Divine Path System

Chapter 154: Meeting Sarah

Chapter 154: Meeting Sarah


Varian felt complicated as Sarah hugged him tightly.

"Is this true? I mean, it must be! I-I'm so happy."

This was so similar to the time with Sia. Like her, Sarah was also wetting his shirt with tears.

Where did so many tears come from, anyway?

But what should he do?


He didn't know how to console her.

Wait, consoling her? He was the one that nearly died, so he should be the one that must be consoled , right?

"U-er, I'm happy to see you as well, Captain." Varian gave an awkward reply as he tried to smile.

Looking at her slightly trembling shoulders, he patted her back gently.

This was not in the script at all!

According to the plan, after the officer informed academy, a staff member would come and check his condition.

Then he'd 'explain' how he survived and, after a few tests, return to the academy, arousing no suspicion.


"I'm really glad." Sarah broke from the hug and gave him the brightest smile he ever saw on her face.

Maybe it was her genuine joy or maybe something else, but Varian found himself staring at the smile on her tear stricken face.


'Ah!' Varian snapped out of it.

Sarah slowly calmed down. Realizing her own situation, she took deep breaths and wiped her face with tissues.

An awkward silence ensued as they both stared at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting in the federation.

"S-Sorry about earlier. I was just-I thought you were gone. It took me by surprise." Sarah looked at him and explained.

It was different from her usually commanding voice. It was light and soft.

Varian couldn't adjust to the change in her tone and nearly laughed out.

Lucky him, he was but a laugh away from death.

But recalling his 'tomb', he clutched the bedsheets.

How many people visited his tomb exactly?

What nonsense did Kyle spout during his eulogy?

'Hello, my name is Kyle. My best friend Varian was born single, lived single, and died single. Even if he lived, he's the nice guy that never got lai—'

'Stop!' Varian gritted his teeth and decided to smash that tomb to pieces.

He would be the first person to destroy his own tomb.

"Varian?" Sarah titled her head in confusion.

Quickly pulling himself together, Varian sighed. "I'm surprised I'm here, being able to breathe this air."

It was how he really felt.

At one point, he didn't think he could get out of the lost dungeon. Perhaps if not for that 'dream', he'd have given up.

He could've died too many times. But he tried his best and managed to pull himself from death's clutches.

It was a miracle.

Sarah looked at his melancholic expression and clenched her fists. "It was my fault."


"I could've done better. I-I try my best to train. I always fail. I can never be like her. If it was her, you would've been safe." Sarah muttered in a low voice.

But Varian could hear her clearly.


Sarah's tone was a mix of admiration and bitterness.

Who was this 'her' that even a level 6 awakener looked up to?

"Who is she?" Varian asked with curiosity.

Sarah gasped and looked around. After realizing no one else was around, she shook her head bitterly. "I'm sorry. I can't divulge the details. It's a military secret."

Looking at Varian's curiosity turning to slight disappointment, she hurriedly added. "To know this, I've had to s-swear on my late mother."

Varian nodded in understanding.

Late mother, huh.

How similar. They had more in common than he thought.

Sarah paused for a moment before she gaped at him. "Level 4… peak? What the hell happened?"

Varian was still a Level 2 in the back of her mind, and until now, she didn't even notice his aura.

But when she did, it took her by total surprise.

Jumping almost 2 levels in 50 days? This was insane.

Varian took a deep breath. He had to give a convincing answer, or he'd be in trouble.

"Olivia might as well be a prophet." He started with a smile and continued. "After the white light, I—" He paused and glanced outside.

The maid had evacuated everyone. Boo made sure there was no surveillance on him and also confirmed there was no high awakener peeking at them.

"I teleported and got into a space crack." He said and observed Sarah's expression.

She nodded enthusiastically. Then, looking at his expression, she replied. "Don't worry, I haven't revealed your space path to anyone. Including Seth."

Varian smiled gratefully at her and continued.

"I lost consciousness, and sometime later, I found myself in an underground cave. During climbing up, I found a shining green droplet. I took it and my levels skyrocketed."

He showed a look of nostalgia and clutched his forehead. "But after reaching the ground, I realized it was a mid dungeon. I had to face Level 4 Magic beasts."

His expression hardened, and he said in a resolute tone. "My comm was already broken by that point and I couldn't contact anyone. So all I did was fight to live."

"I had the toughest fight of my life and almost died." With the Abyss Emperor's Clone, of course.

"Then those people found me." He ended his story. Hopefully, there were no holes.

Sarah paused for a moment before she cheered. "So you teleported to a safe place and then found ambrosia, or in your case, an incomplete ambrosia. Then you managed to survive in a highly threatening environment until help came."

Varian nodded.

"Your luck is defying the heavens."

Yes. Other than ridiculous luck, nothing could explain him being alive.

Of course, it was only partially true.

But like many truths, this would be the only truth the world would know.

They could test him for ambrosia, and they'd find traces of ambrosia. They could test his broken comm for space damage and they'd find space damage.

They had no choice but to accept his explanation.

After all, according to the database, 'Varian' vanished for 50 days in the solar system.

No one could really prove or disprove if Varian was really present in the mid dungeon for the past 50 days.

But without a proper counter explanation, they could only agree.

Then he'd be perhaps gain the title 'heaven defying luck.

Varian's face twitched at the thought. 'I am anything but lucky.'

Sarah looked at his weird expression and thought he misunderstood. "When I meant luck, I meant it a good way. Not just anyone can replicate your feats. As far as I can tell, you'll be the strongest first year."

She chuckled and added word by word. "By. A. Long. Shot."

Varian's face also broke out into a smile. But recalling the 'bond' with Xanders, his smile turned cold.

Sarah didn't seem to notice and patted her chest. "You should return soon. I'll talk to the supervisor. No one will pester you."

"Thanks for everything." Varian smiled sincerely.

It was nice to have support, but Varian decided it was time to get a solid backing.


"The mission was long over." She waved her hand.

"Yes, Sarah." Varian's voice turned serious. "I want to meet your father."


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