Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 23

C23 – The Overturned Worldview

Lu Lixing watched, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, as Wen Shi raged before him, his heart pounding with shock. He didn’t think Wen Shi was deceiving him. Maybe the Federation really was steeped in corruption. But what did that have to do with his college entrance exam?

Surely, he couldn’t believe that his choice of college could dictate the future trajectory of the entire Federation. That seemed far too far-fetched and unrealistic.

Wen Shi managed to steady his turbulent emotions, inhaled deeply, and then continued, “You must be wondering what all this has to do with Stardragon Academy, aren’t you?”

Lu Lixing nodded earnestly, his curiosity piqued about the connection Wen Shi was making to Stardragon Academy.

“In the Federation, there are over a hundred noble families, but only four stand at the pinnacle of power. Stardragon Academy was established by these four families! To call it a university is somewhat misleading; it’s more of a tool for these elite families to cultivate their heirs and sift through the commoners for exceptional talent.”

Wen Shi’s revelation struck Lu Lixing like a bolt of lightning. He had never imagined such a backstory for Stardragon Academy.

“There’s no need for me to lie about this; it’s hardly a secret. A simple search on the Holo-Brain will bring up information about Stardragon Academy, though it won’t be as blatantly stated as I’ve put it,” Wen Shi said with a cold laugh. “The four great families keep a record of everyone who enters Stardragon Academy. They covertly approach those who excel. If these individuals agree to align with them, all is well. If not, their life at the academy becomes difficult. Ultimately, they either bow to the families’ dominance or are forced to leave the academy. And that’s when they discover their troubles have only just begun. After being put through the wringer, they’ll find that their only option is to pledge allegiance to the four great families.”

As Lu Lixing gazed at Wen Shi’s stern face, he was completely stunned. He struggled to accept the truth, finding it hard to believe. Wen Shi’s words had utterly shattered the illustrious image of Stardragon Academy that he had held in his mind.

“Do the Federation’s bigwigs just turn a blind eye to these matters?” Lu Lixing’s voice was edged with incredulity. He couldn’t fathom that these individuals could act with such impunity!

“And how exactly would they intervene? We’re talking about the Four Great Clans here!” Wen Shi scoffed. “Do you grasp the significance of the Four Great Clans within the Federation? You might be oblivious to who the Federation’s leader is, but you’d better know who calls the shots in the Four Great Clans. Offend the Federation’s leader, and you’re a fugitive. But cross the Four Great Clans, and you’ll find that death itself is a luxury you can’t afford!”

Lu Lixing was rendered speechless by Wen Shi’s words, which had profoundly shaken his worldview. He had always believed he lived in a world of peace and harmony. Was it possible that it was all just a facade?

“Consider Sha Xiufen’s case,” Wen Shi pressed on, determined to jolt Lu Lixing into reality. “I once had great respect for Xiufen, held her in high esteem. But faced with the lure of cultivation resources, what choice did she make? She became Zhang Tu’s girlfriend, aligning herself with the Zhang family, selling out both her body and her soul! And then there’s Yuwen Ba. He’s assaulted countless students, yet he roams free. Why? Because his victims are invariably commoners! Tell me, if you were born into one of those aristocratic families, do you think Yuwen Ba would have dared to confront you at the school gates?”

Wen Shi’s words pierced Lu Lixing’s heart like a sharp dagger. He could dismiss some of Wen Shi’s earlier remarks as mere hearsay, but the situations involving Xiufen and Yuwen Ba were undeniable realities that unfolded before his very eyes. He couldn’t feign ignorance or refute the truth.

That was the stark reality.

Observing Lu Lixing’s bowed head and silence, Wen Shi let out a gentle sigh. “This world isn’t made up solely of those content to be underlings to the aristocratic sects. Through relentless effort across generations, we’ve founded Cosmic Star Academy and elevated it to be among the Six Great Academies. Our purpose is to carve out a sanctuary for cultivation—a haven for those who refuse to bow to the aristocratic sects—enabling commoners to advance further on their cultivation journey, to inspire change, and to strive for a reversal of the current state of affairs.”

“Now, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation to join us and become a part of our team. Together, we can make a real difference!”

Confronted with Wen Shi’s invitation, Lu Lixing was taken aback. Truth be told, he had never anticipated things turning out this way. He was just an average high school student, and now, out of the blue, someone was urging him to help transform the Federation. It was hard for him to take such a proposition at face value.

Lu Lixing struggled to find the right words and finally said to Wen Shi, “I’m just an ordinary person.”

Wen Shi didn’t seem disheartened by Lu Lixing’s response. With a chuckle, he replied, “I understand where you’re coming from. If I were in your shoes, I’d find it hard to accept such an offer on the spot, too. It does sound a bit too wild and far-fetched. But no worries, we’ll wait for you until you’re ready.”

“We won’t overstep or meddle in your life decisions. Where you choose to go to university is entirely up to you. I believe that once you see the world’s true colors—the darkness and the dirt—you’ll come to share our perspective. And when that day arrives, I’ll be here to welcome you with open arms to our cause.”

With that, Wen Shi departed. He didn’t linger or say more than necessary, staying true to his word that he wouldn’t influence Lu Lixing’s choices. The path ahead would be shaped by Lu Lixing’s own decisions.

In that moment, Lu Lixing felt lost. He wasn’t sure if he should trust Wen Shi’s words, yet something deep down told him that Wen Shi had no reason to concoct such an outlandish lie. There was nothing in it for him.

So, maybe, just maybe, Wen Shi was speaking the truth.

“These matters don’t concern me for now.”

Lu Lixing took a deep breath, his fists clenched as he whispered to himself, “Right now, I’m too powerless. Even if I were to make a choice, I couldn’t change anything. As Mr. Wen said, there’s still time for me to see the world for myself. And if I ever gain the strength to make a difference, then I’ll seize the opportunity and act!”

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