Don't Heal the Others

Chapter 272 Pull Strings

Chapter 272 Pull Strings


As the huge teleporting door of the mount space was vertically opened, Xiaoxue, tall and pretty, walked out proudly with its head raised.

Xiao Feng sat on the back of Xiaoxue and greeted War Spirit Sky and the others. Then he followed Legion Commander Tiger and Presiding Judge Kilo towards the front end of the Coalition.

Doomsday God and Brother Nine of Glory became even upset while the rest of the players looked so shocked.

“Master Healer... He is the Commander in Chief of the NPC Coalition? What did I just hear?”

“There must be something wrong! Master Healer is only a player no matter how strong he is. How can he become the Commander in Chief of the NPC Coalition?”

“But we all heard it. It can’t be wrong.”

“Crap. Master Healer is so unbelievable.”

The presidents of the guilds at present, especially the northern guilds with War Spirit Sky as representative, all looked to Liu Qiangwei with admiration. All the grand guilds in Huaxia District knew that Midsummer was closely related with Master Healer.

“Well. President Qiangwei, since Master Healer is the Commander in Chief of the Coalition, can you ask Master Healer whether there is any internal channel to let us gain more benefits?”

The president of Indistinguishable said to Liu Qiangwei in a low voice. Other guilds’ presidents all looked at her eagerly.

“It’s none of my business.”

Liu Qiangwei said aloofly. Appearing otherworldly and ethereal, she turned around and returned to the matrix of the Midsummer Guild.

“We must follow the Midsummer Guild closely. Don’t leave behind. With the connection of Master Healer, we will absolutely get some benefits!”

Other guilds wouldn’t give up easily. After making eye contact with each other, they all returned to their own arrays. The Coalition had started off.

The Mist of covered the whole Dark Land. The covering range was where the quest of the battlefield was.

Numerous players of unspecified characters or small teams had entered the Land from different directions. On the way very few single creeps could be seen. Obviously, the creeps had been cleared by a lot of players who were focused on gaining achievement points.

The Episcopate led by Bishop Renault consisted of more than 20 bishop-level NPCs and a group of advanced ritualists. The current Mist of War was thin, so they could easily dispel the widely spread Mist of War around and avoid losing health points.

“Archbishop is so wise. With the help of these adventurers, the creeps of the Dark Legion on the way have been cleared up. Our Coalition can effortlessly march towards the City of Gloom without any obstacles and loss.”

Bishop Renault didn’t take the Transmission Formation today. Instead, he ran about actively and came to play up to Xiao Feng.

The Legion Commander Tiger and Presiding Judge Kilo following behind Xiao Feng didn’t say anything but they both nodded their heads. The strongest power of the Dark Legion lay in its military force. The military force of the undead was almost endless. Various assault incidents in the past were enough to make the Light Coalition suffer severe loss. However, it went really smoothly this time.

Xiao Feng looked afar. The Coalition was surrounded by various guilds. Even the newly refilled creeps were looted by numerous players, let alone the creeps on the way. In this case, it was impossible that the Coalition would be impeded.

“Honorable Archbishop, you have scouted the City of Gloom. How far are we away from the City of Gloom?”

The Imperial Third Legion Commander, Tiger asked. He learnt from Presiding Judge Kilo that Xiao Feng had done the quest of scouting here.

“In terms of our current marching speed, we should arrive there in two hours.” Xiao Feng turned around and took a look. The Coalition was marching at a fast enough speed. After all, the Coalition consisted of advanced NPCs and even soldiers were all level-30 elite soldiers, but the Dark Land was not small. It would take a few hours to pass the instance zone of the map.

“After the Coalition enters this dark battlefield, the Dark Legion forcibly occupying there will learn about it. They will probably make full defensive preparation in two hours.” The Third Legion Commander, Tiger said.

“You mean we should speed up marching?” Presiding Judge Kilo asked.

“Maybe we should use the huge Transmission Formation to teleport our players. With so many bishops of the temple, it must be no problem to construct a temporary teleporting door, right?” The Third Legion Commander Tiger asked Bishop Kaiser.

“Although it is constructible, to teleport more than 200,000 people is too heavy a load for us, which will make us lose the rescue capacity on the battlefield in a certain period of time.” Bishop Renault said hesitantly.

“Archbishop, what do you think?” Presiding Judge Kilo looks to Xiao Feng. The Third Legion Commander Tiger and Bishop Renault also fixed their eyes on Xiao Feng. He was the Commander in Chief, so they needed to ask for his opinion.

“Don’t worry. Keep the pace. Follow the adventurers. They will be the main force later.” Xiao Feng said randomly.

He was not kidding. The Coalition consisted of capable members, who were incredibly awesome bosses, but they could give full play when being faced with the bosses of the same level in the City of Gloom.

The real main force was the players. Xiao Feng assumed that the players who attended the quest of battlefield accounted for at least one ten of the total players of Huaxia District. There must be tens of millions of players. Once they worked together, they could flood the City of Gloom overwhelmingly.

Although they were of no use in the battle against advanced bosses, you didn’t need to think of the small bosses that represented the achievement points, because there wouldn’t even be a foothold around the bosses, let alone stealing the bosses.

Therefore, Xiao Feng wouldn’t take any action until the players charged forward to the City of Gloom from around the Dark Land. They had better cleared all the creeps and small bosses, only left some super bosses for the Coalition. By then, with his DPS, he could take them down easily and complete the quest of the second profession transfer. Perfect!

In fact, everything went on as Xiao Feng assumed. The quest of the battlefield started more than two hours ago. The participating players had gone through most of the Dark Land. No creeps could be seen on the periphery. Only the core area around the City of the Gloom made the players slow down because of the advanced bosses.

“What? Another level-30 silver boss? What are the coordinates? I’ll come here with my men!”

“A level-25 small boss? If you can handle it, just kill it. Otherwise, ignore it then. The Third Legion and Fourth Legion are behind you. Leave it to them!”

Around the Coalition, various guilds were still there but not all of them. Instead, there were squads separating from them and fighting towards different directions.

They didn’t stealth creeps against the unspecified characters before. On the one hand, given the unspecified characters’ safety in numbers, they might not be able to stealth creeps and would affect the reputation of their guilds if defeated. On the other hand, the achievement points for killing creeps were limited, which were not worthwhile for them to do this.

However, as they went deep into the battle, great quantities of bosses started to emerge. The unspecified characters lost their numerical advantage at the moment and thus couldn’t handle advanced bosses. Therefore, the advanced bosses would be left to the guilds.

The drop rate was nine times higher during the quest of the battlefield. The splendid drops again and again put the guilds into constant excitement and the massive achievement points also increased sharply.

Hence, they kept sending out elite squads to kill those found bosses while the unspecified characters could only stand by and look on, for they could do nothing at all. Without enough players, coordination and command of the grand guilds, the unspecified characters were in a state of disunity and could only be killed.

It was even not easy for the grand guilds to handle the bosses. After all, a level-30 boss was quite tough. Maybe tens of thousands of players would be needed to take it down.

Yet, the harvest was also so stunning that even Xiao Feng couldn’t help himself. He saw that after Dynasty killed a level-30 silver boss, a pair of shoes of immortal equipment type was dropped! The shoes instantly renewed the equipment list!

This harvest was horrible. Only Xiao Feng had the artifact in the Huaxia District. Immortal equipment was the most advanced equipment among the players, which was definitely invaluable!

In the end, the shoes belonged to 17-Year-Old Archer. This might be the best benefit for him since he joined Dynasty. Xiao Feng saw that he was extremely delighted.

The 10-time drop rate was really high. After Dynasty, in less than 20 minutes, Midsummer also got a dagger of immortal equipment after killing a level-25 golden boss. Undoubtedly, it was given to Si Yejing. Yet, Liu Qiangwei also awarded the members who joined the fight against the boss with golden coins.

It was fair enough to say the quest of the battlefield had a massive improving effect on the Huaxia District. Two pieces of top equipment were dropped before the official battle started. Moreover, the achievement points could be redeemed for advanced equipment. It could be imagined that after the completion of the quest, the equipment of the Huaxia District would be much more advanced than that of the other districts.

“Speed up marching!”

Xiao Feng couldn’t stand it anymore. With this kind of drop rate, if he couldn’t gain a few artifacts in the City of Gloom, it would in vain for him to come here today. Therefore, he gave the order directly and instantly, the Coalition sped up by a lot.

“The NPC Coalition has sped up. Stop fighting! Come back!”

“The situation is changed. All the squads kill the bosses at the fastest speed and then return!”

As the Coalition sped up, all the surrounding guilds sensed it immediately and all informed their members on the guild channels.

The profits gained from killing bosses of the guild members, such as experience points and achievement points, just like the teaming profits, would be divided equally. All the experience points and achievement points that the elite squads gained from killing bosses would be shared by all the guild members in the battle. Otherwise, it would be too unfair for those guild members who stayed for defense.

“Emm. President Qiangwei, could you contact Master Healer? We want to meet with him.”

Liu Qiangwei didn’t leave the military matrix of the Midsummer Guild. War Spirit Sky came over with a group of players and said to her sincerely.

“What for?”

Actually, Liu Qiangwei didn’t want to respond to that. It was so ridiculous to ask her to contact Xiao Feng. They could’ve done it themselves.

However, Liu Qiangwei looked behind War Spirit Sky only to find that those were all the players who were on good terms with Xiao Feng and the Midsummer Guild, such as the Wolf Guild, Tough Man Alliance and Indistinguishable. Hence, she thought for a while and asked.

“Well. Since Master Healer is the Commander in Chief of the Coalition, we are thinking that we should be able to gain some benefits from him. Therefore, we want to pull strings here.”

War Spirit Sky said with a forced smile. War Spirit Ziyi standing behind him put on a cold face, who looked so angry and kept staring at Liu Qiangwei.

In fact, War Spirit Hall was on good terms with Master Healer. They could have informed him themselves. Nevertheless, it was a matter of interest, so it would be better to turn to someone closer to Master Healer for help. As they believed that Liu Qiangwei had slept with Master Healer before, of course she was their best helper.

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