Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 18

C18 – You’re Courting Death!

The door to the VIP lounge swung open, admitting two girls, one after the other.

Unexpectedly, the girl in the rear closed and locked the door.

“Qian, do you think my brother will really be here?”

A strikingly beautiful yet somewhat young girl posed the question hesitantly.

The woman referred to as Qian remained silent. Her expression was almost blank as she positioned herself in front of the door.

Just then, a male voice spoke up.

“I never imagined that despite Loong Chen being a wastrel, he would possess such a stunning sister. If only he had introduced you to me earlier, his fate might not be this grim.”

The sudden male voice startled the girl.

She swiftly turned her gaze and laid eyes on a young man, seemingly seventeen or eighteen, sitting on the bed, regarding her with a lascivious grin.

“Who are you? What did you do to my brother?”

Despite her fear, she mustered the courage to question him.

“I killed him and left his body for the zombies in Death City.”

He held nothing back, relishing the sight of others’ grief-stricken and despairing expressions.

“My brother is dead?”

As anticipated, her face underwent an abrupt transformation upon hearing the young man’s words. She crumpled to the ground, tears streaming uncontrollably.

“Someone like Loong Chen was merely a burden on the world when alive, and his death would be a waste of land. Being consumed by zombies might be the best destiny for him. I’m doing humanity a favor.”

“If you behave, I’ll take care of you on his behalf from now on.”

He let out a hearty laugh and advanced toward her.

“I will kill you!”

Despite her ongoing grief, she suddenly lifted her head, directing an angry glare at him.

Without warning, a vase hurtled through the air, aimed at him.

Startled, he swiftly sprang into action. He swiftly sidestepped, evading the projectile.

“You’ve unlocked your extraordinary talent?”

He was taken aback. It appeared that her discovery of her brother’s demise had triggered the awakening of her extraordinary talent amidst the depths of sorrow.

Her unique capability was the extraordinary talent of Mind Control.

Just then, another vase was hurled at him, yet he effortlessly evaded it once more.

Being a scion of a prominent family, he had invested substantial resources to advance into an Evolver.

She had recently awakened an extraordinary ability and was still learning to harness it effectively. She posed no real threat to him yet.

“I’ve never encountered an Awakened person in bed before. My luck is truly in today.”

Uttering this, he lunged at her.

After utilizing her extraordinary ability multiple times, her mental energy had been depleted, leaving her defenseless.

Suddenly, a loud noise reverberated.

The lounge door was forcefully kicked open from the outside. Loong Chen strode in and caught sight of Mo Fann leaping toward Loong Kui.

Anger flared in his eyes. He transformed into a shadow and charged at Mo Fann.

Just as Mo Fann was about to erupt in fury, he spotted Loong Chen materialize before him.

“Loong Chen? Aren’t you supposed to be dead already?”

A disbelief etched across Mo Fann’s countenance. He was the one who had eliminated Loong Chen and cast his body into the Death City.

However, here stood Loong Chen, inexplicably alive. How could this be possible?

“Mo Fann, you’re seeking death!”

Loong Chen didn’t address Mo Fann’s inquiry. Instead, he delivered a forceful punch in his direction.

Swiftly, Mo Fann raised his defense to block the blow. Yet, despite having expended considerable resources to break through to Level 1 Evolver, could he truly match Loong Chen?

The impact of the punch propelled Mo Fann backward. He collided with the wall and expelled a copious amount of blood from his mouth.

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