Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 228: Discovering the Whole Truth 2

Chapter 228: Discovering the Whole Truth 2

Just as Zhang Yi hoped his wives were worried about him, that's because usually Zhang Yi always warned before when he would be several days without seeing them, but this time he wanted to go quickly to destroy the underworld and forgot to warn.

Zhang Yi just said that something happened and did not say that he had gone to another continent to destroy another underworld, he did not want to leave his wives worried about what might have happened to him.

They were angry about it but were soon happy when Zhang Yi said he would spend a few more weeks with them before leaving again, Zhang Yi had to stay at least a few weeks not to shock Elder Wang.

After spending a lot of time with his wives and even the White Storm, Zhang Yi has not yet left his mental energy world and went to a more secluded place to see what he had received as a reward for destroying the underworld.

Zhang Yi opened the box and saw that there were 20 pills that seemed to have an abnormal amount of spiritual energy in them, Zhang Yi recalled stories about underworld bounty that were legendary pills that could change a warrior's fate by saving his life, improving talent or even cultivation.

Zhang Yi did not believe these stories because he could refine pills himself and even the best ones he could refine after learning from the special cauldron he received from his master.

So he thought it was a waste to receive any pills as a reward, but seeing that amount of spiritual energy contained in that pill he could see that it was something really special.

Zhang Yi used his mental energy to make an assessment of what use these pills had and was surprised by what he saw, this was a pill that could be used to unconditionally elevate someone's cultivation realm.

And it was an entire realm and not a layer or a level of cultivation, it could be used from the realm of mortal tribulation to the minimum and maximum to get from the realm of soul refinement to the realm of emptiness.

For Zhang Yi, this was just surprising and useful, but it would make a storm in the whole divine plane, one could take tens of thousands of years or even thousands of years, even the fastest would take hundreds of years to advance a cultivation realm.

So someone trapped in the soul refinement realm could save up to 100,000 years to reach the emptiness realm and thus gain other hundreds of millennia of life, so it could be used to save a life as well.

Of course, even if it could be used by someone from the mortal tribulation realm to reach the soul birth realm, it was almost suicidal to do so because one would have to go through all the tribulations of the levels at the same time and would probably die.

Zhang Yi didn't see much use for this because it would surely make the cultivate base too unstable and take several years to stabilize the cultivate base and clear the poisons left by the cultivator's qi pill and body.

For Zhang Yi that it would take 100 years at most to pass from the soul refinement realm to the emptiness realm that was a huge waste, but even elder Lu who was a genius must have taken almost 2,400 years from the realm. from mortal tribulation to the realm of emptiness where she was.

Such a pill could have saved her almost a thousand years of cultivation and so her best cultivation time would be even longer, Zhang Yi's wives who have the best cultivation resources, a divine double cultivation technique that elder Lu could not It still took more than 10 years to reach the level where they were and it would take many more years to reach the realm of soul birth.

Even so, Zhang Yi was calmer at seeing these pills and was very happy about it, he could give his wives when they reached the realm of soul birth if he felt he would die after discovering the whole truth.

He could also use a pill after reaching maximum cultivation until the next tournament to be strong enough to kill Elder Su Lian if she deserved to die, that pill could save several years of cultivation for him to take revenge.

But he thought he wouldn't have to use this pill because if he decided to take revenge he could just step away from Sword Sect after the tournament and enter his mental energy world and use the distorted timeline to get to the realm of emptiness so he could kill her.

Zhang Yi knew he could not count on Sword Sect to kill Sacred Phoenix Sect elder Su Lian, because even if the sect wanted to help he would not accept it because it could cause a war between Sword Sect and Sacred Phoenix Sect in which millions of disciples would die because of his revenge.

Even though it was good to have these pills in store for him and his wives should an unforeseen event occur, Zhang Yi also decided not to tell his wives about these pills because he thought it might cause their motivation to cultivate.

After almost 1 month Zhang Yi returned to Sword Sect again, this surprised the elders because as he was alone they expected Zhang Yi to take at least a few months to return.

Zhang Yi knew he would surprise, but as no one can see him using his skills Zhang Yi thought it might be better to gain more interest from the elders now that he had more confidence in the sect and also because he would need help until the next tournament.

Only after the next tournament that he planned to move away from Sword Sect if he decided to take revenge did he first need so much help when he could get in order to talk to elder Su Lian so he could find out why she betrayed his master Feng Ran.

Since he had already asked for this as a condition, it was certain that elder Su Lian would appear in this tournament, but with that happening the relationship between the sects would not be the best and it was difficult for Zhang Yi to be able to meet elder Su Lian in person.

So for him to be able to talk to her he needed to ask Sword Sect a favor and not a condition anymore, because if it was a condition he could raise more suspicion from the Sword Sect and Sacred Phoenix Sect elders and that could make it difficult for him to attack the elder Su Lian later if necessary.

By the time Zhang Yi returned to the sect, elder Lu had already left her isolated cultivation, she had successfully reached level 4 of her advanced understanding of her water laws, she had taken longer because she was also thinking about what she had learned from her cultivation and the laws of space.

Since she was over 3,000 years old the concept of time for her was different and even spending 10 years cultivating for her was commonplace, so she didn't think of Zhang Yi when she stopped to cultivate.

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