Divine Path System

Chapter 172: Reunion with Siarah Team

Chapter 172: Reunion with Siarah Team

"Hahaha!" A beautiful laughter rang in the air.

Sarah appeared in front of the crowd. Her presence instantly silenced the crowd.

Even the most enthusiastic people shut their mouths.

'How does she do that? Any idea Boo?' Varian wondered.

'According to human aesthetics, she's very beautiful.'


"Varian is not interested in joining any forces." Sarah said with an indifferent face.

Her words doused the enthusiasm of many forces. But soon, they thought of another way.

Even if they were related by marriage, wouldn't they get his support?

Varian caught those greedy eyes and quickly said. "I have no intentions of getting a partner anytime soon."

"B-But my big sister is…" The girl still didn't give up.

Varian's face twitched. This girl was a goner.

Sarah squinted at the girl, and she shut up obediently.

Varin was about to give a grateful smile to Sarah when he noticed she was looking at him with a weird look.

It must be the previous statement he made.

She was thinking of something weird.

'Died single. Still a virgin.'

'Boo, bomb my tomb.' Varian ordered immediately.

'Are you sure, master? It could be used as a sweet memory.' Boo persuaded.

'Memory? If someone finds my tomb after I get popular, I'd better die. Just bomb it already!'


Varian's face condensed, and he said in a solemn tone. "If you don't want to lose the people you love, and if you don't want your loved ones to lose you, being strong is the only way."

"External strength, no matter how high, cannot be relied upon." Varian said and nodded at Sarah.

Her figure blurred and in a second, they both appeared in the top floor of the cafe.

Apparently, she booked a room in the top floor. The top floor was carved out of a special wood— Maligna.

It emitted a sweet fragrance. Just breathing it was enough to soothe the mind.

As Varian stepped into the room, he was taken aback. Two or three people hugged him.

If not for the voices, he'd have attacked them right away.


"Little Brother!"

"So glad to see you alive."

Varian smiled awkwardly looking at the teammates.

Crimson. Ivy. Olvia. Luca.

He could understand Olivia and Ivy hugging him, but why was this big guy, Luca hugging him too?

"I'm very glad for you see you all safe." Varian coughed and gently separated himself from their hug.

The room was large. There were a few soft couches and a large dining table in the middle.

Other than that, there were several holographic paintings on the wall.

"They returned an hour ago." Sarah sat on the couch and motioned to him.

Varian sat beside her and took a good look at the Siarah team as they sat on the couch in front.

Ivy was still the same. Petite. Flat. Cute Pink hair.

Nothing changed with Crimson. Wait! His red hair was now reaching his waist!

Luca comfortably occupied area meant for two people, but just right for his frame.

Olivia sat gracefully.

All their eyes on him.

Ivy was the first to break the silence. "I don't know how we can thank you." She glanced down and closed her eyes.

The others' faces also turned heavy.

If not for him, they'd have died for sure. Even Sarah…

Varian smiled and waved his hand. "It's over. Don't bring this up already. Tell me something joyful. What were you upto?"

Luca slammed the table and said. "We took a mission and joined a small skirmish in the Planetoid Proxima and slayed a couple of Abyssal Warriors."

Varian was surprised.

Planetoids were artificial mini planets created for military purposes. They laid between a planet and its pairing Abyss.

Whoever controlled these would have the initiative.

Each planet had quite a few Planetoids.

They were the real theatres of war— the place where the high awakeners fought.

In such places, the lives of Mid Awakeners was not guaranteed. Even Level 6 could die easily.

But the four seemed fine and even managed to kill of Abyssal Warriors—Level 5s.

Sarah seemed to notice his doubts and explained. "Proxima is a very small planetoid. There are only a few Level 7s in charge. Level 6 are usually the strongest fighters. As Level 5s, they will be fine."

Crimson chuckled and bragged. "That is of course. Even amongst high level 5s, we rank in the top 100."

Sarah stifled her laugh and said. "You barely reached top 100 yourself."

"Ahem. Don't mind the details." Crimson waved his hands.

Olivia shifted the topic. "Sarah called us here a few minutes ago. Did you go to Tower of Trials or what?"

Varian nodded.

"Ooooh!" Ivy gaped at him and then gave him an encouraging smile. "Don't be down, little brother. You were Level 2 a month ago. But after a year, you can surely reach Level 5 and enter the rankings!"

Olivia also nodded. "Yes. They started out at Level 3 since first year. But don't worry, I can help you out with missions. Even though I'm not rich like captain, the resources you need to advance to Mid Awakener are not difficult for me."

Luca joined with a simple smile. "Count me in as well. We should help him out and let him advance quick."

Crimson expressed his approval.

Looking at their active clamoring, Varian fell silent and glanced at Sarah on the side.

She was trying her best to stop herself from laughing. No. She was trembling already.

Apparently, Sarah didn't tell he was Evander's disciple. Or they would never speak those words.

'Didn't know you liked to fool people.' Varian smiled at her and then turned to the excited Seniors.

"Actually, I—"

"Yes!" Ivy jumped. "How did you in your first run?"

She was asking about the tower of trials.

Level 2s would enter the second floor and fight other Level 2s. Basically other first years or second years.

"It's alright. Don't be shy." Olivia encouraged him with a kind smile. "We were in level 3 in our first year, but none of us reached top 100. You have a lot of time left."

Varian finally sighed and said. "I am the disciple of our Dean."

"What?!!!" The four stood up in shock.

"Also, about my honor list." Varian tapped on his comm.


First Year

Honor Ranking: 405}

"L-Little Brother, I-I must be seeing things." Ivy slumped on the couch.

The rest followed as they dazedly stared at Varian with a dumb face.

Recalling the words they told him before, their faces flushed.

"I-I…" Olivia buried her face into her ample bosom.

The guys didn't have the option as Olivia, so they stared at the ceiling.

Ivy just curled herself into a ball.

They were extremely embarrassed.

"Pffft." Sarah finally burst into laughter.

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