Divine Path System

Chapter 288: Vine Forest [2]

Chapter 288: Vine Forest [2]

He was fighting with the tree and his senses were focused on it, so he didn't notice their arrival until now.

'Why are they here?' He frowned.

These messengers were also geniuses. They agreed to do the job because the teams promised to leave them the treasures in the areas.

Whatever they find would be theirs.

So, every messenger would do their job, but they'd also hope that the teams clear off the areas quickly so that they could go and pick up the treasures.

If a messenger was eliminated, the teams weren't responsible. They knew what they were signing up for.

Thus, every messenger tried to be as safe as possible while scouting.

So, why the fuck did these people come?

What's their confidence?

"Beat him!"

"Slap him!"

"Arrogant bastard!"

"You're already so injured, we'll beat you up!"

One by one, be it a man or a woman, cursed Charles with red eyes and shot at him.

Their eyes were filled with rage and they looked like they couldn't bear to kill him.

"Wait, what?" Charles was taken aback.

Are they idiots?

Even though he was severely injured, did they think really think these pitiful peak level 5s had any chance against him?

Charles' face turned gloomy and he raised his hand. With a light force, he slapped at the insects.


Just one punch, and everyone was sent flying.

Out of the five messengers, three were directly eliminated.

The other two looked at Charles in horror, but their eyes were still red in rage.



As they muttered, ten more messengers reached them.

Other regions only had a few messengers, but since Charles entered this region, this region had the most messengers after Laden Burrows.

"What the fuck is going on?" Charles found this weird.

Their hatred, their anger…it was all too intense.

"Work together! Eliminate him!"

The messengers, regardless of their team, grouped together and fought him.

Space blasts, Ice spears, heavy punches…

They used everything in their arsenal, but in ten seconds, except for one, they all laid on the ground.

Their injuries were growing serious with each passing second and they'd eliminated soon.

The last man standing looked at Charles and growled. "Damn you bastard! You must die!"

"Tell me what are your team's instructions?" Charles asked with a chilly voice.

What the fuck were they trying to pull?

"Team…team…team!" The young man muttered and his eyes suddenly lit up.

At the same time, the ones lying on the ground also seemed to have thought of something and opened their mouth.

"Senior Ashtarh, Charles Xander has mostly recovered from his injury. Hurry up and attack him!"

"Senior Philia, the situation here is Charles…"

"Sir Xander, important…"

One by one, every messenger that could spoke about Charles.

Only the first one finished his words while the rest never got the chance as Charles' hand slapped them away, instantly eliminating them.

With all the messengers eliminated, Charles stood rooted on the spot, his eyes shaking violently as he muttered.

"…What's going on?"

He didn't understand their motives, but he surely knew the consequences of their actions.

Even though only Ashtarh team knew the full message…the other teams also heard his name and with their subsequent elimination, the teams could guess what happened.

"I'm screwed." Charles muttered.

"…I can't do anything now. Once they come, I'll be eliminated."

"Wait…" Charles turned to his right and glanced at the core area of the Vine Forest.

The region that held the flag.

He hesitated for a moment before his eyes flashed for a moment.


He shot towards the core area.

Even though he knew what he was going to do next, he still didn't know why the messengers suddenly went berserk.

….Only one person knew.

Ten minutes ago, Varian reached the Vine Forest.

Using his space and body powers, he concealed himself and located all the messengers.

After confirming with Boo that it was all, he sneaked behind each one of them, and knocked them out one by one.

Then he used the vengeance flowers on them.

Their inherent property was to push a person into rage. By guiding them with his mental power, Varian assigned the target of this rage.

Charles Xander.

Then, he was about to ask Boo to find his location and let the messengers chase him.

That was unnecessary as he sensed Charles aura in the distance.

He left and the messengers soon woke up. Their minds were foggy and they didn't think straight.

All they felt was rage.

They sensed his aura and rushed towards him.

Charles would've never thought that this was the intrusion of a third party.

His guess was that the teams wanted an excuse to deal with him. Or some of these messengers hated him deeply.

For whatever reasons, they decided to eliminate him. Perhaps they promised some other benefits to the messengers to let them check his combat power.

Whatever the reason, Charles concluded they were coming for him.

And not just one team, but all of them.

"What is he going to do? Enter the core area and get the flag?" Varian leaned on a tree and tapped his chin.

With his condition, it was impossible.

"Well, whatever. It doesn't affect my plan much." He shrugged.

None of the messengers knew where Charles went after his attack. So, messengers from other regions would come to check the situation.

Given the fact that Charles didn't hide his traces when he rushed to the core area, they'd find where he'd gone.

But there was no telling if he'd return from the core area and attack the messengers again.

"That's all I need." Varian grinned. "An excuse to get rid of some messengers."

"Now then…there's some time before messengers from other regions arrive, how about I use it properly, eh?" He chuckled and dashed towards a strong aura.

Along the way, he dodged the attacks from various plants, beasts and birds with ease.

Finally, he faced the prey he picked.

"Tsk. Tsk. I have a fate with rabbits." Looking at the low level 6 Horned Rabbit, Varian laughed out loud.

[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 5: 1930/2000]

It was time.

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