Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 33

C33 – Dark Night Elf!

Seeing Chen Kai console himself in such a manner, Choo Qin felt a bit awkward about objecting.

Could he really claim that he had effortlessly achieved 20 consecutive victories?

To boast about it would seem like a slap in the face, especially considering how much Chen Kai had helped him today. He felt compelled to just go along with it.

Chen Kai was about to add something when he abruptly stopped, his gaze shifting toward the Arena’s entrance, his expression clouded with a hint of darkness.

Following his gaze, Choo Qin caught sight of a captivating Dark Night Elf with dark skin emerging. Her revealing attire and almost transparent clothing immediately captured his attention.

“I didn’t expect Chen Kai to have such tastes…” Choo Qin mused internally.

But he was mistaken.

Chen Kai’s concern wasn’t the Dark Night Elf but rather the robust man with red hair who followed behind her.

“Yo? Brother Chen, I didn’t expect to run into you again.”

“Choo Qin, let’s head out first.”

Chen Kai promptly called forth Azure Rock, eager to leave. It wasn’t that he feared the red-haired man; he simply didn’t want Choo Qin to harbor any resentment on his account.

The red-haired man, who fancied himself the Red Devil, had been on the same team as Chen Kai during a mission on the Void Battlefield.

During a critical moment in the battle for a Plane in the Dragon Void, the Red Devil betrayed dozens to complete the mission. Had Chen Kai not been strong, he too would have perished, but his friends were not so lucky and never returned.

It was an elite mission with rewards distributed based on contribution. Both Chen Kai and Red Devil were in line for a substantial bounty. However, Chen Kai, unable to contain his fury, reported the betrayal to their commander.

From that point on, a bitter feud developed between Red Devil and Chen Kai, with mutual disdain in subsequent missions.

He never expected to encounter him here today.

“Why the rush? Can’t old friends catch up?” Red Devil leaped in front of Chen Kai, eyeing Choo Qin and remarked, “Got a newbie with you? Still mentoring, Brother Chen? Not worried about losing another one?”

“Ha, I’ve been mentoring a newbie myself recently.”

“Jade, come over here and meet someone. This is an old friend of mine.”

After finishing his taunt, the Dark Night Elf sauntered over. Seizing the moment, Red Devil wrapped his arm around her waist and gave Chen Kai a scornful look.

Dark Night Elves were known for their liberal ways, and Red Devil had been thoroughly enjoying himself these past few days. But Chen Kai? He had chosen a human companion, a man at that, and one utterly devoid of any magical aura. Red Devil couldn’t help but bask in a strong sense of superiority.

In the Dragon Void, the bond between a guide and a newcomer was second only to that of a Giant Dragon. It seemed Chen Kai’s judgment was sorely lacking.

“Seeing as we’re both newcomers, why not have a go at each other in the Arena? It’s been a while since we last caught up. Don’t you think it’s time to reminisce?” Red Devil challenged, his face brimming with provocation.

Chen Kai’s expression darkened; it was clear he had no interest in engaging with Red Devil. “You’re still as shameless as ever.”

​”He’s merely human. The gap between the Dragon Cub Period and the Human Dragon Period is vast. You expect them to compete?” Chen Kai tried to object, but his lack of conviction was evident. Not being one for conflict, he was already at a disadvantage.

​”Hahaha, why not just have a match and see? How do you expect to get by with such timidity?” Red Devil taunted.

“Emerald Jade respects strength, and just look at her—she’s already looking down on you with disdain.”

Again, Red Devil gestured towards Choo Qin with a sneer. “And this one, with his slight frame, I doubt he’ll make it to the Divine Dragon Period. Tsk, tsk.”

​Choo Qin’s brow furrowed. Unlike Chen Kai, who was averse to combat, he was not about to take this lying down.

“Are you brainless? Biting at people like a rabid dog?”

“Back in my hometown, we have a name for people with your kind of red hair—we call them unorthodox, a bunch of misfits.”

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