Divine Path System

Chapter 95 - Curse You, System!

Chapter 95 - Curse You, System!

[Host, you are underestimating the sheer magnitude of power such a feat could take. Neither the Abyssal civilization nor any A+ grade civilization could hold such power.]


[If the time comes when you have to fight such a foe, then you'd have long surpassed the need for lightning sense.]

Varian nodded and didn't ask any further.

Firstly, it served no purpose.

Secondly, the thought that there were even entities far stronger than Abyssals only made him depressed.

If humans couldn't even win Abyssals, how could they hope to survive against such entities?

Varian closed his eyes again and saw the world in gold. It was the color of lightning mana.

He was able to sense his surroundings.

'Since Lightning Awakeners don't have high senses like Body Awakeners, Lightning sense acts as a radar.' He concluded.

Then he sensed the lightning mana flowing within his body.

He carefully felt it and willed it to appear.



With a crackling sound, a small thunder ball appeared above his hand.

"Wow." Varian was amazed and touched the lightning ball.



He pulled back his hand. It was slightly burnt with a lingering shock.

'Why is my own lightning shocking me?' Varian asked in confusion.


Then he realized it.

This time, he used the lightning mana to cover his hand and touched the lightning ball.

There was no shock or pain. It was like touching a warm liquid sphere.

'So once the lightning mana leaves my body and manifests itself as an entity, then it acts like lightning. If I touch it, it's like touching a normal lightning ball. And I get shocked.' Varian rubbed his chin.

He caught the floating lightning ball in his hand covered by lightning mana and chuckled.

'This also means I can shield myself against real lightning with lightning mana.' He waved his hand and the lightning ball disappeared.

'But when it is not unleashed, I can touch lightning mana without problem.' He glanced at the golden light covering his palm and touched it with his other hand.

Again, nothing happened.

[You're correct. Otherwise, it would be too unbalanced. Just becoming a lightning awakener does not mean you cannot be hurt by lightning anymore.]

'Hm.' Varian nodded.

[However, Lightning awakeners will gain more affinity with lightning with each level. You were on the verge of fainting from the attacks, but after awakening, you were able to stay sober. You gained some resistance.]

'Oh.' Even though he kinda guessed it, the System confirmed it.

The System fell silent, and Varian resumed his test.

As a newbie, he could only create small lightning arcs and shoot them against his enemy. The lightning arc's speed was comparable to a Level 1 Body Awakener.

And after using the lightning sense, Varian's response speed in controlling the lightning mana also improved.

For instance, a Level 2 Body Awakener took around a second to cover 100 meters.

If the Body Awakener was at 10 meters, a Lightning Awakener would have no time to dodge the attack of said Body Awakener.

However, with their Lightning Sense, a Level 2 Lightning Awakener's speed of manipulating lightning would be at the same level as a Level 2 Body Awakener's physical speed.

Then, they could set up a shield of lightning and block the body awakener's attack.

Since they possess only normal human eyesight, they could not capture the fast movements of Body awakeners.

However, their lightning sense could capture their movements and allow them to fight.

'So everything is somehow balanced, huh.' Varian sighed.

'All Divine Paths are balanced. There is no one strong divine path.' Sylvia — the Space Professor's words rang in his mind.

After familiarizing himself with the lightning path, Varian took out the aura crystals and replenished his aura reserves.

He didn't make big movements to avoid attracting magic beasts.

Two hours passed and Varian changed into new clothes. Thankfully, he had plenty in reserve.

He stood up and snapped his fingers.

The sheer force behind the snap caused the air to compress and was about to explode.

Before the air could explode, the space solidified and stopped it.

At the same time, a lightning ball shot against the solidified space.


Body Path, Space Path and Lightning Path.

The powers of these three paths were manifested by the same person!

"I'm the first Tri Awakener!" Varian just realized.

The addition of Space path helped him so much, now he got a third path.

Ecstatic was an understatement.

"Hahah" Varian laughed and slapped the burrow in joy.



A golden light flashed, and the world spun.

The next moment, he was in an alien place.

Before he could even think, "Fuck!" Varian cursed and titled his neck.


A lightning ball passed right beside his head and—



It crashed into the wall behind and scorched it. The plants near the crash died from the shock.

Varian turned around and saw the perpetrator.

It was a 3 feet humanoid creature. With green skin, pointy ears, it resembled a 'goblin' of Old Earth.

The goblin waved its hand and another lightning arc was already heading towards him.

"Tch. You're not those apes." Varian cursed and dashed at the goblin.

"Ga!" The green-skinned creature yelled and lightning covered its body, acting as an armor.

"Don't be so assured." Varian laughed and raised his fist.

The goblin was confident his armor would block Varian's attack.

However, a gauntlet equipped itself on Varian's fist and it approached the goblin's neck in the blink of an eye.

Right when his fist was about to make contact with the lightning armor, space power and lightning mana covered his gauntlet.


Just like that, Varian's fist passed through and broke the goblin's neck.

The lightning mana helped reduce the lightning attack, while solidifying the space blocked some of the attack.

Varian's Level 3 Body defense was strong enough to bear the rest whilst his attack was enough to break through the defense.


The goblin's body collapsed, and the green blood dyed the ground.

It was an easy kill, but he still came into contact with the goblin's lightning mana.

[+10 Xp

Lightning Level 1: 10/100]

Varian felt the lightning mana in his body rise lightly.

With the enemy down, he inspected his surroundings.

It was a large underground lair with many passages. There were creepers, plants, and grass growing everywhere.

Recalling his last action in the burrow, Varian felt like killing.

It was clear to him now. Punching that burrow led him here.

'Just like the time with Sarah's team,' Varian took a deep breath, and—

'Fuck you, System!'

There was no way he was so 'fortunate' to encounter this.

"I'm in Dungeon's Special Location."

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