Don't Heal the Others

Chapter 174 Unexpected Change

Chapter 174 Unexpected Change

“How... how could this be possible!”

“He didn’t get seckilled facing thousands of enemies!”

“Yes! More than that, he even didn’t lose any Health Point!”

The huge rift valley was as crowd and packed as ant hole, and all the people were jostling towards the center place.

That was where Xiaofeng stood. Being stuck in a vast crowd could be even worse than falling into a swamp. Xiaofeng could not move at all because all the players pushed against him as if they wanted to squeeze him into death.

This left Xiaofeng in an urge to make a complaint about why there was no anti-harassment protection system for male players. He now was more than being harassed, and if he could use Thunder Punishment on these people, he would have struck them hundreds of times. He was pushed so hard that he felt as if he was drowned, which made him near an outburst of anger.

Meanwhile, damage texts kept flashing above his head as rains of skills landed on him, causing dense and long-lasting mist.

However, Xiaofeng’s Health Points bar was still full, and under so many attacks, he did not get himself endangered; instead, he was full of fighting spirit.

“Impossible! How could he not be taken down with thousands of us attacking him?”

Standing on a cliff with a broad view, Brother Nine of Glory changed his expression. His voice sounded low and deep as he spoke upon seeing the unbelievable scene of the battle.

The battle had started for ten minutes, but Xiaofeng remained full of energy, and his Health Points did not decline even a bit. As he brandished his therapeutic scepter, he killed an enemy of Glory Guild with each of his moves.

The strong effect of lifesteal regeneration brought by the equal strong attacks stood Xiaofeng in good stead.

“It seems the artifact generate the lifesteal attribute itself. It deserves its name. I’m really curious what else attributes it possesses.”

Standing behind Brother Nine of Glory, Lao Xu exclaimed as he made a live broadcast with the Video Sprite on Xiaofeng’s head.

“Lao Xu, have you got any idea to handle him?”

On hearing Lao Xu’s words, Brother Nine of Glory looked back and asked as if he was struck by some ideas.

“Hey hey!” startled at the words, Lao Xu immediately turned off the microphone and replied helplessly, “Ninth Brother, you’re getting me into trouble. I neither want to be involved in this nor offend you or him.”

“But you won’t like to watch the battle continue like this. It’s meaningless and nothing will change since we can’t kill him in this way. I’ll never surrender. I have enough people on my side, and it doesn’t bother me to fight him days and nights like this, but, it would be too boring for your audience, right? “They won’t like to watch the same scene again and again,” said Brother Nine of Glory.

“This...” Lao Xu hesitated. “It made sense. During the ten minutes since the broadcast started, the audience has turned stolid after their exclamation at the very beginning. This is absolutely not a good sign for a broadcast. I can’t watch it go on like this.”

“Let’s make it clear, I’m totally out of this, and whatever happens has nothing to do with me,” thinking for a while, Lao Xu finally continued.

“You can rest assured. All you need to do is to tell me how I can defeat him. That’s all.” Brother Nine of Glory nodded and sneered coldly as he looked toward Xiaofeng.

“Okay, tell your men to break up,” said Lao Xu with a nod.

“Break up? How can we trap him then?” Brother Nine of Glory was surprised and answered with confusion.

“Yes, you has trapped him, but things doesn’t work out, does it?” Lao Xu responded with the question instead of explanation.

“Okay... I’ll give the order right away. What shall we do next?” Hesitant for a while, Brother Nine of Glory finally chose to believe Lao Xu, who, he thought, must live up to his reputation.

“Then, tell all the close-fighters to withdraw from the valley, and all the long-range fighters to surround the place, but make sure the center space is empty,” Lao Xu continued.

“Okay, I’ll give the order now.” Brother Nine of Glory had wanted to ask if a long-range battle could trap Xiaofeng, but after thinking it over that Xiaofeng would be seckilled either way, he just gave the order through the guild channel with no more words.

Among the crowd, Xiaofeng immediately felt things changed—it was not so packed around him, leaving him some space to move.

He was overjoyed at the findings and displayed Flaming Skill with golden salamander feet. Blazing Fire Zone started to spread with him at the center.

However, to his surprise, the skill did not work out because the players of the Glory Guild around him all drew back successively, leaving him alone as if they had stopped fighting.

“What’s going on?”

Xiaofeng was confused looking at the thinned crowd. If not for the attacks that kept landing on him, he would have thought the guild surrendered.


Almost the next second, Xiaofeng felt something wrong with it. His Health Points started to decline during the while he was in confusion.

Xiaofeng immediately chased after those retreating players and attacked them, trying to make up the loss of his Health Points.

“How terrifically powerful! My big brother is indeed awesome! So is the artifact! It does have a strong lifesteal attribute.”

Sitting at the top of a cliff, a boy exclaimed as he watched the battle at the bottom. “I’m wondering when big brother would give me his artifact so I will be invincible as well.”

“In your dream, I think. I never expected you to be even greedier than Qian Duoduo. She surprised us aiming at Brother Xiao’s immortal equipment, but now you astonished me with your evil attention on his artifact.”

Nicholas Zhaosi, sitting beside him, could not help but mock. “This boy looks pure but turned out to be even greedier than Qian Duoduo.”

Occupied by several big guilds, such as Midsummer, War Spirit Hall and Tough Man Alliance, the cliff where they sat was spacious without outsiders.

“Hump! As long as Xiaofeng married my sister, it’s easy for me to get his artifact.”

The boy muttered and stole a glance at War Spirit Ziyi, who was among the members of War Spirit Hall.

Apart from her, Liu Qiangwei, Si Yejing, and Midsummer Lily all stood among the members of Midsummer Guild, as well as Qian Duoduo, following whom and Nicholas Brothers, the boy went there to watch the battle.

Along with Qian Duoduo obtained her new status, she won respect from all the big guilds. Thus, she easily got herself a place on the cliff.

More than that, the guilds all tried hard to please her for the potion sold in Treasure Pavilion was not enough for them, and they needed to buy some more from her so that they could cover their consumption in instance zones and fighting BOSSes in wild.

“How terrifically powerful Master Healer is! He unexpectedly made it out facing thousands of enemies from Glory Guild. He deserves to be number one player in Huaxia District.” War Spirit Knife put in with admiration.

“Well, that’s not all. He is the only one with artifacts on the equipment ranking, and it’s two artifacts! Before anyone with artifacts appear in other districts, he will remain number one in all districts.” War Spirit Sky chimed in as well.

War Spirit Ziyi’s fascinating eyes landed on Xiaofeng, who appeared to be a god in mortal world while he fought at ease in his amour against thousands of enemies. Her eyes sparkled at the scene, but suddenly, she felt an evil gaze on her. She turned back, only to find her cousin, Shangguan Aochen, looking away from her with embarrassment.

“What are you planning on me, kid?” War Spirit Ziyi questioned in an unfriendly tone and furrowed her beautiful eyebrows.

“No, I’m not.” Shangguan Aochen waved his hands in fluster.

“Hump, you’d better not! I had a feeling you became slier than before!” War Spirit Ziyi gave him a snort and did not look at him anymore.

“Hahaha, I’ve thought we would have a chance to save Brother Xiao from trouble, but it seems that he doesn’t need our help at all.” Shangguan Aochen changed the topic at once.

“Everyone can see that, bro. The crowd will swallow us once we get down there. Absolutely, Brother Xiao won’t be looking for our help.” Nicholas Zhaosi echoed. ...

Ethereal and aloof, Liu Qiangwei stood by the cliff with her stunning face hidden under a veil. Her snow-white dress fluttered with breeze, making her look like a fairy who would return to heaven at any time. She gave a feeling that people would feel it a shame and sacrilege to look direct at her.

At the moment, she stood still, and her limpid eyes above her veil fell on the eye-catching figure among the crowd, and sparkled.

Si Yejing, in a tight black suit, stood at a corner, staring at Xiaofeng at the bottom of the valley, with nobody daring to approach her. “He is way too powerful,” she whispered, and of course, nobody else heard it.

“Eh? Things are getting strange. Why the people of Glory Guild broke out? Some of them even retreated? Did they surrender?”

“Wait, look! Master Healer’s Health Points are declining!”

Discussions broke out among those who stood at the top of the valley as they found some players withdrew from the battlefield.

Things did appear abnormal, and Xiaofeng felt it too. He found he could not stop his health bar from falling even by attacking and playing lifesteal skills.

Almost at the same moment, he understood why the crowd had broken out.

The crowd had wanted to trap him so as to kill him with numerous attacks, however, they soon found that the plan did not work out on him, which, on the contrary, gave him a chance to play his lifesteal skill.

Thus, the crowd did not break up for dodging Xiaofeng’s attacks or preventing him from stealing their Health Points.

Instead, they broke up so that the long-range players at behind could aim at Xiaofeng. Once Xiaofeng was not surrounded by people, the players at back-line would get a chance to target him.

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