Divine Path System

Chapter 320 - A Giant Leap

[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 6: 0/4000

Space Path Level 5: 2000/2000 (+800)

Lightning Path Level 5: 2000/2000 (+2000)

Morpher Path Level 5: 2000/2000 (+600, +2000)

Telepath Path Level 5: 2000/2000 (+2000)

Telekinetic Path Level 5: 2000/2000 (+1000, +2000)]

"What the…?!" Varian's heart stopped beating for a moment.

'System, System, are you finally broken? What the fuck are these numbers?' Varian asked, his voice full of excitement but also fear of disappointment.

What he was seeing surpassed his wildest expectations. This was just ridiculous.

Just one potion and all his paths were on the brink of reaching level 6?

Who are you kidding?

'Answer me.' He urged the thing that stayed silent at times like this.

[This System cannot be broken host. If that happens, the world as you know it will be brought down with it.]

'…Ok, stop bragging and explain my stats.' Varian would've punched the system in the face if it had a physical body but alas…

[This System is not bragging. Its true capab—]

'Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. You are too OP. Now my status.' Varian waved his hand and muttered.

By now, a part of him was significantly relaxed. Yes, no matter what, till now, the System didn't lie.

That means…

[What you heard from everyone is that this potion would raise the sub-level of a level 6 by one.

Low Level 6: 0-1330

Mid Level 6: 1331-2600

High Level 6: 2601-3900

Peak Level 6: 3901-4000

A normal awakener only used about 40% of the potion's prowess, which amounts to around 766-770 Xp, the slight difference due to manufacturing.]

Varian nodded.

Inefficient use was a common problem across the federation. Scientists had tried to solve the problem for decades before moving on.

[But you used almost 100% of the potion. That's why the results.]

'Huh? But even if I use 100%, it's just too absurd…oh wait, it's only for level 5 and level 4.'

Varian smashed his fist into his palm with an expression of 'eureka'.

'Can you show me the calculation?' He coughed lightly and asked. After knowing the reason, he had another thought.

Was this system leeching off the potion? Some novels he read during his childhood had such systems.

[…Host, you're thinking of something rude.]

'Me? No way. I'm an innocent fella. Did you ever see me curse someone?' Varian said with an honest face.

[…Sigh.] You just cursed Helia, mocked Charles and brought endless trouble to Evander.

With what face are you calling yourself innocent?

[So, 40% of this potion gives 768 Xp. 100% of that is 1920 Xp.]

That's almost half of all the Xp needed for a Level 6. Varian didn't use the potion for his Level 6 Body path at all. He directed it for only level 4 and level 5.

But who knew that if he used it for level 6, it'd almost be reaching the end stages of mid level 6.

[Do you regret it, host?]

'I don't.' Varian shook his head. 'Isn't my biggest advantage over everyone my multiple paths and my fast progress speed?

I want to use it properly. A low level 6 can't fight a high level 6. Even a dual awakener can't.

A triple awakener with three low level 6 can just fight a mid level 6.

But about me? How far can I go?'

[Very, very far.] The System's voice turned ethereal for a moment before returning to mechanical.

[Breaking down how much Xp you used for each path to reach level 5: (Space, Lightning, Morpher, Telepath, Telekinetic)

Level 5: 800 + 2000 + 2000 + 2000 + 2000? = 8800 for level 5.

Level 4: 000 + 000 + 0600 + 000 + 1000 = 1600 for level 4.

1600 Xp for level 4 is equivalent to 800 XP in level 5.

So, 8800 + 800 = 9600 level 5 equivalent Xp in total.

9600 Xp for level 5 is equivalent to 1920 Xp for level 6—which is the total amount of Xp this potion provided you.]


Varian was silent for a moment and immediately cross-checked the calculations.

Then he broke out. "How the fuck did this happen?

All paths stopping just before entering level 6? And this was a coincidence?

[…It's normal.]

Varian took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He willed it and his mental force wrapped around him, and slowly floated him in the air.

Varian looked around and observed the practice room he was in.

A rooms with sleek white floor and black walls.

'Boo, bring me dummies that can take? peak level 5 and low level 6 hits.' He said.

'Y-Yes, master.' Boo answered with a trembling voice.

A light flashed and six dummies—a humanoid structure build of good quality metal appeared in front of him.

They were all placed at proper distance from each other as they awaited his tests.

The three on his left could withstand level 5 attacks and the ones on the right level 6.

Varian's space sense locked on the left most dummy and he snapped his fingers.

Ka! Ka! Ka!

The space around the dummy was quickly compressed. The metal dummy made creaking noises, but apart from the dents all over its body, it was fine.

But the next moment, the space suddenly blasted.


It cracked open like a mirror and burst apart like a bomb.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The metal dummy was broken into pieces and shot off in all directions.

A piece flew towards Varian and landed in front of his feet.

"Tsk." Varian clicked his tongue and couldn't help but smile.

Then came the lightning bolt.


The metal dummy almost melted before it broke into pieces.

Morpher Path.

Varian's hand branch pierced through the metal. But compared to the two before, it was weaker.

Telepath Path.


Varian closed his eyes and entered his 'Palace of Memories'. It resembled a gigantic library and was changing every second.

He ignored everything and came to a special area where fog covered a lot of memories.

The fog was in fact incredibly thick mental power.

Varian's mental power at the moment wasn't even 1% of it in quality.

That's why, he didn't choose to remove the mental power. He couldn't.

He instead set his sights on the corners of the fog where the mental power was the weakest.

The last time he tried, the best he did was thin the fog.

But now—

"Go!" Varian's mental power entangled a small and thin portion of the fog.



The fog wriggled and Varian felt his mental power plummeting.

A sense of weakness swelled in his mind, but he didn't stop.


Finally, a tiny portion of the fog was gone.

"Yes!" Varian pumped his fist mentally.

Compared to last time where the best he could do was thin the thinnest fog, this was already a good improvement.

But…if he continued on, this would take around 100,000 such sessions before he could clear out the fog.

And given the intensity of the fog at the center, his level 5 mental power would melt the moment it touched it.

But Varian didn't worry. His Telepath path was now only at the peak of level 5.

Next was level 6.

Then level 7.

The higher his level went, the easier it was to remove the fog.

And he was just getting started.

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