Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 27

C27 – Collecting Money!

Silence enveloped the area, as profound as the stillness of death itself. No one anticipated the rapid reversal of fortunes. Equally unexpected was the demise of Elder Qiao, the unparalleled expert of Long Song City, at the hands of someone widely known as the Loser Royal Highness—and it was an instantaneous counter-kill at that. The skies of Long Song City were likely on the brink of change.

​The green hue lingered in the sky, dwarfing the Rain Listening Pavilion, as Choo Qin experienced an elevation in his life’s essence. The potency of the Small Spell was unlike any rune before it. If fully harnessed by Choo Qin, it would become an additional nucleus.

​Within the colossal green figure, Choo Qin was the heart, the core. Moreover, this green giant was insulated from external magical forces, creating its own isolated cycle, effectively cutting off any magical interference from other mages.

The giant vanished, and Choo Qin reemerged, his face now adorned with a mischievous smile. With a casual flick of his wrist, he conjured a wall of fire, encircling the merchants and nobles who had yet to depart.

“Come now, let’s resume our discussion about the welcome festivities,” he beckoned.

“Protection fees are one thousand for guards, ten thousand gold coins for small merchants, and a major property for each Great Merchant and noble. Mages will contribute Devil Stones in accordance with their Rank!”

“Should anyone wish to challenge me, I am ready to oblige, but be warned—the welcome fee will be doubled!”

​Choo Qin’s tone was light, tinged with enthusiasm, yet a chill hung in the air. After witnessing the recent divine-like intervention, who would dare to object?

“Your Highness… Your Highness… I have only ten thousand gold coins,” a man stammered, “but having witnessed Your Highness’s formidable presence, I am utterly in awe. I’ve decided to offer an additional ten thousand gold coins to honor your arrival in Long Song City.”

The first to step forward was a somewhat portly man.

​”Excellent, very good,” Choo Qin commended, his eyes narrowing in satisfaction. This was a promising start.

He accepted the money bag and casually tossed it into the Dragon Void, eliciting gasps of astonishment from the onlookers. Such a display of Space Type magic only heightened his air of enigma.

​”And your name?” Choo Qin inquired.

The merchant, elated, replied, “I am Sunn Yuvguang, proprietor of a shop to the city’s west, right beside the Magic Academy of Long Song City.”

“I often tinker with Alchemy Items. If you’re interested, feel free to take some. No, no, no… I’ll deliver them to your residence.”

Upon hearing Choo Qin’s offer, the small merchant was at a loss for words.

“Hahahaha, sure, I’ll stop by and check it out sometime!”

“From now on, I’ve got your back! If you run into any trouble, just drop my name!”

One thing led to another.

Following Sunn Yuvguang’s lead, a stream of people lined up to pay.

Eventually, there was a mad rush to get ahead of the line!

They were all clever folks. Spending a little money to curry favor with a Sorcerer was a surefire investment! And if they managed to gain favor, their fortunes could soar!

As for the Earl Mansion? The Jiaang family? Who was worrying about them now? With the gods at war, they wouldn’t be able to touch the hundreds gathered here. Could the Jiaang family really take them all down?

Besides, it was anyone’s guess who would come out on top between Choo Qin and the Jiaang family!

“Your Highness… Your Highness… I didn’t bring enough money today. May I write an IOU?”

A timid voice emerged, clearly filled with fear.

“Yes, but it must be delivered to Thundery Castle within three days! Anyone short on cash can write an IOU. But be warned, if you fail to pay up, I’ll come looking for you personally!”

“Your Highness, I don’t have enough money… Could I perhaps… offer myself as collateral?”

A sultry voice rang out, surprisingly belonging to a lady of high standing.

Choo Qin gulped, but in the public eye, he simply shook his head.

“Hmph… You may go today. Next time, we might have a private conversation.”

Suddenly, the Rain Listening Pavilion, typically a symbol of the elite, resembled a bustling marketplace.

Choo Qin, basking in the limelight, joyfully collected the money. His ambition was to transform Thundery Castle into his own impregnable fortress!

Regrettably, Choo Qin’s moment of triumph was cut short by an urgent voice.

“Your Highness… Your Highness… Trouble… The Jiaang family has sent more people!”

“This time, the law enforcement elder from the Earl Mansion and representatives from the Mage Guild are involved!”

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