Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 26

C26 – As Weak As An Ant

Within the Registration Hall, an air of impatience was evident on Loong Chen’s countenance. He had waited for over ten minutes already. Why was that individual not yet through?

Could it genuinely be so challenging to secure the identity card of an Evolver?

Just as Loong Chen contemplated leaving in advance, a sudden explosion shattered the tranquility of the Registration Hall’s entrance.

A young man, smartly clad in a suit, strode in. Trailing behind him were a squad of roughly a dozen bodyguards sporting sunglasses.

Their emanated aura bore testimony to their status as Evolvers, each radiating a formidable presence.

Loong Chen speculated about the identity of this enigmatic party. How audacious they were to stir chaos within the Evolver Alliance! His attention was seized when he saw a figure swathed in bandages being transported.

Though the individual’s visage remained obscured, there was no mistaking their identity.

It was none other than Mo Fann, rendered crippled by Loong Chen’s hand.

Consequently, this assemblage of individuals was evidently seeking him out.

As anticipated, the man in the suit advanced toward Loong Chen. Those encircling them parted, permitting his passage. In the backdrop, hushed conversations faintly echoed.

“He’s Mo Lin, the eldest scion of the Mo family. What brings him here? He’s not one to shy away from confrontation.”

“He’s approaching that Evolver. Could it be he’s seeking him out?”

Stopping some two or three meters away from Loong Chen, Mo Lin locked eyes with him.

In his gaze, Loong Chen detected no trace of emotion. It was as though he stared upon a lifeless form.

“You are the one who crippled my brother?”

Mo Lin asked coldly.

“If your brother is Mo Fann, then that’s right. I am the one who crippled him.”

Loong Chen’s tone was very calm.

“Impressive. Your courage is noteworthy, facing me so calmly. I must admit, I do find it quite admirable,” Mo Lin commented, his laughter momentarily masking his true intentions.

But his laughter swiftly morphed into a malicious smirk, his expression turning sinister.

“Yet, Mo Fann is part of the Mo family lineage. You not only harmed him but also inflicted a grave injury to his dignity. Your actions are nothing short of a direct challenge to the Mo family’s honor!”

As Mo Lin concluded, a surge of formidable energy emanated from his very being, a manifestation far beyond what a Level 1 Evolver should wield.

“He transgressed, and so he must bear the consequences. From what I gather, he left a trail of suffering in his wake, especially among women. My aim is to cleanse this malevolence for the greater good.”

Loong Chen’s retort was laced with an icy edge.

“As for the notion of provoking the Mo family, your assumptions are excessively inflated. The Mo family is simply a name.”

“You’re hardly in any position to be provoked by me!”

With his final statement, the countenance of Mo Lin and the Mo family’s bodyguards underwent an abrupt shift. Their features were etched with a mixture of wrath and fury as they regarded Loong Chen.

The Mo family held a prominent status as the reigning power in Jinling City. Even those within the City Lord’s Mansion treated them with deference.

In stark contrast, Loong Chen, unabashedly audacious, dared to challenge the Mo family’s might and disparage their name. Such audacity was tantamount to courting his own demise!

Mo Lin’s face instantly darkened.

“Very commendable. Once, I thought you carried a streak of audacity, but it’s clear now you’re nothing more than a recklessly brave fool. Had you merely crippled my brother, I might have considered letting you depart this world with your body intact.”

“However, your audacity extends further—to insult the Mo family. I’ll ensure your suffering transcends the boundaries of death!”

“A fate worse than death? Well then, I’m curious to experience it firsthand.”

“But then again, you’re not worthy of granting me such an experience.”

A shudder coursed through Loong Chen’s frame, an aura emanating from him that surpassed even Mo Lin’s. The sheer might of it compelled those who hadn’t yet attained the Evolver status to almost bow in subservience.

“Everyone, attack! Apprehend him alive! I want him to endure agony surpassing death itself!”

Mo Lin’s furious roar reverberated. The dozen bodyguards trailing him had grown restless and now surged towards Loong Chen.

“You bunch of mere Level 1 Evolvers are akin to ants. Your death wish is apparent.”

Loong Chen’s expression contorted with disdain. To regular folk, a Level 1 Evolver might have appeared overwhelmingly potent.

However, in his discerning eyes, their status was no more significant than that of ants.

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