Don't Heal the Others

Chapter 248 The Troubles Arose

Chapter 248 The Troubles Arose

Xiao Feng carefully looked at the skills introduction of [Shadow Word] and frowned.

This was a healing skill, but it also had damage property. While this damage property made Xiao Feng very confused.

First of all, as a matter of damage, the rate of percentage of damage was per second, which was really strong. It was not obvious when attacking the little monsters or players, but at the time of attacking the boss, with the hundreds of thousands or even millions of health points of boss, the percentage of damage was very amazing.

Xiao Feng’s spirit was a bit more than 180 points now, and the duration of Shadow Word was 18 seconds. That was to say, the damage value was 9% of the maximum health point. If the boss had 1 million health points, this skill could attack 90,000 health points from it!

How great the power of a skill with damage up to 90,000 could be imagined. And the damage of this skill would increase. The duration would lengthen with the growth of Xiao Feng’s spiritual properties, that was, the increase in damage.

It could be considered as a very powerful skill! The only downside was that the cooldown time was too long, up to five minutes.

But what confused Xiao Feng was another reason. It was that the skill Shadow Word itself was still healing. Xiao Feng had a passive Divine Power, so all of the healing skills had special effects, such as the release to both enemy and friendly units, the bonus healing effect on Light Attribute, and the damage effect on Dark Attribute.

So, does the judgement of Shadow Word was based on Divine Power, and was defined as a healing skill? For example, when Xiao Feng released Shadow Word to Si Yejing, he caused the additional healing effect.

Or was it based on the judgement of Shadow Word itself, and could cause harm to Si Yejing? This was a question.

Xiao Feng thought about that for a while, but still had no clue. He had to really try it.

“You wait here for a moment, please.” Xiao Feng said to Si Yejing. He then left a space marker at where he stood on and was ready to leave.

“Wait, what are you going to do?” Si Yejing said strangely and stopped Xiao Feng.

“To try the new skill.” Xiao Feng said, and then activated the space ring to fly back to the second floor of the underground palace.

Because the cooldown time of Shadow Word was very long, it took Xiao Feng nearly half an hour to understand this skill. The conclusion made Xiao Feng satisfied, and once again sighed happily about the preciseness of the game world constructed by the mainframe Noah.

It was indeed the world’s first growth artificial intelligence. Unlike human brains, it would not make mistake in the data setting.

First of all, Shadow Word would not be judged by the healing skill of Divine Power, and would not cause healing effect to the enemy. It would be determined by Xiao Feng himself that whether to cause damage or healing effect to the enemy.

Second, Shadow Word was also affected by Divine Power. It had a bonus healing effect to Light and Nature attributes.

Last but not least, it had not only damage effect to Dark and Undead attributes. Since Xiao Feng could choose the healing effect, the damage to Dark and Undead attributes was not 0.5% any more, but equal to 1% of the healing effect, that was to say, the damage effect was double!

“What took you so long?!” Si Yejing was impatient of the waiting for Xiao Feng. She said hurriedly after Xiao Feng came back.

“Nothing, this skill is very strong. I think it is worthwhile to spend these days creeping in this map!” Xiao Feng’s mood was quite good. It was worthy for him to spend such a long time creeping in this map, he finally got an excellent skill.

“Do we still need to creep?” Si Yejing asked again. Actually, she did not want to creep in this map any longer, because she had stayed here for a few days. She did not increase her level or equipment, and even did not creep the instance zone these days.

“No need to creep. Don’t bite off more than we can chew. We should quit when we are ahead.”

Xiao Feng looked around to see the bloody environment said. Although he felt this map was not simple, he was not going to waste his time here. Anyway, he had space ring that could let him come at any time.

And both he and Si Yejing got a skill book. They should really stop here.

“Then let’s go to the instance zone!”

Si Yejing said immediately, and took out the Town Portal Scroll and cast on it.

Xiao Feng was the same. He returned to the city together with Si Yejing. But the city was not the location of Blackrock City, but an Orc City they had never been to. It seemed that the distance from the Jungle of Trapped Beast to Blackrock City was farther than to this city, so they were sent here by using the Town Portal Scroll.

“It’s like a Wolf City. There are players in the Wolf Guild everywhere.”

This Orc City was huge. When Xiao Feng and Si Yejing appeared, they found that all the players were wearing the name of the Wolf Guild.

“Huh? Who is the Wolf Guild fighting with? How come guild members keep coming out from the bind?” Si Yejing said strangely. Since the bind was not far away, it could be seen obviously that the Wolf Guild players were revived from the bind, then moved towards the bind and disappeared in it soon.

“Is this an encampment defensive war of guilds?” Xiao Feng looked at it and said. Then he held and pulled a passing Wolf Guild player to ask about that. The result was as he expected.

“Come on, it’s none of our business.”

Although they and the Wolf Guild knew each other, they did not have too much friendship. Especially Si Yejing had a mark of Midsummer Guild above her head. It was not suitable to participate in others guild’s encampment defensive war.

The average level of Wolf Guild players had approached level 20 at this stage. As the strength of them, the encampment defensive war between guilds should be very easy to pass.

Soon two people left the Orc City, and returned to the Tianlong City. At the meantime, Xiao Feng had also browsed the news of the past few days on the BBS. He then found out that Huaxia District was the stage for all major guilds in these days.

Almost all the news was related to the major guilds, and almost all the major guilds had chosen to develop in these days. One after another encampment defensive war had started!

There were successes from different guilds constantly, and there were also accidents and failures. The top 100 list of guilds were nearly full. The price of guild token rose again, reached a million in case of the market price. It could be said that whoever got a guild token, he or she would immediately become a millionaire and receive amazing wealth!

And as each major guild set up encampment in a large scale respectively, the whole Huaxia District was in full swing. At the same time, a lot of friction and conflict between the guilds began to happen. The tension had also spread in Huaxia District. It was believable that if it wasn’t the critical period of development of each major guild, maybe it would have a big guild war broke out between the major guilds!

“Huh? I think the Midsummer Guild does not have encampment defensive war. Why there are so many people at the bind?”

Xiao Feng, who just appeared in the teleport point of Tianlong City suddenly said strangely. He looked at the bind beside him, and there were continuous Midsummer Guild players appeared from it, just also like the Wolf Guild.

“Something’s wrong! Why didn’t my cousin inform me!”

Si Yejing then looked in the same direction, then her face changed immediately and her tone was serious. She did not even say goodbye to Xiao Feng, and disappeared in the transmission formation once again.

Xiao Feng was left alone, and he shook his head. He thought about it for a while, but did not really care. Anyway, if there were something serious that they couldn’t deal with, Liu Qiangwei would inform him. So he still went to creep the instance zone as he originally planned.

Actually, Xiao Feng knew it all along that the development of Midsummer Guild was not going to go very well. The reason not only included that it itself was hard-edged. The Midsummer Guild was crushed by Xiao Feng before, which led to other forces’ misunderstanding about the hatred between Midsummer Guild and Xiao Feng. So they were not willing to grab the thing that Xiao Feng liked and all looked away from Midsummer Guild. This also led to nobody paid attention to the second encampment defensive war of Midsummer Guild.

But looking at the situation now, the hatred between the Midsummer Guild and Xiao Feng seemed to have been resolved. Then somebody who did not like Midsummer Guild before would put the spoke in its wheel.

And the most important reason was that the territory of Midsummer Guild was too attractive. There were countless forces staring at that!

The popularity, influx of players, and people’s interests of Tianlong City was the top among all cities. Since the main building of Treasure Pavilion was located here, and gave it much fame. It could be seen during every auctions of Treasure Pavilion, that all the famous players, masters, and the seniors from each guild in the entire Huaxia District all gathered here.

The territory of Tianlong City had already been targeted by countless forces. Every other guild would be jealous if somebody could develop here, because the resources of Tianlong City were too attractive.

And as a local guild, because of the reasons of Xiao Feng, all the great powers in Huaxia District were unprepared. And the Midsummer Guild, who suddenly finished their setting up of the encampment of the guild, would certainly be targeted by countless forces.

This did not surprise Xiao Feng, but Liu Qiangwei should have been prepared. Also, Xiao Feng thought the ambition of Liu Qiangwei was not small. These problems should not stump her. Anyway, as long as there was any situation that Liu Qiangwei could not deal with, she would inform him.

Since now he did not receive any messages from Liu Qiangwei, it meant that there was no big problem. Xiao Feng did not want to meddle, and just went to the instance zone.

The level 15 instance zone of Tianlong City used to be an abandoned town. The monsters all belonged to undead attributes. Xiao Feng could creep and pass easily by himself, so it did not take him a long time. But when he passed the frontline battleground, Captain Bolton, who he did not meet for a few days, stopped him.

“Archbishop! Your highness Archbishop!”

Captain Bolton, who did not know when he returned to the frontline battleground, ran towards Xiao Feng as soon as he saw him coming out of the transmission formation.

Although Xiao Feng hided his equipment and character name, these NPCs were not affected. He could easily recognize Xiao Feng.

“What’s the matter, Captain Bolton?”

Xiao Feng stopped and asked. But he estimated that this would be the main mission. After all, he did not do the mission for so long. The progress should be left behind a lot.

“Your highness Archbishop! Big deal! Do you remember the City of Gloom that we scouted together?”

As expected, Captain Bolton said seriously after stopped Xiao Feng.

“Yes, what happened?” Xiao Feng asked strangely.

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