Divine Path System

Chapter 243: 6th Asura Squad

Chapter 243: 6th Asura Squad

Realm Lord Zokai gritted his teeth at Enigma's disappearance. Thinking of her parting words, he sneered.

"Who can even come? Every powerhouse is engaged by the Abyss…Huek!"

Zokai's words were stopped abruptly as he looked up the sky and shivered without meaning to.

A huge, dark and looming presence…like death itself seemed to descend from the sky.

No, it was still far away…but its mere presence seemed to announce itself as the herald of destruction.

From the corner of his eye, Zokai saw his confidantes, the vice lords—low level 9s trembling fiercely.

'Cowards!' He cursed and said. "G-Get…inside."

By the time he realized it, his voice was quivering.

He too was trembling!

His confidantes nodded fiercely and turned around to rush back into the Secret Realm.

Zokai used his space power and teleported himself in. With his token, and being a Level 9 Space Awakener, he had this ability.

After teleporting into his familiar castle, Zokai clutched his chest, feeling his racing heart.

'Fear?' He shook his head in denial.

In the process, his gaze fell on the mirror, he saw a ghostly pale face looking back at him bloodshot eyes.

'Pathet—' He stopped abruptly realizing it was his own reflection.

'Wait, wait. This is not important. I need to know what's happening outside.'

As the Secret Realm Master, he could do a lot of things.

Forging the entry tokens was one.

Ordering the realm to move was another.

However, he couldn't escape from Enigma by forcing the realm to move.

The speed of the Secret Realm was slow and they already had a tracking mark on.

He had to stop Enigma from breaking open the Secret Realm. As he feared, Dreamer was indeed capable of finding the weak spots of the Secret Realm.

If Enigma was allowed one more hit, then, everything would've ended.

'I saved the Secret Realm! Zokai stopped trembling and clenched his fists.

Thinking of the fearsome presence that was descending, his lips slowly curled up.

'What if you are so powerful, you need to hit the right spot with the minimum strength.

Now, Enigma is gone. The hologram is also gone. What can you do?'

As he grinned complacently, the Secret Realm suddenly shook.

An ominous premonition came to his mind and he hurriedly opened the vision of the Secret Realm surroundings.

There he saw it. No. Saw him.

A tall man with red hair and black eyes.

He had the same power as the old man Forde that Zokai previously beat.

Lightning Path.

But in addition, he could feel a familiar power from the other party.

Space Path.

Moreover, even though he's looking at him from across the realms, Zokai felt a tremendous pressure.

It was not Sovereign pressure, but the closest it could be.

Peak of Level 9!

"Calm down, calm down. He only roughly knows where the Secret Realm is. He doesn't even know the weak points. what can he do—"

Zokai suddenly stumbled and rolled on the ground.


He hurriedly teleported outside of his castle and observed the Secret Realm.

"This…" His heart nearly leapt out of his throat.

The whole small world—the sky, the ground, the buildings were all shaking fiercely.




It was as if someone was knocking a metal door with a log.

But this time, the door was the Secret Realm itself and the log…what was the log?

With each knock, every one in the Secret Realm felt an unprecedented fear. It was as if death was knocking on their doors, asking them to be obediently accept their fate.

Then it came.

The sound of a chain breaking.


"Fuck!" Zokai swore incredulously.

How did he do it?

He doesn't know the weak spots!

So How?!


The Secret Realm trembled fiercely and slowly, he saw it.

The entire barrier of the Secret Realm was hit by a massive and intense fire waves. Then it was blasted by the space bursts.


Hundreds of times.

So much that even the dispersed attacks that only carried less than 0.1% of the attack's power accumulated and broke the last chain.

"M-Monster! This is a Monster!" Zokai roared in disbelief.

He was also in level 9…but this strength was beyond him.

The red haired man's eyes turned to him and in the next instant, he appeared in front of Zokai.

"Guh!" Zokai was about to teleport when the space around him suddenly solidified.

'Space Unbinding.'

He tried to loosen the space, and teleport. Even if he can't defeat him, escaping must be possible…right?

"Argh!!!" The space didn't budge and he couldn't teleport.

No. It loosened, but the other guy tightened it further so that he couldn't feel any difference.

"Kuh!" Zokai's heart couldn't give birth to a trace of resistance.

The killing intent from the man overwhelmed his senses and scared the daylights out of him.

Excuse me, I am the Realm Lord of Shadow Order.

I have killed tens of thousands.

Logically, I should have the most killing intent.

But why do you have such a thick killing intent?

How many did you kill?

Ten thousand? Hundred thousand?

…A million?

"Hiss!" He didn't have the time to ask.

The red haired man gripped his neck and snarled. "You scum. How are you feeling today?"

"?!" Zokai was about to answer when he felt an unbearable hotness from the man's palm.

He already covered himself with Space Armor. Coupled with his Space Body, he could resist the attacks of most level 9s.


Not him.

Zokai gritted his teeth and refused to scream.

"Ho?" Bali raised an eyebrow and waved his hand.

The Secret Realm was bathed in sea of fire.



"Son of a bitch!"

"You misogynist pig!"


It was the scene of an apocalypse. The flames swallowed everyone—low, mid and high awakeners—no one was spared.

Floating in the air, the flames reflected on Bali's emotionless face. Even amidst the tragic cries, his face didn't change in the slightest.

But slowly, as the fire scorched his very being, Zokai couldn't help but scream in agony.




Zokai's screams sounded like divine music to Bali who sighed in contentment and softly said."A bug, the lowest of scum that betrayed its own race, even hindered their growth…your screams are just so delightful to hear."

Zokai's body trembled at those words. Until now, he killed everyone who said that to him.

Now, he couldn't.

"P..Argh…pwea..se." He begged through his screams.

The unforgiving flames burnt away his space armor and melted his skin.

They slowly began to seep into his flesh and torture him.

His space power instinctively solidified the space around his flesh and tried to protect him.


"Arghhh!" The flames melted his flesh, roasted his bones and tortured his soul.

"P..we..ase." He begged.

"Please what?" Bali raised an eyebrow and looked into his eyes.

Or the hollow sockets that now stood in their place.

"…Ki…" He wanted to say 'Kill me', but his tongue was burnt at that moment and the fire traveled down his throat, into his stomach.

Now, even his screams were muffled.

The only sign of his life was the twitching that lasted for full three minutes and thirty seconds.

Bali looked into his comm and shook his head like it was a pity. "It'll take 1.5 minutes, Evander will be at his limit. Gotta go."

Then he tossed aside the scorched body in his arm or what remained of it and a flame ball turned it to ashes.

Bali's figure disappeared as he appeared above Earth in an instant and boarded his space shuttle.

Soon after, seven more space shuttles followed him as they raced back to the planetoids.

6th Asura Squad, Mission Complete!

(Respect S+)

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