Divine Harem: My Sect of Heavenly Beauties

Chapter 36: Ying Yue and Xiao Lan

Chapter 36: Ying Yue and Xiao Lan

Ying Yue dragged Xiao Lan outside the Auction House and kept walking silently for some time. She was thinking about how she should explain things about Shen Yu to Xiao Lan.

In fact, Ying Yue also sympathised with Xiao Lan and wanted her to have a good life which in her opinion would be granted if she joined their sect. As long as she was under Shen Yu, she would have the best life.

And Shen Yu wouldn't even ask anything in return. That's how kind he was. However, Ying Yue also knew that Shen Yu wouldn't force Xiao Lan to join their sect and if Xiao Lan refused his invitation, he would just make her life easier and give her freedom she longed for.

Ying Yue could understand the feeling of freedom Xiao Lan wanted as she herself was like that once but she also truly wished from her heart that Xiao Lan joined their sect.

That's why before Shen Yu could make any offer, she had dragged Xiao Lan outside to explain things to her. If even then she didn't want to join Sect then it was upto her.

On the other hand, Xiao Lan was looking at the masked beauty with curiousity. Her soul was a Divine Soul and she could see and sense things no one could.

'She definitely practises a High rank concealment technique. Or maybe even the Cultivation Manual she practices is related to concealment and it's definitely of a very high rank. That isn't much of a surprise considering that man is even powerful than me at my prime so of course he would give his people the best. But her technique is unusual, it's as if she is fading from existence and yet at the same time as if she can control it. What a bizzare technique, if I didn't have my powerful soul, I wouldn't have even sensed her. Just who is he? Is he really some Primordial entity?'

Just thinking of that sent chills down Xiao Lan's body. She knew much more about the world than everyone so she knew about the horrors that existed from the beginning of time. Those terrifying beings didn't meddle with worldly affairs but the power they held was enough to destroy the world itself.

That's why when Xiao Lan remembered that feeling of being forgotten by the world itself and being erased completely, she thought of Shen Yu as some Primordial Entity that had existed since the time world was formed.

The two beautiful ladies just walked on the streets, immersed in their own thoughts while completely ignoring the gazes they were receiving.

"How are you feeling? I mean, you're finally free, after all."

Ying Yue started the conversation.

"I don't know how to feel honestly, it's been so long with that collar that I feel weird now that I'm free. Still, I'm happy that I won't have to do all those things."

"Good. When master saved me, I also didn't know how to feel for a short time."

"You were saved? How?"

Xiao Lan got curious and asked.

"Well, you see, Master Shen Yu always helps unfortunate women. I actually belong to an Assassins Organisation where they trained orphans like me as Assassins. It wasn't much different than what you as slaves experienced. We were also humiliated and forced to go through harsh training where we could lose our lives..."

Ying Yue smiled and began to tell Xiao Lan about her life at the organisation. Honestly, it was still too much for her. Those years of torment had left a big scar on her mental health that was finally healing because of Shen Yu.

Xiao Lan listened to her story with focus and her gaze softened. She raised her hand to pat Ying Yue like she used to in her previous life but stopped.

'So, even as mortals their life isn't great. Heh, I really need to find those old faggots who said mortal live a good life. I don't see how this life is fine.'

Gradually, just by sharing each other's trauma, Ying Yue and Xiao Lan got very close as they both sympathised with each other. It was truly said that trauma can bring people closer.

Xiao Lan sighed. It's been some time since they had left the Auction House and all they did was talk with each and roam the town. However, just in a few minutes they had become close friends.

It was a bizzare thing but it happened nonetheless. Maybe it was because they both shared a traumatic past and got saved by the same man, but nevertheless they had become pretty close friends and even began to consider each other as sisters.

Xiao Lan smiled and asked.

"So, how did Master Shen saved you?"

"Well, it was the day when I almost lost my life. Apparently, the organisation was beginning to fear my talent and rise so some of the top members decided to eliminate me. They sent some of the top assassins after me when I was injured and sneaked attack. I was heavily injured but didn't want to give up my little life until I brought down those bastards."

Ying Yue gritted her teeth and said, eyes burning with flames of rage which even surprised Xiao Lan. Those flames of revenge were burning as brighter as her flames of revenge.

'She is like me, we really shared same past haha. What a cruel fate.'

Ying Yue sighed and continued.

"It was then, in my injured state, I came across a high rank formation. I didn't know what I was thinking but I wanted to bring those assassins with me to death so I entered it. The next thing I know, I was sleeping on a comfortable bed."

A smile appeared on her face as she said.

"Master had saved me from the brink of death and also given me a new life. He healed my body and provided me with everything and you know what, he didn't even ask anything in return. He was just saving me because he wanted to. It's his kind nature that doesn't allow him to see others suffering, more precisely women. I don't know the reason behind that but Master said that he would always save unfortunate women."

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