Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 369 - 369 She went too far

369 She went too far

Concubine Xin did not think that what she was thinking was wrong at all, after all, why will the queen ask for the guards to bring a pole? Isn’t it because she wanted to hit her with something heavy and teach her a good lesson? The more Concubine Xin thought the more she felt that what she was thinking was reasonable which was why she nodded to herself and then started to act out her part.

She raised her body from the chair and with a plop she went down on her knees, ” Your majesty,” she cried dramatically, her voice loud enough for the people to hear her from the outside. ” Please do not hurt me, I am sorry …this poor concubine did not know that her words will cause you to get angry which is why I will beg for your forgiveness…what in the world is that?”

Concubine Xin was going all out but then she saw the guards bringing a very sturdy and long pole with a round bottom at the base and her eyes widened, was the Queen going to tie her to that thing and hit her with a whip, she …she was too ruthless!

” My queen!” Concubine Xin was worried that she will be whipped which was why she turned to look at Liu Hui Ying and begged, this time a bit more sincerely. ” I apologise but please don’t do this to me.”

However, her voice trailed off as the guards retreated and then closed the flap of the tent while Liu Hui Ying took out her outer garment causing Nanny Gong to shriek in pure agony and pain. ” Oh dear lord, take me…take my soul and dump it in hell if you wish but I cannot watch this!”

Her shriek caused Concubine Xin to cover her chest as she looked at Liu Hui Ying whose expression did not look too kind or even normal. What…what was going to happen to her now? Was the queen ——

Concubine Xin’s eyes widened as she looked at Liu Hui Ying, she had once heard from her mother that a woman who could not get enough action on the bed with the Emperor would turn to the women in the harem …don’t tell her——-

” Your majesty, for the love of god please spare me!” Concubine Xin cried in sheer terror while Liu Hui Ying raised the skirt that she was wearing up to her calves and then said, “It’s too late for you to beg now!”



” What did you say?” Zhai Tianyu was sure that he was mishearing things but then he heard the eunuch who was supposed to be keeping eye on the Queen shiver with his head lowered as he repeated what he just said, ” The third concubine has gone to see her majesty.”

Zhai Tianyu’s first reaction was to stand up from the seat in which he was sitting before he started to pace in the tent where he was staying. He did not wish to create misunderstanding between him and his wife but it was as if their relationship was bound to fill with them, a few days ago, Ji Yang and his supporting ministers came to him and told him that he needed to take another Concubine since the number of women in the harem has become uneven.

At first, he wanted to deny but then when his uncle told him that they needed the support of the Xin family, Zhai Tianyu had no other choice but to agree with him, though he knew that Ji Yang was only doing this to regain some lost face as long as he did not go too far Zhai Tianyu was going to let him have his way, at least then the man would not doubt him.

He went to Concubine Xin’s place and did what he did with every concubine, he waited until she slept under the effect of incense and then dropped a bit of pig’s blood on the bed sheet to make it look like something happened when nothing happened in reality, and the reason he promoted her was such that she will not come harping on his back and her family will stay away from him as well but he did not expect that this woman was even more idiotic than he thought she was —— just what kind of a freaking idiot will go and meet the queen?

After spending just one week in the imperial harem? It was fine if she wanted to die but ….

” Why did she have to drag me to this newly dug pit of death and decay?” Zhai Tianyu dragged his hands over his face as he groaned. All he wanted was a day of peace and yet he could not get one!

He turned to look at the eunuch who jumped in fear upon seeing the expression of the king and then heard the king say, ” How long has it been since concubine Xin went to look for her Majesty?”

” It…It has been more than half an hour…” the eunuch replied while trembling like a quail and Zhai Tianyu who was looking at him tilted his head with a disbelieving look on his face as he said in a loud voice, ” And you are telling me this now? Are you out of your freaking mind!”

With that, he wore his shoes in a hurry and then rushed out of the tent while being chased by the eunuch who fell a step behind his master and screamed after the Emperor, ” Your majesty, the Emperor’s pace is supposed to be dignified, calm and unhurried like the peace of the nation—— Gack!”

The man who was speaking felt his collar getting pulled in front by the Emperor who stopped in his path and then turned to look at the eunuch with a serious expression on his face, ” You know what, Eunuch Yao? You are like half an hour late when I told you that you need to relay everything that is happening to the Queen in just ten minutes!”

” I apologise, your majesty …I...I made a mistake,” the eunuch lowered his head as he apologetically looked at the Emperor who laughed mockingly and then sneered before coldly saying, ” You are right, you have made a mistake but do you have any idea how much this mistake of yours is going to create a drama, where my manhood will be on placed on stake? Do you know it, you don’t, right?” When the man shook his head, Zhai Tianyu smiled and then said, ” So Shut up and let me run as I want!”


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