Divine Path System

Chapter 187: Sixth Military Base

Chapter 187: Sixth Military Base

The sixth military base was located at a certain distance from the air base due to strategic reasons.

In case of an emergency, the commander would be able to reach all the important buildings sprawled across the region in the least amount of time.

Of course, the most consideration was given to the border.

Since the planetoid was torn between Humans and Abyssals, it had a ridiculously long border.

Small scale conflicts broke out all the time with one side intruding into other's territory. All out wars were not uncommon. In the past five years, three full scale wars were fought.

But due to the location of the planetoid itself being remote, both sides didn't invest higher awakeners.

The strongest combat power remained peak level 6—Chief Commander who oversaw all the military bases.

Amidst the whirls of golden sand, the military transport vehicle reached the sixth military base.

After a strict inspection, they were let in.

The base resembled a small city. Hundreds of soldiers off duty were moving about as they visited various facilities.

Since humans climbed the tree of technology, self-sufficiency on this desert planetoid was easy.

As long they weren't dead, soldiers could be rescued. But in case the opponents lost, Abyssals would never leave them alive.

The soldiers didn't know if they would return alive before every mission. But they still moved forward.

The reason Varian took his father as the ideal was because he admired this quality.

To move forward in the face of danger. Even if one's life was not guaranteed, they did not shrunk.

This was perhaps the highest form of bravery.

"The others teams should've landed by now. Together, we'll cover all the probable areas." Dhruv said through his comm.

'Boo, can you hack the Abyssal bases?' As they neared the Commander's office, Varian asked.

'No, master. If I was at my peak, it could've been possible.' Boo gave negative.

Varian wasn't expecting a positive answer anyway, so he was not disappointed. But in case Abyssal bases could be hacked, the best he could do was paralyze them.

However, unlike hideouts were providing access enabled humans to wipe out Abyssals, it was impossible for planetoids.

Essentially, this was the fiercest point of contention. The frontline.

"Report! Team Yano-3423 arriving, Sir!" The soldier saluted and reported to the entrance guard.

After another round of tests, they finally entered the commander's office.

"So you are the hunters." Xam, a middle aged man with a square jaw said with a serious expression.

Unlike the one Boo produced, their disguise was by no means perfect. Any awakener with sufficient strength would be able to tell they were fakes.

"Yes, Sir." The team gave him a military salute.

"You will be assigned to third sector. If the prey is difficult to handle, inform the base. We'll clean up those pests." Xam said in a calm voice.

But Varian felt an immense amount of blood lust.

There was a fundamental divide between the cadets and the officers. One was like an sheathed sword while the other was like a blood soaked sword.

Even if they had the same strength, a soldier would win due to their mentality and combat experience.

Despite their genius, the cadets experience would fall short compared to decades long experience.

"We can do it, Sir!" Dhruv said with confidence.

As the captain of the team, he had absolute confidence in the strength of his teammates. What's more, they discussed the tactics thoroughly beforehand.

The ones that should worry was the pests—Astors.

"Hm." Xam nodded calmly. His expression didn't change much since the beginning.

"Even though I despise a soldier who couldn't complete their mission, your potential is needed." Xam scanned them one by one before saying. "The mission can fail, but your lives must not be lost."

"We'll ensure success above our lives." Dhruv stated his stance.

"You can be whatever you are in your little school, but here, you are under my command. Follow the orders." Xam's expression turned grim and a huge aura suppressed Dhruv.

"Guh." The pressure of high Level 6 was terrifying and Dhruv's face paled.

Sarah took a step forward and said. "Sir, if death is certain, we'll withdraw."

Xam paused and nodded before withdrawing his pressure.

He..felt a small but significant threat from Sarah.

"You'll be patrolling on the border. Our battle ships are monitoring the space of the planet. If the Astors try to land in the Abyss territory, we'll open fire. Facing our full firepower before landing will kill most.

The only way they can live is to land in the human space since we can't bomb our own establishments.

Even then, we'll hit them with limited firepower. But they'll most likely survive the attacks and escape somewhere using some star treasures.

They'd cross the border and reach the Abyssals side.

Your task is to patrol the EI-23 section of the border. It is a hilly region with sparse vegetation. An excellent place for them to cross the border." Base Commander Xam explained the details perfectly.

"Yes, Sir. Victory to humanity." Sarah saluted and the rest followed.

"Victory to humanity." Xam saluted back.

Boarding an agile floating vehicle, the group of twelve reached the EI-23 section.

As Xam said, there was a long desert range spanning dozens of miles. The desert hills themselves were miles wide, forming a natural boundary between Humans and Abyssals.

The border was, as expected, heavily guarded. Dangerous fences, artilleries, laser beams and many more.

But most of the soldiers were only Level 4. In close combat with Astor Clan remnants, they would lose.

'I hope the loss can be minimized.' Varian wished.

After reporting in, they split into two teams and went off to patrol their areas in twos.

Varian and Sarah, carrying a laser gun and wearing a standard military suit, carefully walked through desert hill.

Varian never learnt about fire arms. To be honest, guns were useless if the enemy reacted before one could open fire.

That was the case with many mid awakeners.

The usage of fire arms was thus limited to Low Awakeners. But as a formality, Varian and Sarah to carry them.

As they continued to patrol, time passed and night fell.

The temperature plummeted from scorching hot to freezing cold. Their suit was advanced enough to keep them warm.

Besides, both Varian and Sarah had strong physiques.

As hours passed, the Astors showed no sign of arrival.

But Varian felt an increasing unease.

He finally broke the silence and said. "Sarah, be careful. I have a bad feeling about this. If it gets really dangerous, stay near me. I can get us to safety."

His assurance in the mission was naturally Boo. Once he got into the ghost ship, he could leave freely.

Even though he preferred to keep it secret, if the need really arose, Varian didn't mind saving Sarah at the expense of revealing the ghost ship.

She didn't tell her father about his Space Path. If she did, Evander would brand Varian as someone who could never be a Sovereign.

Forget about picking him as a disciple, Varian wouldn't be surprised if he was closely monitored.

So in a sense, he owed her a lot for not saying anything.

"How can you save me—?!"


Sarah and Varian suddenly looked back.

They heard a footstep.

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