Divine Path System

Chapter 185: Her Smile

Chapter 185: Her Smile

After lunch, Varian started to practice.

There were multiple rooms with aura concentration formation. One was connected to his room.

Since he agreed to move into Sarah's home because of the lucrative practice conditions, Varian felt that he owed her now.

But practicing at such high aura was very useful.


[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 5: 50/2000 (+40)

Space Path Level 3: 140/400 (+60)

Lightning Path Level 4: 60/1000 (+45)

Morpher Path Level 3: 150/400 (+50)

Mind Path Level 2: 60/200 (+60)]

Thanks to the suicide jacket, Varian's progress in space path was fast. To be honest, progress in every other path was also high.

If there were no sudden bottle necks, he'd be able to have an advancement every few days.

'If I had these resources from the beginning…' Varian clicked his tongue but didn't regret his choice of hiding his power.

The only reason he dared to reveal his power to Evander was Boo's assurance. Even in case Evander wanted to capture him to slice him open, he could escape.

"Still, he should've stopped those girls." Varian wrote down the grudge. He didn't know poor Evander swallowed his pride and requested Anna to protect Varian.

After grabbing a quick shower, Varian was called by Anna for dinner.

It was a weird feeling.

When he lived alone, which was all the time since his mom's passing, Varian casually threw something to fill his stomach.

Other than a few times with Kyle and Maya, he always ate alone.

So having two people wait for him was a strange feeling…in a good way.

"So, Varian warned Charles?" Anna asked, she was literally gossiping about him in front of him!

"Yes. I'll send you the recording. I thought Varian was pretty cool at that time. But see what he did during our right, he…" Sarah said with a cheerful expression.

As Sarah and Anna chatted, Varian fell into a daze.

Him, an older woman and a girl the same age as him…this was so familiar.

His head ached for a moment before everything turned white.

Varian found himself staring at a pair of three.

They were seated around a dining table far less luxurious. The dishes too were ordinary. But everything was so familiar.

Especially the three people.

The 15 year old Varian was seated impatiently as he checked out fighting techniques.

Amanda shook her head at him and turned to the brown haired beauty. Even though she was still young, Sia's growth promised she would be a world toppling beauty one day.

"Sia, you should just practice instead of wasting time on cooking." Young Varian said after closing his comm.

Sia arranged the last dish on the dining table and stuck out her tongue. "I want to cook for Amanda. You can have a take away."

Young Varian coughed and said. "Since you already cooked, how can I let your hard work go to drain?"

Without giving her a chance to refute, he started wolfing down.

With each bite, Young Varian's expression softened and finally he couldn't help but say.

"Sia, I take my words back. If you can cook every day, I'm willing to practice 30 minutes less."

"Really?" Sia and Amanda both stood up in shock.

'It takes 30 minutes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but—'

Young Varian coughed and nodded. "You cook better than mom anyway."

Amanda's face twitched and she twisted his ear. "Say that again, son."

"I mean, mom cooks the best." Young Varian displayed no signs of courage.

"Say that again, Varian." Sia twisted his other ear.

Young Varian looked at the two and begged for mercy. "You two are the best."

"Hmph! I-I will cook every day even if you don't ask. I'm practicing cooking so that I can cook Amanda good meals after her tiring work." Sia crossed her arms and said.

Amanda poked Sia's soft chin. "Then why is every dish here Varian's favourite?"

Sia's face flushed and she caught Young Varian's eyes on her. "T-That's because, yes! Because I only know these dishes."

"Tsk. You guys are fun." Amanda chuckled and resumed eating.

Young Varian patted the embarrassed Sia and cheered her up. "Thank you. I want to eat like this every day."

Sia raised her head and smiled. "If we can be like this everyday, I'll cook every day for the years to come."

Varian watched the smiling Sia as the world crumbled.

"Varian, hey, Varian!"

Varian snapped out of his stupor as he felt someone shake his body.

He looked up and saw Sarah's worried expression.

But why was his vision still blurry? Also what was the salted taste on his lips?

Regardless, he said. "Yes?"

Wait, his voice, it was trembling. Why?

"Varian, what happened?" Sarah said in a concerned voice.

Nothing happened. Why was she getting so worried.

"I'm fine Sar-"

Pit! Pat!

Varian touched his cheeks as he felt hot tears streaming down.

"I'm sorry." Sarah apologized for no reason.

Varian didn't know what came of him, but he hugged her. Sarah was taken back before wrapping her arms around him and patting his back.

In the warmth she provided, he realized something.

Even if his memory forgot them, he couldn't forget her smile. Sia's smile.

Perhaps in the deepest corners of his heart, this was his dream.

After achieving his dream and ensuring the safety of humanity, what he wanted was not reigning over the world.

All he wanted was to come back and sit down with his family for a warm meal.

Eat the food Sia cooked with care, and listen to the naggings of his mother.

But now…

A member of that small family left him forever.

The other member was missing. His memories of her were erased. Even her presence was concealed.

"I'm sorry for ruining your meal." Varian slowly got out from Sarah's embrace and returned to his room.

Sarah bit her lip as she watched him go. Suddenly, she couldn't understand him.

Even though he stood in front of her, it was like a moat separated them.


"A-Aunt Anna, did I do something wrong?" Sarah turned to Anna. "I-I've never seen him like this. Did I hurt him? D-Did I do something wrong?"

Anna sighed deeply and hugged Sarah. "You did nothing wrong."

Sarah broke down and shook her head frantically. "It must be me. It's always my fault.

If only I didn't graduate that day, Dad would've gone to Pluto with mom. They would be alive. It's my fault.

I-If I wasn't a dual awakener, dad wouldn't stop talking to me. He wouldn't lose hopes in me. It's all my fault.

This time too, Varian…it's all my fault.

Why do I hurt everyone I care about?"

Anna felt a pang in her heart. She suppressed the bitterness in her heart and caressed Sarah's hair. "Sarah, it's not always your fault that something bad happens. Even if you believe it is your fault, forgive yourself."

"I-I can't." Sarah's body trembled and she returned to the practice room.

Anna looked at the food that was barely eaten.

She teleported to Varian's room with some packed food and was about to knock on the door.

She must ask at least what happened to him. As far as she knew, Varian wasn't like this.

Even heavy injuries couldn't bring him to tears. A simple meal…

"Oh." Anna's hand paused. She recalled Varian's information.

He lost his mother last year. Then he wasted away a year fighting everyday. It was almost like he was running away from the reality.

With a bitter smile, she turned back. "You are also missing your family."


A/N: I missed the release time. This extra chapter is my apology.

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