Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Here you are.

After entering into a room, Merlin submitted a thirty or so paged research thesis paper and red gem to the middle-aged man seated at the desk. The man seemed to be internet surfing(!). When he saw the paper and gem, he exclaimed aloud.

Oh, the results came out quicker than expected. Lets see now.

The middle-aged man, who had well-kept blonde hair, was a great mage that realized the essence of the heavens and earth and could launch tens of different spells simultaneously. His name was Leighann Bennett. The library-like room that Merlin and Leighann were in was the topmost floor of the Magic Tower of Babel, a holy land for all magic users.


Leighann calmly read through Merlins research thesis paper. Of course, he looked calm outwardly, but he rushed through the entire paper in less than five minutes.

Oho, this is such a novel idea. There have been many attempts to crystalize mana, but to bring out such an explosive force out of magic power

Whistling in appreciation, Leighann picked up the gem that Merlin had placed atop his desk.

Its a model prototype.

I dont have many fully operational gems at my disposal.

It took two weeks to create a Howling spell gem. Someone might want to take a gem away from him, so Merlin didnt take out a Howling gem if he could avoid it.

Is a gem an ingredient?

When the makers ability is low, an energy tank is needed. A gem would be best, but any container-type item would probably work. If mana can be crystalized, then a gem or vessel wouldnt be needed, but one needs to possess the ability to use both internal energy and magic power.

Hearing Merlins explanation, Leighann nodded his head. Reaching a realm wherein he nearly understood the essence of everything, and being a sage and great mage, Leighann almost completely understood the system that Merlin had invented. Leighann also knew the value of such a breakthrough.

For the past tens of thousands of years, the knowledge that an explosive reaction occurred when pure magic power and internal energy collided was a well-known fact, but the crystallization and stabilization of mana in Merlins revolutionary new approach was something that no other world or dimension, for the past tens of billions of years, was able to conceive.

Humans are truly interesting creatures. How could they come up with such a novel approach?

Of course, this discovery wouldnt really make an impact on human society or a humans daily life. Even if Merlins approach was made public, no one would be able to crystallize and stabilize the explosive force that arose from the chaotic collision of magic power and internal energy. However, a transcendent being would be able to utilize this approach in an almost infinite number of ways. The demonic dragon race who tried to create an infinite magic power producing spiritual vessel through the explosive interaction between magic power and divine power, only to blast away and lose their home planet, would foam at the mouth and lose their minds if they found out that a human, a being that they considered much beneath them, had come up with a workable solution.

Of course, its still not possible to combine divine and magic power, and the overall power levels that are outputted from this process isnt that great in the grand scheme of things but this novel new approach is tremendously alluring due to its stability.

After finishing his thoughts, Leighann turned his attention to Merlin. Leighann made a satisfied smile. Perhaps he felt that he had come across an invaluable gem by pure chance.

Lets make a contract.

Contract? I came here because

Forget about the test.

As soon as Leighann answered, a wall of text appeared before Merlin.

/You have succeeded in your Occupation quest!/

/Your Occupation has changed from Commoner to Howling Archer!/

/You now qualify to challenge for the acquisition of the Master skill, Regeneration!/

/ You now qualify to challenge for the acquisition of the Master weapon, Olympos!/

Merlin sensed a feeling of fullness throughout his body. He had expected a change, but this enhancement was beyond his expectations. Merlin had so much magic power that he could launch several AOE attacks without concern of depleting his magic power capacity limit. Merlin opened his status window and reviewed his new occupation.

[Title: Howling Archer

Description: An increase of 150 magic power points and 50 Willpower points.

Based on the novel spell casting approach created by Merlin, you can launch a singular, ultimate strike with Olympos, which contains the Howling spell.]

Oh, not bad hmm?

While appreciating the rise in his stats, Merlin furrowed his brow. He realized that he felt something strange.

Weird. Normally, the stat window is just a numeric quantification of my abilities and skills, but this time around, the stat values changed before I received its effects physically. This means

Merlin was about to fall into thought, but Leighann soon spoke up as if to deter Merlin.

Dont concern yourself with those minor details. Read this.

I came here for the title, so it isnt exactly a minor detail.

Though expressing aghast at Leighanns words, Merlin took the paper handed to him and then widened his eyes in surprise. Though Merlin possessed a wild imagination, he had never considered such a document to be presented to him.

A patent application?

Yeah. Its a patent application for your gem production process. Read it closely and let me know if theres any part that troubles you; although, having used such a patent for thousands of years, I dont think youll find any errors in it.

What the hell

Though dumbfounded, Merlin perused the legal application document. He narrowed his eyes when he reached a specific clause, which read [Based on the patent law denoted in Union Law Chapter 12, Section 231, Clause 4].

W-wait! Did the Noblesse send you? I dont know what youve heard, but this is a clear violation of Union Law!

Merlin recalled the words of the researcher during the last mission, when he infiltrated a research facility to free a being named Lucy. The researcher expressly mentioned the words Union Law.

Union Law can you explain to me what this is?

However, contrary to his expectations, Leighann shook his head.

Sorry, but I cant. Youre not in a position nor do you have the qualifications to know such things.


I swear. I swear upon my name that youre not suffering any losses. This will be an absolute profit.

What if I say no?

Hearing Merlins question, Leighann smiled softly.

Then it cant be helped. Ill take your research and label it as my own.

Leighanns straightforward words didnt leave Merlin any room to doubt Leighanns intent and sincerity. Moreover, Merlin didnt know anything about Union Law or where to even submit a patent application.

then, whats with this 20% agent fee?

Obviously, thats my fee. Your idea isnt half bad, but you dont have the social standing, prestige, or ability to submit a patent or defend your idea, right? You absolutely need my help and standing.

Hearing Leighanns straightforward explanation, Merlin nodded.

I feel like Im being taken advantage of, but whatever. Based on the wording of this contract, it seems Im on the subjugate side of the power dynamic. Since Im unfamiliar with all the technical terms and aspects, Ill have to rely on you, Mr. Leighann.

I also dont want you to enter this contract on the basis of blind faith. A multidimensional contract like this patent application shall be overseen by the god of wisdom and justice, Tort.

The god of wisdom and justice?

Tort is also often referred to as the god of contracts.

As soon as Leighann finished speaking, a substantial pressure fell upon them. It wasnt a pressure that came from a being suppressing them or from the presence of a powerful being. It was a type of pressure that originated from

A glance?

Right, based on an ancient oath, Tort turns its attention and glances. Amongst the top gods, Tort is one of the few who does such things for the lower dimensions.

The [Glance] moved from Merlin to Leighann before it landed on the contract.


The contract

Dont be surprised. Its an official process.

But we didnt sign it

Leighann shrugged his shoulders.

A contract substantiated and upheld by the gods doesnt require such a thing. As long as we possess the will to uphold the contract terms, Tort takes care of the rest.

Though explaining this in a matter-of-fact manner, internally, Leighann was surprised.

So quick. The process wouldnt finalize unless both sides fully understand the terms of the contract.

Leighann was surprised that the contract burnt up before he had the chance to give some additional explanation. Of course, the contract was only a few pages long, so it wouldnt take that long to read. But the fully understanding requirement of contracting was an entirely different matter; one didnt fully understand just by memorizing or reading something. A user, who shouldnt have known or understood many things, had easily fully understood the contract. This carried a poignant meaning.

This guy, hes already formulated and made some assumptions.

However, Leighann didnt trouble himself on the matter. DIO possessed many aspects that made it hard for any thoughtful being to simply conclude that it was just a game. It would be more surprising if there werent any humans who questioned these things.

Of course, the eventual realization was always part of the plan but this is too fast. Tan, what the hell are you thinking?

Leighann shook his head to clear the image of Tan, the Noblesse who was also the head honcho of the DIO operation. Though Leighann was also a Noblesse, he was not Tans equal. As those who were on the cusp of transcendence, beings like Leighann and Tan were like senior professors at a university, but Tan was like a dean, so the two couldnt be compared. Moreover, Tan was more powerful. Giving a somewhat defeated smile, Leighann raised his right hand.



Merlin, who had been watching Leighanns movements, audibly sucked in air when he saw the crystallized gem in Leighanns right hand. Surprisingly, Leighann made a magic stone using Merlins process. Though it took Merlin two weeks to properly process and produce a working core, Leighann had made a magic stone almost instantly.

You shouldnt be surprised. From time immemorial, surprising breakthroughs or inventions all possessed value in their uniqueness or creativeness, not their specific utility per se. Also, in terms of our background civilization and power levels, you and I arent comparable.

Merlin stared at the diamond that Leighann created. It didnt possess that much magic power, but the purity level of Leighanns gem was much greater than any that Merlin had created.

Thats true, but if youre not familiar with the use of martial arts, it shouldnt be easy to contain the chaotic nature of the product.

Leighann possessed more than enough magic power to directly crystallize a fully operational gem, but he had chosen to use spiritual power instead; this meant that Leighann had used internal energy, the other component necessary for the opposing reaction of two forces. However, Leighann shook his head.

One doesnt have to be an internal energy user to use internal energy. Internal energy and magic power arent the smallest units that comprise the world.

The smallest units that comprise the world what are those?

Force, essence, and ether.

Merlin had never heard of this concept before. He had always thought that the world was comprised of mana and that the differentiation of uses were based on how mana was accepted and applied; Merlins knowledge was based on what most mages knew. However, the truth was closer to what Leighann just mentioned. Leighanns theory was knowledge that only great mages, who understood the essence of the heavens and earth, knew about.


Thats all I can say for now. Didnt you mention that you were planning on participating in some event to gain gem points?

Leighann knew about gem points. He also knew, probably better than anyone else, the reason why gem points existed.

I might as well offer you some advice while Im dropping so many hints. Youve probably already figured some things out yourself, so Im not sure if thisll be news to you, but gem points will be something usable even after the conclusion of this event. The main reason for this event is to lower the barrier to access the New Continent and to gain interest. However, make sure to put some attention into creating your flying shuttle. Im not sure if theyll give you the option of breaking through the atmosphere, but the ability to fly in outer space is a must.

Outer space flight is it a must?

Thats all I have to say.

Leighann gave a soft smile as Merlins surroundings changed. Merlin found himself somewhere on the outskirts of the Magic Tower of Babel.

Hmm. I feel like I somewhat understand

Merlin turned around as he mumbled to himself. Various theories regarding DIO and the basic elements of the world sprung into Merlins mind, but above all else, Merlin was pondering why his physical condition changed moments after he had received the Master title and its increased stats.

Unlike when his stats quantified his increased stats after he trained and developed, his stats had gone up first, and then his body reflected the spiritual power stat changes. Merlin realized, through simple reasoning and conjecture, that this change belied a much deeper meaning. The bonus point system was probably also based on this principle.

About those bonus points

Unlike Yongno, Merlin knew about bonus points. There was no way one couldnt help but overhear other users talking amongst themselves about bonus points in the bustling city streets of a city or be blind to the plethora of forum posts and videos regarding the use of bonus points.

Even a normal person, let alone a genius, would be able to catch on to the existence of bonus points, but Yongno really didnt know. On one hand, one could say that Yongnos ability to focus and concentrate were extreme, but on the other hand, one could also state that Yongno just didnt know how to read a room. Unless Yongno was interested in something, he totally shut himself off.

This knowledge might help me exploit a bug.

The thought popped into his mind, but Merlin soon shook his head. Merlin was confident that hed be able to gain some advantage or profit if he exploited a bug; however, he wasnt confident that hed be able to execute the bug play without the developers noticing. The complete play Merlin was planning to do during the next event wasnt an exploitation of a bug, as it fell within the rules of the game, so at worst, hed only receive a warning; however, the bug exploitation play he was thinking about right now might cause his account to be locked or terminated.

Well, since Im unsure, lets leave my bonus points alone for the time being. If I dont have enough bonus points on hand when a chance presents itself, I wont be able to exploit the bug play.

Since anything that Merlin spoke would be shared with Yongno in their shared perspective, Merlin kept all these thoughts in his mind. From sight to sound, Merlin and Yongno shared all five traditional senses, as well as a special sixth sense; however, they didnt share their internal thoughts or, to a certain point, their past memories. This was how they were both able to coexist.

Well, I guess its about time for the event to start.

After reviewing the time on a clock display that was visible in the corner of his eye, Merlin teleported. Soon, Merlin would execute the most No manner play ever seen in DIO.

Plumpcat's Thoughts


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