Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 30

C30 – Hidden Dragon Platform!

“Let’s have some quiet, please.”

Out of the blue, Zhang Tu, standing at the podium, called for attention. The room fell silent as all eyes returned to him.

Zhang Tu was pleased to see the crowd hush at his command. Addressing his peers, he said, “In this world, for every genius, there’s someone not as gifted—it’s simply the way things are. We’re all classmates here, and rather than ridicule those who struggle, we should be eager to lend them a hand.”

At this juncture, Zhang Tu’s gaze shifted deliberately to Lu Lixing. “Lu Lixing, despite our past friction, I’ve always believed in the camaraderie among us. If you’re ever stumped by a question or face a hurdle in your studies, feel free to seek my advice. I promise to share all I know.”

“With your potential and my guidance, even if the Six Great Academies are out of reach, you’re still a shoo-in for a top-tier university!”

Zhang Tu’s declaration sent a wave of astonishment rippling through the audience. No one had anticipated such a public overture to Lu Lixing.

Below the stage, the crowd marveled at Zhang Tu’s magnanimity, while those on stage saw through his sly and venomous ploy!

He had already sabotaged Lu Lixing during the test, and now, under the public eye, he was trampling on Lu Lixing’s dignity once more. His cruelty knew no bounds!

Though Lu Lixing had missed his chance at the Six Great Academies, it didn’t mean he couldn’t secure a place at a prestigious university. Should Lu Lixing succeed, the credit would likely be attributed to Zhang Tu.

Even if Lu Lixing refuted any help from Zhang Tu, skepticism would prevail. He risked being branded as ungrateful.

To avoid such a predicament, Lu Lixing would have to forgo attending any notable university, effectively shattering his prospects.

Having ranked last in the test, everyone doubted his capabilities.

Zhang Tu had single-handedly destroyed Lu Lixing’s bright future.

Previously, everyone had mocked Lu Lixing, but now they found themselves envious. If Lu Lixing could indeed secure guidance from Zhang Tu, there was a real chance he might gain admission to a prestigious university. And even if he didn’t make it into a top-tier school, simply forging a strong connection with Zhang Tu could benefit him for a lifetime.

Amidst the crowd’s complex stares, Lu Lixing remained unfazed, his expression as cool and detached as ever.

In the midst of the collective sighs, Mi Hongbo spoke up with clarity, “Lu Lixing, are you feeling remorseful about the incident from a few days ago? Now would be a good time to apologize to Zhang Tu in front of all the teachers and students.”

Zhang Maozhe nodded in approval upon hearing Mi Hongbo’s suggestion. He planned to publicly endorse Mi Hongbo during next year’s principal election.

The under-the-table dealings between Mi Hongbo and Zhang Maozhe were of no interest to anyone at that moment. A teacher had just passed a microphone to Lu Lixing and cast his image onto the Crystal Screen, allowing everyone to witness his every action.

Lu Lixing accepted the microphone without hesitation. Gazing out over the assembly, he addressed Mi Hongbo with a calm detachment, “Principal, can you assure us that this test will be conducted with absolute fairness?”

The room fell into a stunned silence as Lu Lixing’s words hung in the air. Everyone eyed him with a mix of surprise and intrigue, none having anticipated that he would forgo an apology to Zhang Tu in favor of challenging the integrity of the test.

Mi Hongbo’s smile vanished, replaced by a sudden scowl. “Lu, watch your language,” he snapped. “Our school prides itself on fairness and justice. How could we possibly sabotage you in such a crucial test?”

Even if they had indeed conspired against him, they would never confess. Frustrated by Lu Lixing’s ingratitude, Mi Hongbo was already plotting a pretext to expel him.

While Mi Hongbo seethed with anger, Wen Shi was quietly pleased. He had been eager for Lu Lixing to confront the school’s elite, and though he hadn’t expected to witness it today, events had unfolded just as he had hoped.

“Fair and just?” Lu Lixing scoffed, scanning the room. “Tell me, has anyone else been forced to withstand the onslaught of millions of Demonic Beasts in the Black Wind Defense on the very first test, all while standing their ground solo for ten minutes?”

Lu Lixing’s challenge sent shockwaves through the crowd. Facing the fury of millions of Demonic Beasts in the Black Wind Defense by oneself? It sounded absurd.

“What are you blabbering about?” Mi Hongbo bellowed, reaching to silence Lu Lixing’s microphone.

But in that instant, Lu Lixing dropped a bombshell among the onlookers.

“I won’t stand for this—I demand a trial at the Hidden Dragon Platform!”

The Hidden Dragon Platform!

The mention of that name sent a ripple of confusion through the crowd, followed by a wave of realization about what it truly meant. They stared at Lu Lixing with eyes wide in astonishment, convinced he had lost his mind.

The Hidden Dragon Platform was a formidable challenge instituted by the Six Great Academies. Should any candidate deem the qualification test unjust, feeling they’ve been wronged, they could invoke their right to combat on the Hidden Dragon Platform—a challenge that could not be denied.

Once issued, the Six Great Academies would dispatch representatives to oversee the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, ensuring its fairness and integrity.

The test itself was brutally straightforward: a lone fight against the school’s top hundred elite students.

Victory meant passing the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, earning the right to enroll in the Six Great Academies, and possibly even immediate acceptance. Defeat, however, meant death.

In the decade since its inception, the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform had been invoked only four times, with each challenger meeting their demise.

So when Lu Lixing declared his intent to face the Hidden Dragon Platform, everyone believed he was out of his mind. He was, in their eyes, flirting with death itself.

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