a chance of survival."


In the next few days, the Star Dou Forest was in a state of chaos. There were sounds of roars and screams ranging out endlessly. In the following days, the forest became more and more intense, with battles breaking out even more frequently.

Bi Ji and other plants Spirit Beast would be the one moving throughout the forest and healing those who have been severely injured. When they found out the exact reason and cause of the blast injuries, they couldn't help but sigh.

Countless battles were happening everywhere, as Di Tian was moving through the forest. Di Tian seemed to be taking action, as he begins defeating the supporters of the join of the Spirit Beast and Calamities.

He moved from the inner region of the Star Dou Forest, towards the middle region as he fought the Spirit Beast from all of the different places. His resolute action left the whole forest shaken.


A giant toad was sent smashing through the tree from the powerful fist it took. Di Tian continued moving through the forest after he sends the Toad flying.

At the moment, he was looking for the 'ruler' of this part of the Forest. He wanted to hurry up and finish this, so he could further help his Lord with her plan.

"Di Tian." A Roar sounding out causing Di Tian to glance to the side and see a golden figure shooting down towards him.

He made no movement or even reacted to the dusk gold orb as it smashed itself in front of him, causing a light wind and gale to stir up.

"Bear Lord. Since you are here, does it mean you have killed the boy with the Golden Dragon King bloodline?"Questioned Di Tian, towards the Bear Lord.

"About that. It seems we have a big problem on our hand." Said the Bear Lord causing Di Tian to slightly narrow his eyes.


Bear Lord began retelling his fight with Tang Wulin towards Di Tian. It left nothing out, as he told him everything from how the boy attacked him without him even initiating the attack.

To the boy abnormal physical prowess that was even a matched for it. Then the boy bloodlines that was able to suppress it, even though the Lord a few years ago said, it wasn't as pure.

Di Tian's expression was slowly changing as he continued listening to the Bear Lord explanation, with him slightly shaking through some of the parts.

It didn't take long before the Bear Lord was close to finishing his tale, that he felt his bloodline and body shaking. He was able to figure it was because of Di Tian, who was emitting a terrifying and deadly aura.

'This is what I was afraid of.' Thought Di Tian as he began to slowly clench his fist, while his eyes were slightly narrow.

'The growth of that boy is truly monstrous. I had my suspicion when I saw the Lords.' Thought Di Tian.

He had long since known and reluctantly accepted that his Lords, have come to care for the wielder of the Golden Dragon King bloodline. He didn't understand how this came to be, but he knew it was possible as something similar to this happened before.

Tens thousand years ago, the Three-Eye Golden Lion who controlled the destiny of the Star Dou Forest felled in love with a human. Even as unbelievable as that was, the real shocker was that same Spirit Beast sacrifice itself for that human and willing became their ring.

This was something Di Tian, let alone most of the Spirit couldn't understand. Why would the Three-Eye Golden Lion sacrifice itself for that human? What could the human have conceivably done or offer to allow something like this to happen?

'I never did figure out, how Hu Yuhao accomplishes something like that.' Thought Di Tian as aura began to become even more terrifying.

The Human who the Three-Eye Golden Lion sacrifice itself for was none other than Huo Yuhao. The person who was known as the Spirit Ice Douluo and the founder of the Spirit Pagoda. Di Tian had always wondered, how Hu Yuhao, was able to get her to choose him over the Star Dou Forest.

One must understand this was her home and her people. He could not comprehend the reason or how she could simply abandon her people for some human. Di Tian was sure that the Three-Eyed Golden Lion knew the lasting consequence of her action, and what would have happened.

It's because of this event, that he fears his Lord will do the same thing. He fears that both Gu Yue and Na'er will choose Tang Wulin over the Spirit Beast. Leaving them to their fate of becoming either spirit rings, spirit bones or further resources for the Spirit Souls.

This was something that Di Tian couldn't allow, even if it means killing the human and gaining the hatred of his Lord. He wasn't a fool as to not notice how his Lord has been secretly protecting Tang Wulin and diverting his attention.

But for the sake of the Spirit Beast and the future of the Star Dou Forest. He will destroy every and all obstacle that would impede his Lords. Even if it means in the future, he may just be killed by his Lords.

"Once this event is over, we will immediately move out to kill him." Said Di Tian in a grave voice, as he knew couldn't allow the boy to grow anymore.

"...There is more." Said the Bear Lord with a complicated look causing Di Tian to arch a bow.


The area was dense in lush vegetation, and the flowering trees were incomparably tall.

The forest was verdant with a dense amount of fragrant rose scattered around, and a bright-colored mist circulated about.

Tang Wulin was under a tall tree with him being in the same lotus position he was before. His whole shirtless body was being surrounded by all of the trees, branches, plants and even vines that were around him.

At the moment he paid no attention to anything around him and remaining absorbed within his world.

He had forgotten everything else. He was getting ready to begin the next level of the Revamp Technique, which was called "Creation." Unlike the First Level and the Second level of the technique, Tang Wulin would need to utilize the energy at the same time.

If one was to compare this step to the old innate secret method, then it would be one attaining the fable Golden Body. With this, one would be able to attain the Body Sect third martial soul awakening, something that has rarely been achieved.

The number of people who achieve this could be counted on one hand in the history of the Body Sect. The process of achieving the Golden Body with the old method would require one to go through countless amount of battles to gain insight and stimulating their body.

This was because similar to the second awakening, one would need the trial of battle and unspeakable pressure to fully refine their blood essence. But of course, that has its drawback as it may take years or even decades before one could fully attain such a level.

The fundamental premise for the Creation Stage was one would need to slowly seep both the destruction and life energy into one's blood essence. This will slowly begin refining their blood essence until it reaches the extreme and allows them to awaken.

Tang Wulin felt calm and peaceful without the slightest trace of anxiety, as he gets ready to start the refinement of his blood essence. He knew this would take a far longer time when compared to the second stage.


His soul core rumbled as streaks of destruction and life energy began to seep out. Unlike others, Tang Wulin was able to use the destruction and life energy from his soul core.

Instead of using the Lacrimas.

The streaks slowly began moving out from the area of his cores and began making their way through his body. The streaks of energy were slowly refining everything down to his cells, as his blood began to absorb these two energies.

As these two energies passed through his blood cells, some of his blood essences were being poured out of the pores of his body. The impurities that were integrated deep within his cells, were being expelled from the interplay of the Life and Destruction Energy.

While this was happening, his blood began to roar and rumble, as it gradually started to form mini twister inside of his body. Because of these vortexes, the speed at which essence blood flowed out from his pores increased, bringing the impurities along with it.

A bit of contaminated blood came out, as his bloodline was getting more denser and vigorous as it began to be filled with origin energy. His body was greedily absorbing the origin energy around as it continues expelling the impurities.

Around him was a golden-red light which was his blood essence as it was becoming stronger by the minute. It was only because the forest and nature were concealing Tang Wulin's body, that no one in Star Dou forest was able to notice or sense this phenomenon.

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