Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 14

C14 – The Resources Were in Her Hands!

The Lord’s Mansion, situated at the heart of Black City, stood as its tallest edifice—a towering structure with thirteen floors.

The first ten floors served as the public domain, housing the offices of the mansion’s officials. Above that, from the eleventh floor onward, lay the private domains of the Lord’s Mansion. Trespassers who entered without permission met a swift end at the hands of the guards—no exceptions, not even for cultivators.

A middle-aged man in a purple tailcoat stood before a grand, pristine window. His stature was tall and commanding, his expression stern, and an intimidating presence radiated from him. This was Shang Ruiming, the City Lord of Black City, a formidable cultivator at the pinnacle of the Foundation Building stage.

For three full days, Shang Ruiming had been standing there, neither eating nor shifting his position. His thoughts remained a mystery, and none dared interrupt his solitude.

The crisp sound of high heels approached, and a striking figure in a black uniform emerged from the shadows. She positioned herself respectfully behind Shang Ruiming and announced, “Sir, there’s news.”

Upon hearing her, Shang Ruiming turned slowly to face her, his voice deep, “Tell me.”

“A message from the owner of Caitlin’s Store. A runemaster passing by identified two arrays and left their names.”

Shang Qiongsi handed over a document as she spoke. The names of the arrays were inscribed upon it.

Shang Ruiming accepted the document and, after a glance, his excitement surged.

“Spirit Containing Array, Spirit Immersion Array! So there are still those in this world who recognize these arrays! Excellent, this is excellent!”

He burst into hearty laughter, his eyes alight with fervor as he gazed at the document. “With these arrays, there’s hope for me yet!”

Shang Qiongsi shared in his joy, smiling as she congratulated him, “Congratulations, my Lord!”

Meanwhile, in the shop, Lu Lixing was inwardly frantic with worry. Yet, he maintained a calm exterior, feigning indifference as he casually inquired, “How’s everything going?”

“We’ve got news!” Caitlin exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the response displayed on the Holo-Brain. She turned to Lu Lixing with palpable excitement. “The funds have been transferred into the account I provided!”

But it wasn’t just the funds. Along with the gold, she had also received the permanent property deed for Caitlin’s Store and the identity certificate affirming her status as a permanent resident of Black City.

“Excellent!” Lu Lixing responded promptly upon hearing the news. “Hand over the cultivation resources now. I need to leave immediately!”

Caitlin had anticipated that Lu Lixing would depart as soon as he got the message. Without hesitation, she accompanied him to the cabinet, from which she retrieved a black leather backpack the size of a schoolbag and passed it to him.

“This is a space bag crafted from Black Scaled Python hide. Everything you need is in there. Consider this backpack my thank-you gift to you.”

A space bag like this would fetch around 100,000 yuan on the market. It wasn’t exactly cheap, but it paled in comparison to the value of the permanent residence and property ownership certificates she had just acquired.

Lu Lixing didn’t linger. He slung the backpack over his shoulders and strode out, making a beeline for the elevator. He didn’t pause for a second, driven by the fear that any delay might lead to an unwanted encounter. His instincts were spot-on; envoys from the Lord’s Mansion were already en route to Caitlin’s Store. Had he been just three minutes slower, he might have walked straight into them.

Caitlin remained at the storefront, her gaze lingering on the fading figure of Lu Lixing as he vanished into the throng. A look of steadfast resolve etched her features. She was acutely aware that the Lord’s Mansion’s agents were likely closing in. By letting Lu Lixing go, she risked incurring their wrath and potential retribution. But the choice was clear. To betray the Lord’s Mansion was one thing; to cross the powerful Runemaster backing Lu Lixing was quite another. She would rather face the former than the latter.

As Caitlin was about to pivot back into her shop, the distant rumble of engines grew louder. A fleet of sleek black flying shuttles, engines roaring, raced towards her and came to a smooth halt right in front of Caitlin’s Store.

Caitlin’s eyes widened in surprise as the black flying shuttle materialized before her. Such a vehicle was reserved for the exclusive use of the Lord’s Mansion guards. Could the issuer of the announcement truly be the City Lord himself?

Amidst her astonishment, the hatch of the lead flying shuttle opened slowly, revealing a tall, striking figure. Caitlin recognized her immediately—it was Shang Qiongsi, the public face of the City Lord’s Mansion and the City Lord’s daughter.

With a detached gaze, Shang Qiongsi inquired, “Where is the Master?”

Confronted with Shang Qiongsi’s formidable presence, Caitlin had no choice but to reply, “The master has departed.”

“Gone?” Shang Qiongsi’s brows knit together slightly. “When did he leave?”

“He left some time ago,” Caitlin fabricated. “I’m not sure of his exact destination. I didn’t dare to question him or hinder his departure.”

Shang Qiongsi, slightly deflated by the response, didn’t press further. She posed another question, “Do you know what the Runemaster looks like?”

“I don’t,” Caitlin responded honestly. “The individual was wearing a disguise. I’ve known Lu Lixing for a long time, but I truly have no idea what he looks like.”

Shang Qiongsi, not interested in pursuing the matter further, gave her instructions, “Remember, if that Master visits you again, you must notify the Lord’s Mansion immediately. We will ensure you are duly rewarded for your cooperation.”

“Yes, I understand,” Caitlin replied, nodding with respect. What she truly thought, however, remained her own secret.

Shang Qiongsi lingered no longer, boarding the flying shuttle and departing. She harbored no suspicions about Caitlin’s honesty. Caitlin, she figured, wouldn’t dare deceive the Lord’s Mansion. Besides, even Shang Qiongsi herself would likely hesitate to confront a Runemaster of such esteem. It was perfectly reasonable for Caitlin to be unaware of certain details. Furthermore, neither Shang Qiongsi nor the City Lord had any intention of intercepting the Runemaster immediately. Simply knowing that such a Runemaster was present in Skyhaven was sufficient.

Regarding other matters, there was plenty of time ahead of them—time they could afford to wait.

Meanwhile, Lu Lixing had stepped onto the elevator departing from Black City. As the city receded into the distance, the tension in his chest eased. It looked like he was going to make a safe getaway today.

The thought of the backpack carrying a full million in advanced cultivation resources set Lu Lixing’s heart racing. With such a treasure, he was sure to make rapid progress in the Body Tempering Stage!

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