Divine Path System

Chapter 178: Evanders vow

Chapter 178: Evander's vow

On the top floor of the floating Dean's block, a large villa was present.

It was more of a palace than a villa.

Just the garden in the front was filled with rare herbs any mid awakener would give their life for.

Then the villa itself was built from precious metals that could withstand even a high awakener's strike.

The most of striking of all was the aura.? It nearly condensed into droplets due to its heavy concentration and brought forth a suffocating pressure.

A Low Awakener would faint just by entering and if he wasn't provided proper treatment, he'd die of Aura spike.

This home was the envy of every high awakener.

It was the home of the man nicknamed 'Steel heart': Evander.

Even though he spent more time in his office than home, Evander had times when even he returned to his home.

The special times when no one was allowed to disturb him.

After closing all the doors and windows, he played the recordings of his wife and son.

Their first date. Their marriage. The birth of his son.

Evander could see the joy on his face as he held his son for the first time. He was very careful.

That moment, he thought his life was complete.

But he learnt the good times were just starting.

He watched the boy grow into man.

At some point, his happiness reached the apex as he held his newborn daughter.

He vowed to spoil her with all his love.

Time passed and he loved everyday.

Then came that day. The day he wished was a lie.

He opened the last recording of his wife.

It was neither with him nor Sarah. It was a video of her class. She loved teaching.

After finishing the class, Sylivia looked at her students apologetically. "My next three classes will be cancelled. I have to attend my son's award ceremony in Pluto. Another professor will take up my place for the time being."




Evander downed bottle after bottle. If only he could actually get drunk...

'If only I went with her…I could've saved both her and Sam.' Evander slumped on the couch as the events of the day played in his mind.

By then,? Sam was enlisted into the army for just five years and advanced to Level 7. It was a moment of pride for both him and Sylivia.

Sylivia wanted to attend the ceremony. He declined.

The reason?

It was Sarah's middle school graduation.

He didn't want to miss his little princess's graduation.

So he declined.

It seemed like the right decision at that time.

He could always meet his son after he returned to Earth, right?

Even his wife used to say: "Dear, you will always make the right choice."

Perhaps she was right.

By not going, he survived.? But it turned out to be the decision he regretted the most.

That evening was still vivid in his memory.

He was finishing the fairy tale of moon and little Sarah was listening attentively.

Then Richard came in with an anxious face.

He was annoyed at Richard for disturbing his time with his little daughter. She just graduated and needed her father's company, okay?

But looking at Richard's unusual solemn expression, an unknown fear gripped his heart.

After coaxing her to sleep, he asked him the matter.

"All humans on Pluto were killed."

"U-Uncle Richard, your jokes suck!" Evander's voice trembled and he shook the old butler.

Richard's eyes reddened and he closed his eyes. "You can ask your father."

His father was the Marshal. He must not play such a cheap prank, right?

With dread and hope, Evander called his father.

"I'm sorry, Son. I couldn't find Slyvi—"

Evander threw away his comm and locked himself up in a room.

He believed it was all fake. It was all a joke.

Sylivia must be angry that he didn't attend Sam's ceremony.

Yes. It must be it.

He'd apologize. It's okay. Everything would be fine.

She'd return the next day.

No! He'd go there and bring them back.

Sam can serve in Earth's armed forces. Pluto was too far.

Even if Sam didn't agree, Evander decided to drag him back.

So he desperately watched the comm contact his wife.


No reply.

Once. Twice. Thrice….he lost count.

He couldn't contact even his son.

Not just them, he couldn't contact the fifty officers he knew in Pluto.

The reply to all his calls was—



"The other party is not available."

Listening to those cruel words, Evander's world collapsed.

Suddenly, the air turned incredibly heavy. He couldn't breathe properly. It was as if someone was choking him out.

Evander opened his mouth and gasped.

He tried to say something. But all that came out was a pained groan.

As he tried to control the dam that seemed to burst, he caught the sight of something.

Their family photo.

It was the day Sam was enlisted into Pluto Army.

Sarah was very young, and he sat her down on his shoulders.

On his left was the love of his life. Slyvia. The most amazing and kindest woman he ever knew.

On his right was the pride of his life. Sam.

If there was one person's future Evander thought was the brightest, it was Sam's. He was everything he ever wanted to be.

Brave. Resolved. Responsible. Disciplined.

Sam was better than him in every way.? He would soon surpass his father. And that only made Evander prouder.

So the Evander in the photo wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulder.

His eyes were filled with pride.

He couldn't be happier.

He was telling the world 'I'm the proudest father!'

As the memories came crashing down, Evander scrambled to the photo.


Suddenly the photo blurred. It was like a layer of water was covering it.

Evander tried to wipe the photo, but the wetness on his cheeks made him realize that it was his vision that turned blurry.

He wiped off his tears and saw the woman in the photo smiling at him.

"S-Slyi…" He choked up and did something he never thought he would.

He wailed.

A grown man. A high awakener. A rising star in the military.

All his pride, intellect and composure was blown away under the grief and left him in tears.

After two weeks of endless darkness, Evander finally saw the light.

He didn't know when thought that came to him. Perhaps it was the words his wife and son always used to say.

"Dear, you will always make the right choice."

"Dad, even if you are not the strongest, you are the most important person!"

He took those words to heart and decided.

"My life's purpose is to exterminate the Abyssals. I'll avenge you. This is my decision."

Evander's life took a turn after that vow.

He ventured into the Abysses, fought in Ruins, and battled in the frontlines. He danced at the edge of death.? Everyday was a fight for destiny.

Before he knew it, he was the high general of Earth. But that only meant he was one step closer to achieving his life's purpose.

In just three years, he went from a mid level 9 to high level 9.

This was an astounding speed unseen in human history. Even Sovereigns were slower.

However, it was only after the deed was done that Evander discovered the price he had to pay.

The reckless fighting piled up his hidden injuries and cut off his path to Sovereign state.

Of course, he didn't believe it, but as months passed without an iota of progress, his mind couldn't help but ask.

'What if I couldn't do it?'

'What if another planet is captured?'

'What if another Abyss King pops up?'

There were too many ways things could go wrong.

Perhaps even after all his tries, he'd never advance to Sovereign.

As his worries grew, so did his daughter.

She was the second best talent he'd ever seen.

He was proud of her. But a Dual Awakener could never be a Sovereign.

Evander wondered if this was the cruel joke of fate.

It took away his wife and his son. It left two people who couldn't ever be Sovereigns to avenge the dead.

Was it so that they could live in helplessness?

Despite the looming despair, he continued to persist.

He worked harder and helped everyone he could.

The actual reason he couldn't accept apprentices was all his resources were directed back to the army.

He helped the geniuses fighting in the frontlines. He hoped maybe, just maybe his help could create a Sovereign.

Even though he knew it would take decades for a Sovereign to be born.? But he'd keep trying.

As long as they could help achieve his dream.

As long as he could avenge…

That was why, even if Charles Xander's actions were over the top, he let them.

Charles was much talented than him and was likely to be the youngest Sovereign.

Due to that even last year, Sarah gained more talent. But still…

'If only you were not a Dual Awakener.' Evander closed the videos and sighed.

After a long time, he opened his comm and looked at their call logs.

They talked once every three weeks. That too lasted for two minutes and it was him asking her to do this or expecting that.

'I'm sorry, Sarah.' Evander closed his eyes.

Their relationship dwindled due to his actions.

After their deaths, Sarah still came to him asking to watch the moon with her.

She grew up. She knew the cruelty of the world.

So she just wanted to spend the time with her father.

Perhaps she was afraid she'd lose him too.

So she asked for a? world of white moon. A world with peace.

'I want to visit the white moon with my father!'

But her simple wish was met with a harsh response.

'Sarah, you have grown up. Don't disappoint me with such childish requests.' Saying those words, he pushed her away.

She thought he was despising her. No. He was despising himself.

She thought he was pushing her away. No. He was running away.

Every time he saw her, he'd recall that day.

Instead of going to Sarah's middle school graduation, he could've gone with his wife to Sam's ceremony.

If he was there with her, maybe he could save her…

Maybe at least save their son…


The regret was too much to bear and Evander wished he could find it in himself to look at Sarah straight in the eye and say 'I'm sorry, none of this was your fault.'

As he gulped down another mouthful of wine, Richard's anxious voice came from the living room.

"Master! A big news!"

Evander appeared in the living room the next moment and frowned.

"Uncle Richard, you should know I hate to be disturbed during this time." He said, barely suppressing his anger.

Richard bowed and replied. "You can punish me however you like after listening to this news."

"Oh? Then please." Evander decided to punish him if it was something not important enough.

These sessions were his only source of solace. They shouldn't be disturbed. Even if it was Richard!

"Young Master, I mean, your disciple, he advanced to Level 5 and ranked 405 on Honor List!" Richard's voice trembled.


Evander dropped the wine bottle in his hand and gaped.

"Say what?"


A/N: There is a change in the first chapter. Nothing deleted. But I added a small sequence. You can continue the story and miss nothing. But if you want that extra bit of foreshadowing, go read!

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