
Chapter 206: The Fading Empire

Chapter 206: The Fading Empire

Uriel flew alongside Gabriela, the Archangel of Diligence and Silvana, the Archangel of Peace, as they headed down towards the Capital of Divonia. She could see her kin patrolling the skies and some of the Cherubim reserves walking the streets.

She remembers when this city shone as a testament of faith and stability. Now, however, it is like a rotting corpse. Reports say vast swathes of the population have fled, and the nobility are going mad.

Famine was on the horizon with all the peasants abandoning their fields and from the looks of things, the Valley of Plenty would not have enough reserves to feed the entire Empire. They are already swamped with Divonian refugees and Demonic Pact insurgents within the refugees have already begun destabilising the region.

Western Voleria was not doing much better. They turned to working with the Mugummans and the Averlonian Empire to handle the strain of the Refugees and Demon influence. What’s worse it seems the demons were avoiding the Averlonian Empire like the plague. The closer you get to an Averlonian Flag the less Demons you find.

Case and point… the Averlonian Embassy in Divonia…

“You two go ahead to meet the Emperor, I have something I need to do.” Uriel said and she saw Gabriela about to protest but Silvana just nodded, instantly shutting Gabriela up.

Uriel nodded in response, and she banked away from her fellows before heading for the Embassy. She looked down and saw a camp sprouting around the embassy. It was an odd sight to have slums surrounding a beautiful and perfectly maintained white building.

From what Uriel has observed, the Averlonians really like white marble and they were running a far tighter ship as compared to the Divonian Government. The nearly bottomless coffers of the Averlonian Empire was of course a great help. From what reports say they were able to acquire vast quantities of food both from the Empire and surrounding territories. Furthermore, as the rumours go, the Averlonian Flag was a more effective ward against demons than even the best priests.

It seems for some reason, the demons fear the Averlonian Empire…

It was honestly very insulting, especially with her own troops having had to run into the Averlonian Camp for safety on a few occasions.

The White Phoenix was now a symbol of safety within a dying Empire.

As Uriel reached the Embassy he saw a peculiar site, a well-dressed nobleman was having a friendly chat with a Cherubim.

When Uriel approached, she saw the pair look up at her. The man had the sharp gaze of a warrior, the eyes of someone who had stared into the face of death. As for the young Cherubim, she saw the light of innocence and adoration as he looked up at her.

Uriel gently touched down on the smooth cobblestones of the embassy. The Cherubim immediately rushed forward and gave her a deep bow.

“Archangel what brings you here?” the Cherubim said. Uriel glanced down at him and her heart ached at the sight of his small stunted wings. This affliction was spreading and the tears of mothers who birth Cherubim were growing with each passing year.

Whats even more concerning is when the Cherubim breed there is no further degredation. Some scholars call it genetic stability, the point where a humanoid race declines no further. The Humans are a good example, weak, short-lived, yet quick to breed and have an extremely stable bloodline.

Although at times the light of Heaven seems to shine the brightest in the lowliest of its children. Uriel cast a casual glance around the camp and saw Cherubim helping the destitute and the needy.

“Just wishing to check on the state of this camp. And what is your name little one?” Uriel said kindly as the small Cherubim snapped to attention.

“I am Yael, Cherubim Trooper First Class.” Yael said eagerly, his bright blue eyes shining.

“And your family name?” Uriel asked and Yael’s bright eyes dulled for a just a moment before returning to its usual lustre.

“Don’t have a family Archangel, my parent’s didn’t want me on account of these.” Yael said as he tilted slightly and flapped a pair of tiny wings no bigger than a hand.

The Cherubim look like young teenagers, in perhaps a fit of irony they resemble the petite forms of the Light Born. They had the physique of a Light Born but none of their power. Silvana for instance was rumoured to have Lightbborn blood or perhaps being among the angels that were the transition between Angels and Lightborn.

Cherubim were still stronger than your average human but in the end they did not have the immortality granted to the Seraphim. They would age and they would die just like the mortal races.

“I see…” Uriel said with a soft sad smile. She wished that her kin would treasure these forgotten children but alas that was not to be. Cherubim being abandoned as babies was not uncommon, now millenia on, there were entire communities of Cherubim living apart from the rest of heaven. They were a simple people, but they were happy and always grateful for what they had.

“Oh don’t worry about it Archangel, stories like that are preety common amongst us Cherubim. In fact earning a name is a goal for many of us.” Yael replied with a wide smile.

At those words the noble man let out an appreciative chuckle.

“That is why I do enjoy the company of Cherubim. They are an admirable bunch.” the noble man said as he gave Uriel a bow.

“I am Baron Tsarkov, an elevated Veteran of the many conflicts that formed the Averlonian Empire.” Tsarkov said as he gave Uriel a salute.

Uriel glanced at Tsarkov and saw a plain but scarred man. He has walked many a battlefield and seen things that would have left men broken. With his simple brown hair and brown eyes, he would pass for a common mercanary. To be promoted to a position as Ambassador to the Divonia, he must be a rather exceptional individual.

“Many conflicts?” Uriel asked.

“Aye, I was one of the few who sided with the Empress the earliest. The war with Tralis was boring but we had to put down a few small scale uprisings. The real fight was during the Black Crusade, I was on the front line and managed to distinguish myself. Some quick thinking on my end led to our section of the line holding. I even managed to wound a Blood Knight.” Tsarkov said with a laugh.

“Wound a Blood Knight, with no silver or enchantments?” Uriel asked.

“Yeah. I set my sword on fire and managed to land a good hit. I almost got hit with a spell but this Hive soldier jumped infront of me. Seems strange that I owe my life to some nameless beast.” Tsarkov said wistfully.

“Anyway, the Empress promoted me for my valour and she saw fit to send me here. Grand General Montis said my unorthodox approach to problems would prove useful in a demon infested cesspit.” Tsarkov said with crooked grin that would belong on mercenary not a noble.

“You are quite amusing Lord Tsarkov, but if you don’t mind me asking. What instructions did you receive? It seems the ambassador of a rival power is setting up a refuggee camp in and around the Embassy.” Uriel noted as she glanced around at the surroundings.

“Oh this? Well my job was to gather information on what was going on. If this place goes tits up the crown will want to know. Last thing we want is the damned demons getting a foothold here.

Also the Empress allowed me to offer you this courtesy. She expects your forces are spread thin and you might not have the time to scout the west. The Vampire counts has recently beaten back an incursion from Umbara, the demons aren’t only stirring shit in the east.” Tsarkov said and Uriel paused at those words and she narrowed her eyes slightly.

“And what courtesy would her grace ask for in return?” Uriel asked.

“Well the Empress did not specify but Grand General Ordias Derenge did mention asking you to perhaps mention to the Elves that they should stop attacking Necoronas.” Tsarkov said and his gaze grew uncertain as a thrill of fear passed acrossed his face.

“Is that so?” Uriel asked as she gazed at him intently.

“He meant it as advice Archangel, he would not be so presumptuous to make a request to you directly. It is just that… well… rumour has it the Great Beast’s patience is running thin with the Elves.” Tsarkov muttered as he looked away.

The fear for the Great Beast and his hive was not without reason. Although the common folk sees docile workers slaving away to secure their futures. The Empire's soldiers know the Hive's terror all too well. They were not created as labourers. They were created as weapons by the Old Gods themselves.

“Then perhaps it is time for me to bring this up to the council, thank you for your candour Lord Tsarkov.” Uriel replied courteously.

“Of course Archangel, both the Empress and myself believe cordial relations with High Heaven is to our mutual benefit. A war between us would serve neither side.” Tsarkov said as he gave her a bow.

“Now onto official matters, is there something I can assist you with Archangel?” Tsarkov asked.

“No, that is not necessary, I am just here to speak to some of the refugees here. You have done an admirable job ensuring the safety of this place.” Uriel said with a smile. She had read the reports and she was certainly surprised that someone from the Averlonian Empire would decided to help Divonia. Shamefully she also felt a little upset that he succeeded. Heaven was being outdone in almost every area.

“I have done only what my Empress commands. Her orders are clear, preserve the common folk. The aristocracy can fend for themselves, those who have fallen should face the fall. But these people have done nothing, they guilt belong to their leaders but the punishment was levied to them.” Tsarkov said sincerely.

“Then would you like to walk with me? This encampment is rather recent and I have yet to tour it.” Uriel stated.

Tsarkov looked away in apprehension for a moment before casting a doubtful glance at Uriel.

“I don’t think you will enjoy the company of my security detail. My Empress has given strict orders that I am not to leave the Embassy without them.” Tsarkov remarked uncomfortably.

“And who protects you?” Uriel asked as she looked around him. The place was unoccupied but she was no fool. She had heard how the Inquisitors in Divonia felt like they were being tailed. Uriel could cast a detection spell to reveal them but she felt that would be acting in poor faith.

Tsarkov just sighed as he snapped his fingers.

Instantly a pair of large towering Naga and a pair of Hive Creatures materialised. Her Silver Maiden guards all readied their weapons and the Naga did the same as they moved forward to shield Tsarkov.

Uriel raised a hand and gestured for her guards to stand down. The Silver Maidens hesitated for a moment before sheathing their weapons. The Naga snarled before stepping back, their heavy gold tridents glowing with powerful enchantments.

She recognised these Naga, they were Abyssal Guard, Serchax’s personal retinue. They guarded only the deepest of her halls. Rumours have it that Serchax had them selectively bred. They were towering monstronsities, each almost three meters tall, with arms as wide as tree trunks. They wielded two handed tridents that had prongs so thick they could be used as maces to bash their enemies into mush. Their strength was strong enough that they could splatter foes even underwater. Above ground, they were even stronger and faster. They were afterall accustomed to combat under the crushing weight of the ocean. They were large but not slow, quiet but far from dull.

“Will you stay your blades?” Uriel asked as she glared at the two naga.

“Our alliance binds us. As long as our charge is unharmed, we will not harm you.” one of the Abyssal Guards said, his voice deep and guttural like some kind of primal predator.

“Are those your orders?” Uriel asked.

“Yes the Mistress has commanded us to protect this place. The Hellspawn are wise enough to stay away and leave us in peace. I hope you will be as wise… although we will not be disappointed if you turn out to be foolish.” the Abyssal Guard said in challenge. One of her guards hissed in anger and took a step forward but with a wave of her hand she calmed the Silver Maiden.

“Sisters, this is neutral ground. We will not fall for petty provocations.” Uriel said calmly.

“As you command Archangel.” the Silver Maiden said in a clipped tone as she resumed her post behind Uriel.

“Shall we commence our walk?” Tsarkov asked as he glanced at the two Naga who let out snarls before retreating slightly.

“As long your monsters are leashed.” one of her guards said and Uriel rounded on her, eyes filled with fury. The Silver Maiden visibly wilted under Uriel’s gaze and the Naga laughed.

“It seems you are the one on a leash Angel.” the Naga said with a deep rumbling chuckle.

“My sisters and I believe in loyalty, not leashes Naga.” Uriel replied calmly and the Naga just laughed in response.

“The High Heavens. Traitors all.” the Naga rumbled in response.

“Your loyalty to the Old Gods is admirable Abyssal Guard, but I hope you will forgive us if we do not wish to live under their crushing tyranny.” Uriel replied diplomatically.

“Save your justifications Seraphim. You are no better than the masters you claim to overthrow. You nothing but a pale shadow of the real thing. Like it or not, this world operates on a simple rule. The strong do as they will, the weak suffer what they must.” the Naga replied and Uriel narrowed her eyes at those words.

“Atazza, Sazsu. Perhaps you two could take the lead through the encampment. You have proven effective at sniffing out demons.” Tsarkov said suddenly, cutting through the thorny brush this conversation had become.

“As you command Ambassador.” the one named Atazza said as he moved forward.

“Feel free to cower behind us, Angel,” Sazsu said as he moved past the Silver Maidens. Uriel shot her glare before she could retort, and Uriel saw her bite her lip as she shifted position to the rear.

“Yael, perhaps you could attend me as well.” Uriel said and the small Cherubim nodded hesitantly before falling in step behind. Yael nervously cluthed the light spear in his hands as he glanced nervously at the hulking backs of the Abyssal Guard.

“I can feel your gaze rat.” Atazza grumbled and Yael visibly jumped in fear. But he put on a brave face and soldiered on.

“Please do not antagonise my soldiers.” Uriel said, a dangerous edge in her voice.

“As you say Angel.” Atazza replied, spitting the word Angel like it was slur. His tone betrayed that he was not intimidated in the slightest. Uriel internally sighed, she could easily defeat these two but they were fanatics. They feared Serchax’s enemies as much as they feared water.

“Now then what shall we visit first? Perhaps the Chapel.” Tsarkov said his tone calm, completely unfazed by the blatant hostility crackling in the air.

“Yes perhaps that would be a good start.” Uriel said as she followed in step with Tsarkov.

The two Naga hearing this took a turn at one of the winding streets and started to move with more purpose.

“So you get your additional provisions from the canal behind the Embassy.” Uriel stated and Tsarkov nodded amicably.

“The Divonian Crown is desperate for supplies and gold. If we imported through normal channels they would be taxed and tithed until only crumbs remained. However, if we imported the supplies in as supplies for the Embassy it is exempt from all taxation, tithes and inspections.” Tsarkov said and Sazsu let out a chuckle at those words.

“We guard the ships, the very same species that ravages their waters. The ships then hand over the supplies to the Embassy of an Empire that is ruled by an Ancient Beast. Who also commands a Hive. We then pass it on to one of your rats to distribute.

The weaklings they call nobles in this land have neither the strength nor will to contest this state of affairs.” Sazsu said with another grumbling chuckle.

“The Divonian Crown and Aristocracy does not see the value in atagonising powers far beyond them. Afterall you kin are the only thing stopping the demons from devouring this nation whole.” Tsarkov said to Uriel before giving Yael an approving nod.

“Your Cherubim do good work, my forces have saved a few of your Cherubim in a pinch. This safe zone is technically not sovereign ground of the Averlonian Empire and technically our military presence here is an invasion.” Tsarkov mused as he stroked his beard.

“Yet the Crown permits it, because they cannot contest it.” Uriel stated.

“Not exactly…” Tsarkov said with a rather sheepish smile.

“Yes… not exactly…” Yael muttered from her side.

“What do you mean Ambassador?” Uriel asked as she turned to look at Tsarkov.

“This an escape route, if they lose control of the Empire the demons. The Embassy is both safety and an escape route. Cowards all.” Atazza said with a laugh.

“More blunt than how I would have said it but yes essentially that is the gist of it. I have also sent some assurances to the aristocracy regarding asylum here should they require it. Some have taken up the offer, some have reacted rather poorly. Well… one of them anyway.” Tsarkov said as he grimaced.

“A disgraced noble arrived at our gates, demanding we return the sovereign territory. In his rage he violated the boundry of the Embassy and attempted to attack me.” Tsarkov admitted with a small sigh. At those words the Atazza laughed again.

“We ate well that day.” Atazza said and Sazsu laughed as well.

“Yes, it was rather illustrative demonstration of Naga eating habits. He had no idea my guards were there of course thanks to concealment spells but it was illustrative regardless. It turns out tridents work quite well as forks. Seems quite obvious really in hindsight.” Tsarkov said nonchalantly.

“Tridents work well for a great many things.” Atazza said as he suddenly stopped.

Uriel sensed something in the crowd around them. The people were looking apprehensively at them but some had a different look in their eyes. This place may not have active demon warriors but spies and infiltrators could still slip the net.

Atazza sniffed the air and let out a growl.

“I smell Hellspawn…” Atazza said as he readied his weapon. Uriel sensed it too, her centuries of fighting demons were not wasted on just pure combat.

Ready yourself sisters, I smell brimstone.

It seems your nose works Archangel

They are close, very close…

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