Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 155: Duskgold (1)

Chapter 155: Duskgold (1)

Tang Wulin was meditating while circulating the origin energy through his meridians as he began to stabilize the absorption of Yggdrasil. He was lucky or fortunate enough to have his soul power breakthrough rank 70 has he was absorbing the Life and Destruction Energy.

This made it so; he didn't have to wait to absorb Yggdrasil and get his seven soul rings. Also with him absorbing Yggdrasil, he didn't need to get any other spirit beast or soul as she would be giving him a million years' ones.

"To think he now has three rings that are at the level of million-year cultivation and that his future rings will also be on that level."Said Zeref with a twitch of his lips.

"No kidding." Said Sleipnir as she couldn't help but shiver from the terrifying prowess of Tang Wulin in the future.

While they were talking with each other, Tang Wulin was looking over the changes of his body from the Destruction and Life energy.

'Just what are those around my soul core.' Thought Tang Wulin in confusion as he stared at his soul core.

Around his soul core that has seemed to have gotten smaller and more condensed, were two small orbs orbiting around it. Looking at the smalls orbs even closer, Tang Wulin could feel and see each of them had their own unique energy.

The green orb having life energy and the purple orb having the destruction energy.

'Is this where they are stored?' Thought Tang Wulin as he gazes at the two orbs for a few seconds before shaking his head.

He went off to check on his spirit souls, specifically Tao Tie and Leviathan who Yggdrasil told him was absorbing the Destruction and Life Energy. As he arrived at where both of his spirit soul was kept in his spiritual sea, he saw one of them had changed.

"Dad!" Shouted Leviathan as he rushed toward Tang Wulin who was already expecting this and outstretched his hand.

"Where is Tao Tie?" Questioned Tang Wulin once he saw Leviathan coming to stop before his hands and him rubbing his head on it.

"Sleeping."Said Leviathan with a tilt of head causing Tang Wulin to blink his eyes and then slightly narrowing it.

He began to make his way over to where Tao Tie was sleeping. When he arrived, he was able to see Tao Tie was lying on its stomach, with its body glowing with a purple and green light.

"Is she still absorbing the energy..."Mutter Tang Wulin as he stared at Tao Tie in thought.

It was then a light flashed behind him, causing him to glance behind and see a spectral image of a giant dragon appearing behind him.

"Earth Dragon King, Taotie."Said Tang Wulin with his eyes slightly widening in surprise at the appearance of the dragon he saw at the Nine Dragon King trials.

"Father." Said the Taotie with a slight bow causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch and Leviathan to tilt his head as it glances between the two of them.

"Rest assure father, right now that little dragon is going through its evolution and rebirth." Said Taotie with a deep chuckle.

Tang Wulin slightly narrowed his eyes before glancing at Tao Tie for a bit and then back at the Earth Dragon King.

"...Does she have your bloodline?"Questioned Tang Wulin after a few seconds of thinking.

"Impressive but yes, surprisingly she does have my bloodline." Said Taotie with a bit of glee in his voice at the thought of his bloodline being able to serve his father better than his brothers.

"What do you mean by evolution? Do you mean she will become a True Dragon?"

"Not just that father. But she would become the next Dragon King, once she has reached a high enough cultivation."Said Taotie causing Tang Wulin to slowly nod his head.

"Something like that is possible?" Questions Tang Wulin in slight disbelief.

"Normally no, has our bloodline had long been thin down to the point where it's hard to say if there are any True Dragons left. But because you have the Golden Dragon King and the Dragon God soul as apart of you. You were able to awaken and upgrade the bloodline of Tao Tie to the point where she could become the new Earth Dragon King."Said Taotie with a sigh.

"Of course the Destruction and Life Energy played an apart, as it helps skip the whole step of slowly refining Tao Tie blood and just propel it forward."

"What will happen to you then? Actually, how are you even here?"Questioned Tang Wulin with an arched brow.

"Don't worry father. I will be able to exist, as long as you are able to revive everyone and me. As for how I'm here, it's tied to that bracelet you have on your wrist for the past months."Said Taotie causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"What exactly his the bracelet?" Questioned Tang Wulin with his face slowly showing his confusing.

"Huh? Mountain didn't tell you about the bracelet?"Questioned Taotie in slight disbelief.

"He didn't."

"That idiot. No wonder you haven't tried to contact us all this time."Said Taotie with a sigh.

"The bracelet on your wrist is called the Dragon Tears, an artifact left by your previous incarnation the original Dragon God. Originally the Dragon Valley was protected and guarded by the Dragon God soul, which was why you were able to find it in there. Because you absorbed the Dragon God soul and were recognized by us, we were able to seal the Dragon Valley into the artifact, allowing us to be carried away by you. Of course, even with this, it would take way too much energy for us to

interact with you, let alone help you with anything."

"It's why so far, the Dragon Tear has been nothing but ordinary. But of course, it's everything but that, as the things its offer was truly amazing. With the Dragon Tears, no dragon spirit or beast will be able to inflict harm upon you, lest they feel the suppression of the will of the Dragon God. It also allows you a chance to revive and restore back the Dragon Clan from death."Said the Taotie but then he hesitating glance at Tang Wulin.

"...That's of course if you still want us."Said Taotie softly causing Tang Wulin to arch a brow but he didn't comment on Taotie's tone.

"Didn't I say before, that if you all want to rampage through the world? Then you just need to follow me."Said Tang Wulin causing Taotie's eyes to widen and then for it to chuckle out loud.

"Of course."Said Taotie with a huge ferocious grin and then he sighed.

"I truly long for the day when we all can fight by your side again..."Said Taotie as his figure began to fade away.


Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he saw the Earth Dragon King fading away and then he glances towards Leviathan who was staring at him. He outstretches his hand towards Leviathan and began rubbing his head.

'It's about time we leave.' Thought Tang Wulin.


It took about two days for the surge of life energy to have been absorbed by all of the entities on the Demon Island. Many were able to make a breakthrough during this instant, like Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi. With this, they were able to go from Spirit Saint to a rank 84 Spirit Douluo.

Xu Lizhi was able to also benefit from the Life Energy as it caused his cultivation base to surge straight up to the Spirit Saint rank. But sadly, he would need a new Spirit Soul to accommodate to fully breakthrough.

The old demons were able to find out what caused the Life Tide to have come early. But they were too scared and horrified of Tang Wulin, to even try to ask him about it. They wouldn't bother trying to ask the others if they knew anything as they could tell from their confused looks, they knew just about much as them.

Either way, they decided to begin Xu Lizhi training, with them using this as a way to unleash their frustration and anger. They use all of their tricks and horrible schemes on Xu Lizhi who could only suffer under their tactics.

Yet to the Old Demons shock, the fatty did not only cry out but only persevere and ask for more training. Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi watched over Xu Lizhi training, just in case these Old Demons decided to take things too far or just in case he showed signs of a breakdown.

But they were also shocked at his perseverance, which even caused a smile to crack on Wu Zhankong ice old face. Of course, they didn't just watch Xu Lizhi all day but also cultivated around the center of the Demon Island.

As the Life Energy was abundant there, with the plants and trees glittering like diamonds. They were surprised that their Life Span and Vitality was being increased, although by a small amount and their spiritual power was being refined.

While all of this was happening, Tang Wulin was leisurely walking around the Demon Island as if he had nothing better to do. This, of course, confused everyone, specifically Wu Zhankong, Shen Yi and Xu Lizhi who knew Wulin.

They all knew he wouldn't be doing anything unless it had a purpose. So they weren't too worried, although Wu Zhankong did urge him to make haste back to Shrek Academy.

Tang Wulin only replied that he would wait for them to finish and then go back with them if nothing comes up. Wu Zhankong could only accept his answer, as he knew how stubborn Wulin could be.

The old demons made sure to stay out of Tang Wulin way when he walks by them and were all frightening about his intentions, whenever he walked by. Another Five days, passed on the Demon Island before Tang Wulin stop walking around the Island.

"Well now, its time I check that out." Mutter Tang Wulin as he unleashed his Light Wings and began flying away from the Demon Island.

Tang Wulin was about two hundred meters away from the Island but then his sense tingles and his instincts fluctuated, causing him to stop and glance ahead. It was then an earth-shattering roar suddenly rang out that was able to shake the sky itself.

When the roar was heard Tang Wulin was able to detect a blood essence with fluctuations that would put even Mu Ye to shame. Tang Wulin didn't need to squint his eyes to feel and notice, the golden blur that was a kilometer away from him.

The speed of the blur was something too fast as it reduced the distance with a second. The blur stopped in front of Tang Wulin with a glimmer of dushkgold particles shimmering around the figure that was now revealed.

The figure was a man that had an exceedingly strong and powerful physique. He was a very tall and muscular looking human with a layer of faint dusk gold that emerged on the surface of his skin.

His whole body was emitted a massive blood essence fluctuation, pulsating rapidly despite its size. He had an enormous pair of bronze bell-like eyes that were filled with such savagery and ruthlessness.

The man's eyes instantly locked on to Tang Wulin who face was still stoic. As the man began to open his mouth and begins to talk.


His face was confronted with a golden fist that crushed the blood essence that was coiling around his body and launched him downwards. Yet before he could fully be lunched, a large golden claw was able to instantly grab him and then he was met with a long golden dragon tail.

Instantly the man was being sent straight to the Demon Island, with Tang Wulin right on his tail.

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